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Major refactoring of Sequel::Migrator
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This changes Sequel::Migrator from a module operating as a
singleton, to a regular class.  Individual migrator runs are now
migrator instances, which simplifies much of the code.  Previously,
almost all methods were public module methods that had to accept
arguments, since no state was saved. Now, all state is created
in the initialize method, and most methods are private instance
methods that use the saved state instead of accepting
  • Loading branch information
jeremyevans committed May 11, 2010
1 parent ae885f4 commit d9b4db7
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Showing 2 changed files with 108 additions and 61 deletions.
165 changes: 106 additions & 59 deletions lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ def self.migration(&block)
# You can apply migrations using the Migrator API, as well (this is necessary
# if you want to specify the version from which to migrate in addition to the version
# to which to migrate).
# To apply a migration, the #apply method must be invoked with the database
# To apply a migration, the +apply+ method must be invoked with the database
# instance, the directory of migration files and the target version. If
# no current version is supplied, it is read from the database. The migrator
# automatically creates a schema_info table in the database to keep track
Expand All @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ def self.migration(&block)
# To migrate the database from version 1 to version 5:
# Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.', 5, 1)
module Migrator
class Migrator
MIGRATION_FILE_PATTERN = /\A\d+_.+\.rb\z/.freeze
Expand All @@ -201,113 +201,160 @@ def self.apply(db, directory, target = nil, current = nil)

# Migrates the supplied database using the migration files in the the specified directory. Options:
# * :column - The column in the :table argument storing the migration version (default: :version).
# * :current - The current version of the database. If not given, it is retrieved from the database
# using the :table and :column options.
# * :table - The table containing the schema version (default: :schema_info).
# * :target - The target version to which to migrate. If not given, migrates to the maximum version.
# * :column :: The column in the :table argument storing the migration version (default: :version).
# * :current :: The current version of the database. If not given, it is retrieved from the database
# using the :table and :column options.
# * :table :: The table containing the schema version (default: :schema_info).
# * :target :: The target version to which to migrate. If not given, migrates to the maximum version.
# Examples:
#, "migrations")
#, "migrations", :target=>15, :current=>10)
#, "app1/migrations", :column=> :app2_version)
#, "app2/migrations", :column => :app2_version, :table=>:schema_info2)
def, directory, opts={})
raise(Error, "Must supply a valid migration path") unless directory and
raise(Error, "No current version available") unless current = opts[:current] || get_current_migration_version(db, opts)
raise(Error, "No target version available") unless target = opts[:target] || latest_migration_version(directory)
new(db, directory, opts).run

# The column to use to hold the migration version number (defaults to :version)
attr_reader :column

# The current version for this migrator
attr_reader :current

# The database related to this migrator
attr_reader :db

# The direction of the migrator, either :up or :down
attr_reader :direction

# The directory for this migrator's files
attr_reader :directory

direction = current < target ? :up : :down
classes = migration_classes(directory, target, current, direction)
versions = direction == :up ? ((current+1) : (target..(current - 1)).to_a.reverse
# The schema info dataset for this migrator
attr_reader :ds

# All migration files in this migrator's directory
attr_reader :files

# The migrations used by this migrator
attr_reader :migrations

# The table to use to hold the migration version number (defaults to :schema_info)
attr_reader :table

# The target version for this migrator
attr_reader :target

# Set up all state for the migrator instance
def initialize(db, directory, opts={})
@db = db
@directory = directory
@files = get_migration_files
@table = opts[:table] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_TABLE
@column = opts[:column] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_COLUMN
@ds = schema_info_dataset
@target = opts[:target] || latest_migration_version
@current = opts[:current] || current_migration_version
@direction = current < target ? :up : :down
@migrations = get_migrations

# Make sure the schema info table exists
schema_info_dataset(db, opts)
raise(Error, "Must supply a valid migration path") unless
raise(Error, "No current version available") unless current
raise(Error, "No target version available") unless target
end do |c, v|
# Apply all migrations on the database
def run do |m, v|
db.transaction do
c.apply(db, direction)
set_current_migration_version(db, v, opts)
m.apply(db, direction)



# Gets the current migration version stored in the database. If no version
# number is stored, 0 is returned.
def self.get_current_migration_version(db, opts={})
(schema_info_dataset(db, opts).first || {})[opts[:column] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_COLUMN] || 0
def current_migration_version
ds.get(column) || 0

