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Open Source Password Manager

  • encrypt your passwords securely in your own password manager
  • share with whoever you want your team, familiy or just friends
  • easily extensible thanks to it's app eco system

You want to learn more about Keestash?(

Get Keestash

Development Setup

!! Keestash switched local development from Vagrant to Docker !!

  • install Docker on your system.
  • generate certificate keys for SSL/TLS in config/docker/web/apache
    • alternatively, you can turn off SSL encryption in config/docker/web/apache/keestash.conf (not recommended)
  • Use the docker compose up command in the root folder to create a Docker container.
  • Run several commands within the Docker container in order:
    • Empty the config/config.php file if it exists, then use php ./bin/console.php keestash:install:config to add the required configuration parameters.
    • Execute php ./vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c config/phinx/instance.php to migrate core databases.
    • Run php ./vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c config/phinx/apps.php to migrate app databases.
    • Use php ./bin/console.php keestash:create-system-user to create a system user.
    • Use php ./bin/console.php install:instance-data to add instance-specific configurations.
      • In certain scenarios, if you encounter an error stating id and hash exists, ignore this step.
    • Execute php ./bin/console.php permission:create to create permissions.
    • Run php ./bin/console.php permission:role:create to create all roles.
    • Use php ./bin/console.php register:create-user to create a user account.
    • Run php ./bin/console.php permission:role:assign-all to assign all roles to the created user(s).
      • Make sure users are created before this step.
    • Use php ./bin/console.php keestash:environment:add --force environment dev to set the environment to dev for Keestash.
    • Execute php ./bin/console.php keestash:environment:add --force allowed.send.notifications false to disable sending of notifications (like email).
    • Start a daemon service by running php ./bin/console.php keestash:worker:run for asynchronous operations.

Keestash setup is complete and ready to use if none of the above steps yield an error. It is now possible to interact with the server using any available client.

  • Official Keestash Frontend (Link coming soon)