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karnlund edited this page Dec 9, 2011 · 2 revisions

UI Objects

NSMatrix Based Controls


derived from: NSMatrix

A vertically expanding NSMatrix that contains other IATMidiBytePopUpButtonCell objects. As an initial message byte is chosen, the matrix expands or contracts vertically, and the lower cells adapt to the byte types that follow the initial message byte. Each cell automatically contains only the valid entries for the type of byte cell shown.

Todo: Add methods to return the bytes of the complete message and delegate notification calls to inform of content changes. The most likely scenarios is one where the app will query the contents at the time that it construct the midi packet, but every attempt will still be made for usage flexibility.

NSPopUpButton Based Controls


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A dynamic midi byte popup that can switch represented byte descriptions.

- (void)setupWithClassName:(NSString*)className;

Calling this method will switch which the byte description object that is used to populate the pop up list.

Midi Command Bytes Pop Up Buttons


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi note off command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi note on command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi polyphonic key pressure command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi control change command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi program change command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi channel pressure command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing all midi pitch wheel change command byte messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing a single midi system real-time start command byte message.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing a single midi system real-time stop command byte message.


derived from: IATMidiPopUpButton -> NSPopUpButton

A Pop Up Button containing a single midi system real-time continue command byte message.

Byte Description Objects


derived from: NSObject

Class for constructing arrays of strings that describe midi messages.


derived from: IATMidiByteDescriptionObject -> NSObject

Class for constructing arrays of strings that describe midi note off messages for all channels.


derived from: IATMidiByteDescriptionObject -> NSObject

Class for constructing arrays of strings that describe midi note on messages for all channels.

... (work in progress) ...