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nobeans edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 5 revisions

since v0.1

If you wrote the following groovy code:

    import org.jggug.kobo.commons.lang.Equiv
    class Sample {
        String name

        String value

        String ignored

then you could use equals method and hashCode method:

    def s1 = new Sample(name:'John', value:'Good', ignored:'Garbage')
    def s2 = new Sample(name:'John', value:'Good', ignored:'Gold')
    def s3 = new Sample(name:'John', value:'Bad',  ignored:'Garbage')
    def s4 = new Sample(name:'Mike', value:'Good', ignored:'Garbage')

    assert s1 == s1
    assert s1 == s2
    assert s1 != s3
    assert s1 != s4

    assert s1.hashCode() == s1.hashCode()
    assert s1.hashCode() == s2.hashCode()
    assert s1.hashCode() != s3.hashCode()
    assert s1.hashCode() != s4.hashCode()
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