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VeloMak - mini blog on Django

**Velomak** is a mini-blog-web-application on Django.

Current version Django - 1.5. 

### Installing VeloMak ###

1. Create virtualenv for new project:

    virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/venv/

2. Clone an app to ~/venv/velomak/

    cd ~/venv/
    git clone

3. Activate virtualenv:

    source ~/venv/bin/activate

4. Install dependens to virtualenv using pip:

    cd ~/venv/velomak/velomak
    pip install -r requirements.pip

5. Create a database and an user for blog in MySQL.

6. Rename in and edit it in "DATABASE".

7. Delete all files in "blog/migration". I fix it after.

8. Create a file for counters:

    touch templates/metrika.html

9. Create the system tables in database using syncdb and South:

    ./ schemamigration blog --initial
    ./ syncdb
    ./ migrate blog

10. Start it!

    ./ runserver