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  • Ling Zhu
  • Glenn van de Ven
  • Erik Tollerud


  • license and referencing
  • code description
  • requirements
  • using the Python wrapper
    • installation
    • basic overview
  • using the C code directly
    • installation and compilation
    • basic overview
    • input files
    • output files
    • running the example
  • notes
  • directory structure
  • publications


This code is released under a BSD 2-clause license.

If you use this code for your research, please cite:
Watkins et al. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 2598, "Discrete dynamical models of omega Centauri"


This code calculates first and second velocity moments using the Jeans Anisotropic MGE (JAM) models of Cappellari (2008) and Cappellari (2012). We have extended these models to calculate all three (x, y, z) first moments and all six (xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz) second moments. The full calculations are given in Watkins et al. (2013). The underlying code is written in C, and is an based on the IDL implementation of the line-of-sight calculations by Michele Cappellari. We also provide a Python/Cython wrapper. The C code can be compiled and used directly, or via Python.


The code requires the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) to perform integrations and interpolations: downloads and installation instructions.


If you wish to use the C code directly, you can ignore this section.


You should install this package using the usual:

$ python install

Then you can import the package using:

$ import cjam


The code requires:

  • x' and y' positions from the centre, where x' is the projected major axis and y' is the projected minor axis (with angular units);
  • an MGE for the projected tracer number density profile;
  • an MGE for the projected mass density profile;
  • distance (with unit).

Optionally, the code accepts:

  • anisotropy (given per tracer MGE component -- assumed 0 if not given);
  • rotation (given per tracer MGE component -- assumed 0 if not given)
  • mass scaling (given per mass MGE component -- with units, assumed 1 if not given);
  • inclination angle (with unit, assumed pi/2 radians if not given);
  • black hole mass (with unit, assumed 0 if not given)
  • black hole radius (with angular unit, assumed 0 if not given);
  • number of radial points in interpolation grid (assumed 30 if not given);
  • number of angular points in interpolation grid (assumed 7 if not given).

The MGEs should be given in the form of an astropy table where mge["i"] gives the central density of the MGE components, mge["s"] gives the widths of the components, and mge["q"] gives the flattenings.


If you wish to use the Python wrapper, you can ignore this section.


The Makefile will be system-specific, however an example Makefile is provided for guidance regarding compilation. If GSL is not installed in the default directory for your system, you will also need to provide the path to GSL in the Makefile.

To compile the example code:

$ make cjam

To clean the directory of all .o files:

$ make clean


jam/jam_axi_vel_mmt.c calculates the first moments and jam/jam_axi_rms_mmt_.c calculates the second moments. cjam.c and cjam_main.c offer examples of wrapper functions that may be called from the command line to process the inputs and run the moment calculators. These programs compile to an executable cjam which takes the following arguments:

flmge : path to luminous MGE
nlg : number of luminous MGE components
fmmge : path to mass MGE
nmg : number of mass MGE components
fxy : path to star positions file
fmom : path to output moments file incl : inclination angle [radians]
dist : distance [kpc]
mbh : black-hole mass [Msun]
rbh : black-hole scale length [arcsec]
*beta : velocity anisotropy (for each of the nlg components)
*kappa : rotation parameter (for each of the nlg components)
*ml : mass-to-light ratio (for each of the nmg components)

The code allows the luminous MGE and the mass MGE to be different. It also allows for velocity anisotropy and rotation that change for each luminous MGE component and mass-to-light ratio that changes for each mass MGE component. The resulting velocity moments are output to a file with the specified file name. In total 10 + 2*nlg + nmg arguments are required.


The code requires three input files:

  1. the parameterisation for the luminous MGE
  2. the parameterisation for the potential (mass) MGE
  3. the projected positions of the objects in the dataset

The files containing the MGE parameters have 4 columns and M rows (where M is the number of gaussian components in the MGE). The columns contain:

  1. gaussian number
  2. central surface brightness (Lsun/pc^2)
  3. major axis dispersion (arcsec)
  4. projected flattening

The file containing the stellar positions has 2 columns and N rows (where N is the number of objects in the dataset). The columns contain:

  1. projected major axis coordinate (arcsec)
  2. projected minor axis coordinate (arcsec)

Comments may be added to these input files using #.

