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Add attributes and inline ragel machines, and make most things work
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olabini committed Oct 22, 2008
1 parent 8279c7d commit 53d9601
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Showing 5 changed files with 770 additions and 270 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ namespace "jruby" do
ensure_ragel_version("") do
puts "compiling with ragel version #{@ragel_v}"
sh %{ragel -J -o ext/redcloth_scan/ ext/redcloth_scan/}
sh %{ragel -J -o ext/redcloth_scan/ ext/redcloth_scan/}
sh %{ragel -J -o ext/redcloth_scan/ ext/redcloth_scan/}

Expand All @@ -282,14 +284,14 @@ namespace "jruby" do
classpath ? "-cp #{classpath}" : ""

def compile_java(filename, jarname)
sh %{javac -source 1.5 -target 1.5 #{java_classpath_arg} #{filename}}
def compile_java(filenames, jarname)
sh %{javac -source 1.5 -target 1.5 #{java_classpath_arg} #{filenames.join(" ")}}
sh %{jar cf #{jarname} *.class}

task :redcloth_scan_java => [:ragel_java] do
Dir.chdir "ext/redcloth_scan" do
compile_java("", "redcloth_scan.jar")
compile_java(["", "", ""], "redcloth_scan.jar")
cp "ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_scan.jar", "lib"
Expand Down
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions ext/redcloth_scan/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* redcloth_attributes.rl
* Copyright (C) 2008 Jason Garber

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyNumeric;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallbackFactory;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.runtime.load.BasicLibraryService;

import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

public class RedclothAttributes extends RedclothScanService.Base {


machine redcloth_attributes;
include redcloth_common "";

C2_CLAS = ( "(" ( [^)#]+ >A %{ STORE("class_buf"); } )? ("#" [^)]+ >A %{STORE("id_buf");} )? ")" ) ;
C2_LNGE = ( "[" [^\]]+ >A %{ STORE("lang_buf"); } "]" ) ;
C2_STYL = ( "{" [^}]+ >A %{ STORE("style_buf"); } "}" ) ;
C2 = ( C2_CLAS | C2_STYL | C2_LNGE )+ ;

mtext_with_attributes = ( C2 mtext >A %T ) >X ;

inline := |*

mtext_with_attributes { SET_ATTRIBUTES(); } ;


link_text_with_attributes = C2 "."* " "* ( mtext+ ) >A %{ STORE("name"); } ;
link_text_without_attributes = ( mtext+ ) >B %{ STORE_B("name_without_attributes"); } ;

link_says := |*

link_text_with_attributes { SET_ATTRIBUTES(); } ;
link_text_without_attributes { SET_ATTRIBUTE("name_without_attributes", "name"); } ;



%% write data nofinal;

public void SET_ATTRIBUTES() {
SET_ATTRIBUTE("class_buf", "class");
SET_ATTRIBUTE("id_buf", "id");
SET_ATTRIBUTE("lang_buf", "lang");
SET_ATTRIBUTE("style_buf", "style");

public void SET_ATTRIBUTE(String B, String A) {
buf = ((RubyHash)regs).aref(runtime.newSymbol(B));
if(!buf.isNil()) {
((RubyHash)regs).aset(runtime.newSymbol(A), buf);

private int machine;
private IRubyObject buf;

public RedclothAttributes(int machine, IRubyObject self, byte[] data, int p, int pe) {
// System.err.println("RedclothAttributes(data.len: " + data.length + ", p: " + p + ", pe: " + pe + ")");
this.runtime = self.getRuntime();
this.self = self; = data;
this.p = p; = p+pe;
this.eof = p+pe;
this.regs = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
this.buf = runtime.getNil();
this.machine = machine;

public IRubyObject parse() {
%% write init;

cs = machine;

%% write exec;

return regs;

public static IRubyObject attributes(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject str) {
ByteList bl = str.convertToString().getByteList();
int cs = redcloth_attributes_en_inline;
return new RedclothAttributes(cs, self, bl.bytes, bl.begin, bl.realSize).parse();

public static IRubyObject link_attributes(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject str) {
ByteList bl = str.convertToString().getByteList();
int cs = redcloth_attributes_en_link_says;
return new RedclothAttributes(cs, self, bl.bytes, bl.begin, bl.realSize).parse();
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ext/redcloth_scan/
Expand Up @@ -112,10 +112,10 @@

# conditionals
action starts_line {
p == orig_p || *(p-1) == '\r' || *(p-1) == '\n' || *(p-1) == '\f'
p == orig_p || data[(p-1)] == '\r' || data[(p-1)] == '\n' || data[(p-1)] == '\f'
action starts_phrase {
p == orig_p || *(p-1) == '\r' || *(p-1) == '\n' || *(p-1) == '\f' || *(p-1) == ' '
p == orig_p || data[(p-1)] == '\r' || data[(p-1)] == '\n' || data[(p-1)] == '\f' || data[(p-1)] == ' '

247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions ext/redcloth_scan/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
* redcloth_inline.rl
* Copyright (C) 2008 Jason Garber

