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QM: Hydrogen radial wavefunctions added
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Tests and doctests added. The wavefunctions were carefully checked one by one
for all (n, l) with n <= 4 and all those are tested. We also test the
normalization for all n <= 2.
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certik committed Jul 27, 2010
1 parent b2a8f2f commit fd0ed83
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Showing 2 changed files with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions sympy/physics/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from sympy import factorial, sqrt, exp, S, laguerre_l

def R_nl(n, l, a, r):
Returns the Hydrogen radial wavefunction R_{nl}.
n, l .... quantum numbers 'n' and 'l'
a .... Bohr radius \hbar^2 / (Z*M)
r .... radial coordinate
>>> from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl
>>> from sympy import var
>>> var("r a")
(r, a)
>>> R_nl(1, 0, a, r)
>>> R_nl(2, 0, a, r)
2**(1/2)*(a**(-3))**(1/2)*(2 - r/a)*exp(-r/(2*a))/4
>>> R_nl(2, 1, a, r)
In most cases you probably want to set a=1::
>>> R_nl(1, 0, 1, r)
>>> R_nl(2, 0, 1, r)
2**(1/2)*(2 - r)*exp(-r/2)/4
>>> R_nl(3, 0, 1, r)
2*3**(1/2)*(3 - 2*r + 2*r**2/9)*exp(-r/3)/27
The normalization of the radial wavefunction is::
>>> from sympy import integrate, oo
>>> integrate(R_nl(1, 0, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> integrate(R_nl(2, 0, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo))
>>> integrate(R_nl(2, 1, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo))
# sympify arguments
n, l, a, r = S(n), S(l), S(a), S(r)
# radial quantum number
n_r = n - l - 1
# rescaled "r"
r0 = 2 * r / (n * a)
# normalization coefficient
C = sqrt((S(2)/(n*a))**3 * factorial(n_r) / (2*n*factorial(n+l)))
return C * r0**l * laguerre_l(n_r, 2*l+1, r0) * exp(-r0/2)
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions sympy/physics/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
from sympy import var, sqrt, exp, simplify, S, integrate, oo
from sympy.physics.hydrogen import R_nl

var("a r")

def test_wavefunction():
R = {
(1, 0): 2*sqrt(1/a**3) * exp(-r/a),
(2, 0): sqrt(1/(2*a**3)) * exp(-r/(2*a)) * (1-r/(2*a)),
(2, 1): S(1)/2 * sqrt(1/(6*a**3)) * exp(-r/(2*a)) * r/a,
(3, 0): S(2)/3 * sqrt(1/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * \
(1-2*r/(3*a) + S(2)/27 * (r/a)**2),
(3, 1): S(4)/27 * sqrt(2/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * \
(1-r/(6*a)) * r/a,
(3, 2): S(2)/81 * sqrt(2/(15*a**3)) * exp(-r/(3*a)) * (r/a)**2,
(4, 0): S(1)/4 * sqrt(1/a**3) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * \
(1-3*r/(4*a)+S(1)/8 * (r/a)**2-S(1)/192 * (r/a)**3),
(4, 1): S(1)/16 * sqrt(5/(3*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * \
(1-r/(4*a)+S(1)/80 * (r/a)**2) * (r/a),
(4, 2): S(1)/64 * sqrt(1/(5*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * \
(1-r/(12*a)) * (r/a)**2,
(4, 3): S(1)/768 * sqrt(1/(35*a**3)) * exp(-r/(4*a)) * (r/a)**3,
for n, l in R:
assert simplify(R_nl(n, l, a, r) - R[(n, l)]) == 0

def test_norm():
# Maximum "n" which is tested:
n_max = 2
# you can test any n and it works, but it's slow, so it's commented out:
#n_max = 4
for n in range(n_max+1):
for l in range(n):
assert integrate(R_nl(n, l, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)) == 1

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