Example files are provided in the example/ directory. In the example, the same MGE file is used for both the luminous and potential MGEs.


The code outputs a single file containing the calculated moments for all input positions. This file has 9 columns and N rows (where N is the number of stars in the input positions file). The columns contain:

  1. x' component of the velocity first moment (v_x')
  2. y' component of the velocity first moment (v_y')
  3. z' component of the velocity first moment (v_z')
  4. x' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_x')
  5. y' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_y')
  6. z' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_z')
  7. x'-y' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_x'y')
  8. x'-z' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_x'z')
  9. y'-z' component of the velocity second moment tensor (v^2_y'z')


In our example, the luminous and mass MGEs are the same and are contained in file example/mge.dat and have 8 components. The position data are in example/xy.dat.

We will calculate moments for model parameters:

inclination angle = 0.87 radians
distance = 4.6 kpc
black hole mass = 100 Msun
black hole scale length = 1 arcsec
velocity anisotropy = 0.01 (and is the same for all 8 MGE components)
rotation parameters = [0.,0.2,0.5,1.1,0.6,0.,0.,0.]
mass-to-light ratio = 2.6 (and is the same for all 8 MGE components)

The example function may be run by calling:

$ ./cjam example/mge.dat 8 example/mge.dat 8 example/xy.dat example/output.dat 0.87 4.6 100. 1. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0. 0.2 0.5 1.1 0.6 0. 0. 0. 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6

The example outputs the moments to file example/output.dat. The precomputed output from this run is provided in the file example/moments.dat. Successful execution of the example can be checked by running diff on both files:

$ diff example/output.dat example/moments.dat


The first moment calculations will fail if you try to run a spherical, isotropic, non-rotating model; there are checks in place to catch these models before they start running. Models that are close to being spherical, isotropic and non-rotating may also fail -- increasing the accuracy of the integrations should help though this has not tested.



LICENSE : BSD 2-clause license : this document
cython_jam.pxd : Cython declarations of C functions : setup file for Python package

CJAM/ : initialisation file for Python code
_jam_axi.pyx : Python wrappers for C code


mge.dat : example file containing MGE parameters
moments.dat : example file containing example moments
xy.dat : example file containing stellar positions


README : additional information for running the C code separately
cjam.c : example wrapper to call moment functions
cjam_main.c : example wrapper to pass command line arguments
example_Makefile : example makefile


interp.h : header file for interp directory
interp2dpol.c : performs interpolation over a 2d polar grid


jam.h : header file for jam directory
jam_axi_rms.c : wrapper for second moments
jam_axi_rms_mgeint.c : integrand for second moments
jam_axi_rms_mmt.c : second moments
jam_axi_rms_wmmt.c : weighted second moments
jam_axi_vel.c : wrapper for first moments
jam_axi_vel_losint.c : outer integrand for first moments
jam_axi_vel_mgeint.c : inner integrand for first moments
jam_axi_vel_mmt.c : first moments
jam_axi_vel_wmmt.c : weighted first moments


mge.h : header file for mge directory
mge_addbh.c : add a black hole component to an MGE
mge_dens.c : volume density distribution of an MGE
mge_deproject.c : deproject an MGE
mge_qmed.c : median flattening of an MGE
mge_read.c : read MGE from file into a structure
mge_surf.c : surface density of an MGE


maximum.c : finds the maximum value in an array
median.c : calculates the median of an array of values
minimum.c : finds the minimum value in an array
range.c : creates an array of n numbers between given limits
readcol.c : read in data from a file
readcol.h : header file for readcol
sort_dbl.c : sorts an array of doubles
tools.h : header file for tools directory (except readcol)
where.c : selects a given subset of an array


Watkins et al. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 2598
den Brok et al. 2014, MNRAS, 438, 487
Zhu et al. 2016, MNRAS, 462, 4001
Zhu et al. 2016, MNRAS, 463, 1117


CJAM : Jeans Anisotropic MGE modelling code written in C from Watkins et al. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 2598







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