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyNumeric;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallbackFactory;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.runtime.load.BasicLibraryService;

import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

public class RedclothInline extends RedclothScanService.Base {


machine redcloth_inline;
include redcloth_common "";

# links
mtext_noquotes = mtext -- '"' ;
quoted_mtext = '"' mtext_noquotes '"' ;
mtext_including_quotes = (mtext_noquotes ' "' mtext_noquotes '" ' mtext_noquotes?)+ ;
link_says = ( C_noactions "."* " "* ((quoted_mtext | mtext_including_quotes | mtext_noquotes) -- '":') ) >A %{ STORE("link_text"); } ;
link_says_noquotes_noactions = ( C_noquotes_noactions "."* " "* ((mtext_noquotes) -- '":') ) ;
link = ( '"' link_says '":' %A uri %{ STORE_URL("href"); } ) >X ;
link_noquotes_noactions = ( '"' link_says_noquotes_noactions '":' uri ) ;
bracketed_link = ( '["' link_says '":' %A uri %{ STORE("href"); } :> "]" ) >X ;

# images
image_src = ( uri ) >A %{ STORE("src"); } ;
image_is = ( A2 C ". "? image_src :> title? ) ;
image_link = ( ":" uri >A %{ STORE_URL("href"); } ) ;
image = ( "["? "!" image_is "!" %A image_link? "]"? ) >X ;

# footnotes
footno = "[" >X %A digit+ %T "]" ;

# markup
end_markup_phrase = (" " | PUNCT | EOF | LF) @{ fhold; };
code = "["? "@" >X mtext >A %T :> "@" "]"? ;
code_tag_start = "<code" [^>]* ">" ;
code_tag_end = "</code>" ;
script_tag = ( "<script" [^>]* ">" (default+ -- "</script>") "</script>" LF? ) >X >A %T ;
notextile = "<notextile>" >X (default+ -- "</notextile>") >A %T "</notextile>";
strong = "["? "*" >X mtext >A %T :> "*" "]"? ;
b = "["? "**" >X mtext >A %T :> "**" "]"? ;
em = "["? "_" >X mtext >A %T :> "_" "]"? ;
i = "["? "__" >X mtext >A %T :> "__" "]"? ;
del = "[-" >X C ( mtext ) >A %T :>> "-]" ;
emdash_parenthetical_phrase_with_spaces = " -- " mtext " -- " ;
del_phrase = (( " " >A %{ STORE("beginning_space"); } "-") >X C ( mtext ) >A %T :>> ( "-" end_markup_phrase )) - emdash_parenthetical_phrase_with_spaces ;
ins = "["? "+" >X mtext >A %T :> "+" "]"? ;
sup = "[^" >X mtext >A %T :> "^]" ;
sup_phrase = ( "^" when starts_phrase) >X ( mtext ) >A %T :>> ( "^" end_markup_phrase ) ;
sub = "[~" >X mtext >A %T :> "~]" ;
sub_phrase = ( "~" when starts_phrase) >X ( mtext ) >A %T :>> ( "~" end_markup_phrase ) ;
span = "[%" >X mtext >A %T :> "%]" ;
span_phrase = (("%" when starts_phrase) >X ( mtext ) >A %T :>> ( "%" end_markup_phrase )) ;
cite = "["? "??" >X mtext >A %T :> "??" "]"? ;
ignore = "["? "==" >X %A mtext %T :> "==" "]"? ;
snip = "["? "```" >X %A mtext %T :> "```" "]"? ;

# quotes
quote1 = "'" >X %A mtext %T :> "'" ;
non_quote_chars_or_link = (chars -- '"') | link_noquotes_noactions ;
mtext_inside_quotes = ( non_quote_chars_or_link (mspace non_quote_chars_or_link)* ) ;
html_tag_up_to_attribute_quote = "<" Name space+ NameAttr space* "=" space* ;
quote2 = ('"' >X %A ( mtext_inside_quotes - (mtext_inside_quotes html_tag_up_to_attribute_quote ) ) %T :> '"' ) ;
multi_paragraph_quote = (('"' when starts_line) >X %A ( chars -- '"' ) %T );

# html
start_tag = ( "<" Name space+ AttrSet* (AttrEnd)? ">" | "<" Name ">" ) >X >A %T ;
empty_tag = ( "<" Name space+ AttrSet* (AttrEnd)? "/>" | "<" Name "/>" ) >X >A %T ;
end_tag = ( "</" Name space* ">" ) >X >A %T ;
html_comment = ("<!--" (default+) :>> "-->") >X >A %T;

# glyphs
ellipsis = ( " "? >A %T "..." ) >X ;
emdash = "--" ;
arrow = "->" ;
endash = " - " ;
acronym = ( [A-Z] >A [A-Z0-9]{2,} %T "(" default+ >A %{ STORE("title"); } :> ")" ) >X ;
caps_noactions = upper{3,} ;
caps = ( caps_noactions >A %*T ) >X ;
dim_digit = [0-9.]+ ;
prime = ("'" | '"')?;
dim_noactions = dim_digit prime (("x" | " x ") dim_digit prime) %T (("x" | " x ") dim_digit prime)? ;
dim = dim_noactions >X >A %T ;
tm = [Tt] [Mm] ;
trademark = " "? ( "[" tm "]" | "(" tm ")" ) ;
reg = [Rr] ;
registered = " "? ( "[" reg "]" | "(" reg ")" ) ;
cee = [Cc] ;
copyright = ( "[" cee "]" | "(" cee ")" ) ;
entity = ( "&" %A ( '#' digit+ | ( alpha ( alpha | digit )+ ) ) %T ';' ) >X ;

