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This is an implementation of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm for finding the coarsest cellular refinement of a given partition of the Cartesian square of a finite set. This is implemented fundamentally in a matrix paradigm, where the finite set is realized as {0, 2, …, n − 1}, and the Cartesian square of the finite set is realized as the set of entries of an n × n matrix.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


  • Keshav Kini <> is me, the maintainer of this collection and author of a revised STABIL implementation, found in STABIL.c and associated files.
  • Luitpold Babel <> and Dmitrii Pasechnik <> are the authors of the original implementation (found in rus2.c) of the STABIL algorithm described in [Bab], from which description it departs somewhat. Luitpold Babel is also an author of the algorithm STABCOL and wrote the implementation of it found in ger1.c. Both of these files were made available by Dmitrii Pasechnik at <> under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.


A cellular partition of the Cartesian square of a finite set Ω is one satisfying two conditions:

  1. Given any three (not necessarily distinct) classes i, j, and k in the partition, the number of w in Ω such that (u, w) is in class i and (w, v) is in class j is constant over all pairs (u, v) in class k.
  2. Every class i in the partition must have a corresponding class j such that (u, v) is in class i if and only if (v, u) is in class j, for all u and v in Ω.

This definition can be restated in terms of the matrix paradigm described above. Supposing there are d many distinct entries in the matrix A representing the partition, create a series of matrices Ai with 0 < i ≤ d, such that the entries of Ai are equal to 1 where the corresponding entries of A were equal to i, and 0 where the entries of A were anything other than i. (Note that $\sum_{i=1}^d A_i$ is the identity matrix.)

Then the partition represented by A is cellular if and only if for every i and j, the matrix AiAj can be written as a linear combination of the various Ak for 0 < k ≤ d. The coefficients may come from any ring containing the integers, but it can be shown that circumstances of these matrices then force the coefficients to be nonnegative integers. This means that the matrices Ai form the basis for a matrix algebra, which is one of the motivations for the concept.

A partition is furthermore called coherent if it is cellular and each of its classes lies fully on or fully off the diagonal of the Cartesian square in question. Equivalently in matrix terms, no entries on the diagonal can be equal to any entries off the diagonal of the matrix representing the partition.

Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm

The Weisfeiler-Leman refinement algorithm accepts as input an arbitrary partition of the Cartesian square of a finite set Ω. It then finds the coarsest partition which is a refinement of the input partition and is also a cellular partition. This exists and is unique. The main application of the algorithm is in graph theory, where the Cartesian square of a finite set V is viewed as the list of all edges and vertices of the complete graph on the vertex set V. A partition of this set is then a coloring of the edges and vertices of the complete graph on V.

A non-complete graph on V can be identified with a coloring of the complete graph using two colors, "existent" and "non-existent" for the edges, and a third color for the vertices. Then the automorphism partition of the resulting graph can be defined as the finest refinement of the coloring that is still invariant under all automorphisms of the original graph (i.e. no vertex or edge will change color when the vertex permutation described by a particular automorphism of the graph is applied to the vertex set).

It is known that the Weisfeiler-Leman refinement of a partition arising from a graph coloring as described above is a both a refinement of the original coloring and a coarsening of the automorphism partition. The determination of the automorphism partition is an important problem in graph theory, and the Weisfeiler-Leman refinement can be considered a polynomial-time approximation.

For a more in-depth treatment of how the algorithm works, please refer to [Bab].


The files provided in this package are as follows:

  • LICENSE: the GNU General Public License v3, under which this code is released.
  • Makefile: the makefile.
  • germ1.c: Luitpold Babel's implementation of the STABCOL algorithm, slightly modified to uniformize how it handles input and output. Builds to STABCOL.
  • rus2.c: Luitpold Babel's and Dmitrii Pasechnik's implementation of the STABIL algorithm, similarly I/O-uniformized. Builds to STABIL.old.
  • STABIL.c, STABIL.h, STABIL-tests.h, main.c: My implementation of the STABIL algorithm based on the above. Various changes/improvements are detailed in the code comment at the beginning of STABIL.c. Builds to STABIL.
  • *.in: input files for STABIL, STABIL.old, and STABCOL.
  • wlrefine.pyx: a Cython file implementing a wrapper for my new STABIL code, which allows it to be called from the Sage mathematical software distribution. It also provides a function which directly interprets a Sage graph (or NetworkX graph).
  • README: this file.
  • README.old: the README that Luitpold Babel and Dmitrii Pasechnik published with their code, for reference.


Command Line

To use the command line version of STABIL, run make in the directory where you have extracted the files. If you need to use a compiler other than GCC, please edit Makefile appropriately. An executable file STABIL should be produced. You may supply input to STABIL either through stdin or by supplying a pathname on the command line as a single argument. The input should be an n × n square matrix A containing d distinct entries, specifically 0, …, d − 1. The matrix should be supplied in the following form:

? ? ... ?
? ? ... ?
. . .   .
. .  .  .
. .   . .
? ? ... ?

See the various .in files included in this package for examples. After providing STABIL with your input, you need only wait for it to produce the Weisfeiler-Leman refinement of your partition. This will be provided in the same format as the input.

STABIL also has a debug flag that can be set by telling the C preprocessor to define "DEBUG" before compiling. The provided makefile has a line which will do this for you - simply uncomment the line marked "Debugging" and comment the ones marked "Development" and "Release" in order to set the correct CFLAGS variable. When STABIL is compiled with the debug flag set, it will dump a lot of data about the refinement process into stdout. You can of course pipe this to a file for further perusal if you so desire.

If you would like to use STABIL.old or STABCOL as well, run make all in the directory. The operating procedures for the resulting executables STABIL.old and STABCOL are the same as just described. Alternatively, make test will first run make all and then automatically test all three programs using the input file

Note that while the Weisfeiler-Leman refinement of a given partition is unique, the output of these three programs may differ, because they may number the partition's classes in a different order.


To use the Cython version of STABIL from the Sage interpreter, simply type load "wlrefine.pyx" from the interpreter prompt, after which you will be able to run the WL and GraphWL functions. For information about how to use them, see the comments in wlrefine.pyx or type WL? or GraphWL? at the Sage prompt.

I am also exploring other ways to incorporate this code into Sage, but that is beyond the scope of this package.



L. Babel, I. V. Chuvaeva, M. Klin, D. V. Pasechnik. Program Implementation of the Weisfeiler-Leman Algorithm. arXiv preprint 1002.1921v1 <>.


Some old C code for cellular refinement of graphs, based on







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