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How to start the application for development

  1. Redis should be running. If it's not, try redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf.
  2. Start Juggernaut with juggernaut.
  3. Start Rails with rails s.

Problems with sqlite3? bundle config build.sqlite3 --with-sqlite3-include=/usr/local/include --with-sqlite3-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-sqlite3-dir=/usr/local/bin


  • Alternate suits in suit order always.

  • "1 tricks left"

  • Flash the tab to pull focus back to the game if someone's doing another task in another browser tab.

  • Stats & analytics

  • Cleaning up orphan games (cron job that calls rake task).

  • Make a robot that plays the highest legal card, for testing purposes.

  • People with the same handle?

  • Use some of this code?

  • Remodeling along the lines of a Backbone app? Think of separation of concerns and small models. What does each piece have to know?

  • An observer to publish records?

  • Clean code that has gotten dirty.

  • Refactor the card code.

  • Write in pure node? No need to change the API, just the endpoint.

  • Routing from / into a random game with people waiting. Players get a url to share. At 4 the rando joining stops, because the game is in progress.

  • Multiple rounds?


A real-time multiplayer version of the game of Mindy Coat






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