# info
redcloth_version = "[RedCloth::VERSION]" ;

other_phrase = phrase -- dim_noactions;

code_tag := |*
code_tag_end { CAT(block); fgoto main; };
default => esc_pre;

main := |*

image { INLINE(block, "image"); };

link { PARSE_LINK_ATTR("link_text"); PASS(block, "name", "link"); };
bracketed_link { PARSE_LINK_ATTR("link_text"); PASS(block, "name", "link"); };

code { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS_CODE(block, "text", "code", opts); };
code_tag_start { CAT(block); fgoto code_tag; };
notextile { INLINE(block, "notextile"); };
strong { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "strong"); };
b { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "b"); };
em { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "em"); };
i { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "i"); };
del { PASS(block, "text", "del"); };
del_phrase { PASS(block, "text", "del_phrase"); };
ins { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "ins"); };
sup { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "sup"); };
sup_phrase { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "sup_phrase"); };
sub { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "sub"); };
sub_phrase { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "sub_phrase"); };
span { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "span"); };
span_phrase { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "span_phrase"); };
cite { PARSE_ATTR("text"); PASS(block, "text", "cite"); };
ignore => ignore;
snip { PASS(block, "text", "snip"); };
quote1 { PASS(block, "text", "quote1"); };
quote2 { PASS(block, "text", "quote2"); };
multi_paragraph_quote { PASS(block, "text", "multi_paragraph_quote"); };

ellipsis { INLINE(block, "ellipsis"); };
emdash { INLINE(block, "emdash"); };
endash { INLINE(block, "endash"); };
arrow { INLINE(block, "arrow"); };
caps { INLINE(block, "caps"); };
acronym { INLINE(block, "acronym"); };
dim { INLINE(block, "dim"); };
trademark { INLINE(block, "trademark"); };
registered { INLINE(block, "registered"); };
copyright { INLINE(block, "copyright"); };
footno { PASS(block, "text", "footno"); };
entity { INLINE(block, "entity"); };

script_tag { INLINE(block, "inline_html"); };
start_tag { INLINE(block, "inline_html"); };
end_tag { INLINE(block, "inline_html"); };
empty_tag { INLINE(block, "inline_html"); };
html_comment { INLINE(block, "inline_html"); };

redcloth_version { INLINE(block, "inline_redcloth_version"); };

other_phrase => esc;
PUNCT => esc;
space => esc;




%% write data nofinal;

public IRubyObject red_pass_code(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject regs, IRubyObject ref, String meth) {
IRubyObject txt = ((RubyHash)regs).aref(ref);
if(!txt.isNil()) {
IRubyObject txt2 = RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime);
strCatEscapedForPreformatted(self, txt2, ((RubyString)txt).getByteList().bytes, ((RubyString)txt).getByteList().begin, ((RubyString)txt).getByteList().begin + ((RubyString)txt).getByteList().realSize);
((RubyHash)regs).aset(ref, txt2);
return self.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), meth, regs);

public IRubyObject red_parse_attr(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject regs, IRubyObject ref) {
IRubyObject txt = ((RubyHash)regs).aref(ref);
IRubyObject new_regs = RedclothAttributes.attributes(self, txt);
return regs.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "update", new_regs);

public IRubyObject red_parse_link_attr(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject regs, IRubyObject ref) {
IRubyObject txt = ((RubyHash)regs).aref(ref);
IRubyObject new_regs = RedclothAttributes.link_attributes(self, txt);
return regs.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "update", new_regs);

public void PASS_CODE(IRubyObject H, String A, String T, int O) {
((RubyString)H).append(red_pass_code(self, regs, runtime.newSymbol(A), T));

public void PARSE_ATTR(String A) {
red_parse_attr(self, regs, runtime.newSymbol(A));

public void PARSE_LINK_ATTR(String A) {
red_parse_link_attr(self, regs, runtime.newSymbol(A));

private int opts;
private IRubyObject buf;

public RedclothInline(IRubyObject self, byte[] data, int p, int pe, IRubyObject refs) {
// System.err.println("RedclothInline(data.len: " + data.length + ", p: " + p + ", pe: " + pe + ")");
this.runtime = self.getRuntime();
this.self = self; = data;
this.p = p; = p+pe;
this.eof = p+pe;
this.refs = refs;
this.block = RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime);
this.regs = runtime.getNil();
this.opts = 0;
this.buf = runtime.getNil();

public IRubyObject inline() {
%% write init;
%% write exec;
return block;

public static IRubyObject inline2(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject str, IRubyObject refs) {
ByteList bl = str.convertToString().getByteList();
return new RedclothInline(self, bl.bytes, bl.begin, bl.realSize, refs).inline();

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