# Returns the latest version available in the specified directory.
def self.latest_migration_version(directory)
l = migration_files(directory).last
l ? migration_version_from_file(File.basename(l)) : nil
# Returns any found migration files in the supplied directory.
def get_migration_files
files = [] do |file|
next unless MIGRATION_FILE_PATTERN.match(file)
version = migration_version_from_file(file)
raise(Error, "Duplicate migration version: #{version}") if files[version]
files[version] = File.join(directory, file)
1.upto(files.length - 1){|i| raise(Error, "Missing migration version: #{i}") unless files[i]}

# Returns a list of migration classes filtered for the migration range and
# ordered according to the migration direction.
def self.migration_classes(directory, target, current, direction)
range = direction == :up ?
(current + 1) : (target + 1)..current

def get_migrations
# Remove class definitions
Migration.descendants.each do |c|
Object.send(:remove_const, c.to_s) rescue nil
Migration.descendants.clear # remove any defined migration classes

# load migration files
migration_files(directory, range).each {|fn| load(fn)}
files[up? ? (current + 1) : (target + 1)..current].compact.each{|f| load(f)}

# get migration classes
classes = Migration.descendants
classes.reverse! if direction == :down
up? ? classes : classes.reverse

# Returns any found migration files in the supplied directory.
def self.migration_files(directory, range = nil)
files = [] do |file|
next unless MIGRATION_FILE_PATTERN.match(file)
version = migration_version_from_file(file)
raise(Error, "Duplicate migration version: #{version}") if files[version]
files[version] = File.join(directory, file)
1.upto(files.length - 1){|i| raise(Error, "Missing migration version: #{i}") unless files[i]}
filtered = range ? files[range] : files
filtered ? filtered.compact : []
# Returns the latest version available in the specified directory.
def latest_migration_version
l = files.last
l ? migration_version_from_file(File.basename(l)) : nil

# Return the integer migration version based on the filename.
def migration_version_from_file(filename)
filename.split(MIGRATION_SPLITTER, 2).first.to_i

# Returns the dataset for the schema_info table. If no such table
# exists, it is automatically created.
def self.schema_info_dataset(db, opts={})
column = opts[:column] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_COLUMN
table = opts[:table] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_TABLE
def schema_info_dataset
c = column
ds = db.from(table)
if !db.table_exists?(table)
db.create_table(table){Integer column, :default=>0}
elsif !ds.columns.include?(column)
db.alter_table(table){add_column column, Integer, :default=>0}
db.create_table(table){Integer c, :default=>0}
elsif !ds.columns.include?(c)
db.alter_table(table){add_column c, Integer, :default=>0}
ds.insert(column=>0) if ds.empty?
ds.insert(c=>0) if ds.empty?
raise(Error, "More than 1 row in migrator table") if ds.count > 1

# Sets the current migration version stored in the database.
def self.set_current_migration_version(db, version, opts={})
column = opts[:column] || DEFAULT_SCHEMA_COLUMN
dataset = schema_info_dataset(db, opts)
dataset.send(dataset.first ? :update : :insert, column => version)
def set_migration_version(version)

# Return the integer migration version based on the filename.
def self.migration_version_from_file(filename) # :nodoc:
filename.split(MIGRATION_SPLITTER, 2).first.to_i
# Whether or not this is an up migration
def up?
direction == :up

# An array of numbers corresponding to the migrations,
# so that each number in the array is the migration version
# that will be in affect after the migration is run.
def version_numbers
up? ? ((current+1) : (target..(current - 1)).to_a.reverse
private_class_method :migration_version_from_file
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions spec/extensions/migration_spec.rb
Expand Up @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ def dataset(opts={})
ds.extend( do
def count; 1; end
def columns; db.columns_created end
def insert(h); db.versions.merge!(h); super(h) rescue nil end
def update(h); db.versions.merge!(h); super(h) end
def insert(h); db.versions.merge!(h); db.sqls << insert_sql(h) end
def update(h); db.versions.merge!(h); db.sqls << update_sql(h) end
def fetch_rows(sql); db.execute(sql); yield(db.versions) unless db.versions.empty? end
Expand Down

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