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Require DSL

Handle load and require ruby files using a nice DSL.


gem install require-dsl


require 'require-dsl'

Using the DSL

Imagine we are using the DSL inside a file basic.rb in lib/project/report

Passing 'spec' and the current file, lets Required determine that it should create require statements relative to 'spec' as the root folder. The method 'ruby_files' is evaluated in the context of the file it is used in, i.e File.dirname(FILE_) which could alternatively be passed as the second argument.

Recursive option

By default the files are evaluated non-recursively, that is within the current folder and not any subfolders. You can explicitly set it with the :recursive => :none option

# lib/project/report/basic.rb

ruby_files('spec', __FILE__) # OR ruby_files('spec', __FILE__, :recursive => :none)
==> ['lib/project/report/basic.rb']

To evaluate all files within the current folder and recursively one level below, use the :recursive => :single option.

# lib/project/report/basic.rb

ruby_files('spec', __FILE__, :recursive => :single)
==> ['lib/project/report/basic.rb', 'lib/project/report/subfolder/in_the_sub.rb']

To evaluate all files within the current folder and recursively traversing the complete hierarchy of subfolders, use the :recursive => :full option.

# lib/project/report/basic.rb

ruby_files('spec', __FILE__, :recursive => :full)
==> ['lib/project/report/basic.rb', 'lib/project/report/subfolder/in_the_sub.rb', 

Except conditions

You can chain except_file(s) and except_folder(s) conditions on the filelist returned by ruby_files to filter out specific files and folders.

Condition: except_file(s)

# Context: An extra file 'except_me.rb' has been added to the project/report folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_file('except_me')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb'

# Context: An extra file 'except_also_me.rb' has been added to the folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_files('except_me', 'except_also_me')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb'

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_file('except_me').except_files('except_also_me')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb'

Condition: except_folder(s)

# Context: Extra folders 'not_me_folder' and 'me_folder' has been added to the project/report folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_folder('not_me_folder')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb', 'project/report/me_folder/yes_me.rb'

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_folders('not_me_folder', 'me_folder')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb'

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except_folder('not_me_folder').except_folders('me_folder')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb'

Only conditions

You can chain only_file(s) and only_folder(s) conditions on the filelist returned by ruby_files to filter out specific files and folders.

Note: It rarely makes sense to chain multiple only conditions.

Condition: only_file(s)

# Context: An extra file 'only_me.rb' has been added to the project/report folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).only_file('only_me')
==> 'project/report/only_me.rb'

# Context: An extra file 'also_only_me.rb' has been added to the folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).only_files('only_me', 'also_only_me')
==> 'project/report/only_me.rb', 'project/report/also_only_me.rb'

Condition: only_folder(s)

# Context: Extra folders 'only_me_folder' and 'me_folder' has been added to the project/report folder:

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).only_folder('only_me_folder')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb', 'project/report/only_me_folder/yes_me.rb'

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).only_folders('only_me_folder', 'me_folder')
==> 'project/report/basic.rb', 'project/report/only_me_folder/yes_me.rb', 'project/report/me_folder/me.rb'


Chaining a call to strip_file_ext, ensures that the file list is stripped of the .rb ending and thus usable for fx require statements.

# lib/project/report/basic.rb

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).strip_file_ext
==> 'project/report/basic'

The method strip_file_ext can take an argument to indicate a built-in action to perform on this file liust, fx load the files into ruby kernel (:load or :require), display them for debugging (:display)

# lib/project/report/basic.rb

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except('except_me', 'except_also_me').strip_file_ext :display => 'require'
==> PRINTS "require 'project/report/basic'\n" to STDOUT

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except('except_me', 'except_also_me').strip_file_ext :require
==> 'project/report/basic' loaded into Ruby and executed if not previously loaded (using Ruby Kernel 'require' statement)

ruby_files('lib', __FILE__).except('except_me', 'except_also_me').strip_file_ext :load
==> 'project/report/basic' loaded into Ruby and executed (using Ruby Kernel 'load' statement)

output to StringIO

out =  
ruby_files('lib', __FILE__, :stdout => out).strip_file_ext :display => :load
==> PRINTS "load 'project/report/basic'\n" to STDOUT

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2010 Kristian Mandrup. See LICENSE for details.


Handle load and require ruby files using a nice DSL







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