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ArtUP is an art hanging application and repository that allows professional galleries and the DIY weekend warrior alike to mathematically generate virtual art installations. Users have the freedom to alter the standard generated output and track their changes. Hanging art work properly can be time consuming and lead to damaged walls if not done meticulously. ArtUP allows the user to curate an entire show or decorate their house before ever drilling into the wall.

Technology Stack

JavaScript, jQuery, D3, AJAX, Python, Flask, Jinja, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS


Creating a Project/ Viewing a saved project folder

Each User can create multiple project repositories. These 'folders' can be used by galleries for an exhibition or the home user for a living room or kitchen project. ![screen shot 2015-06-09 at 1 14 47 pm](

Creating a Wall/ Viewing a saved Wall

Each Project contains user created and customized walls. For example the "South Wall" of a room or gallery space. The user can customize their walls with an image of their choice, the invisible 'center line' running through all pieces of art, and the wall dimensions.

screen shot 2015-06-09 at 12 29 14 am screen shot 2015-06-09 at 12 37 26 am

Viewing your Art Hangings

When the user creates a new wall they will be directed to an art forms page. Here they can specify each piece of art they would like included on their wall. After hitting submit, the app will run a series of calculations to determine the balanced hanging composition and return the x and y coordinates (in fractions specific to a measuring tape) of each "screw point" of each artwork or the corner point if no screw point exists.

It will also render a visual representation of the specific dimensions of wall and artworks using D3 and multiple calculations in js to render a user friendly and representative interaction

screen shot 2015-06-09 at 1 17 16 pm

But what if I want to be more creative with my art hanging design?!

Using the D3 drag feature and in depth DOM manipulation, the user can drag each art piece to their desired location. This process keeps track of the left and right margins regardless of which piece is moved for easy design balance.

function dynamicRectangles(){
    var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
        .on("drag", dragMove);

    var svg =".wall")
                        .attr("width", wall.wall_width)
                        .attr("height", wall.wall_height)
                        .attr("class", "bgimage")
                        .style("border", "1px dashed black");
    var rect = svg.selectAll(".draggableRectangle").data(art).enter()
            .attr('class', 'draggableRectangle')
            .attr('name', function(d) { return d.art_name; })
            .attr('device', function(d) { return d.device_code; })
            .attr('x', function(d) { return d.leftCorner.X; })
            .attr('y', function(d) {return wall.wall_height - d.leftCorner.Y; })
            .attr('Ox', function(d) { return d.leftCorner.X; })
            .attr('Oy', function(d) {return wall.wall_height - d.leftCorner.Y; })
            .attr('width', function(d) { return d.art_width; })
            .attr('height', function(d) { return d.art_height; })
            .attr("xlink:href", function(d) { return d.art_img; })
            .attr("style", "outline: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);")

    var line = svg.append("line")
                .attr("x1", wall.wall_width/2)
                .attr("y1", wall.wall_height)
                .attr("x2", wall.wall_width/2)
                .attr("y2", 0)
                .attr("stroke-width", 2)
                .attr("stroke", "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)");

    line = svg.append("line")
                .attr("x1", 0)
                .attr("y1", wall.wall_height - wall.center_line)
                .attr("x2", wall.wall_width)
                .attr("y2", wall.wall_height - wall.center_line)
                .attr("stroke-width", 2)
                .attr("stroke", "rgba(255,0,0,0.1)");

    function dragMove(d) {
        //if art has hanging wire, math it in. Else return top left corner
                 .attr("x", function () {return d3.event.x;})
                 .attr("y", function () {return d3.event.y;});

             var name = document.getElementById(d.art_name);
                     name.innerHTML = d.art_name;

             var image = d3.selectAll("image");

             //smallest x cord (to find most left art work)
             var minXValue = d3.min(image[0], function(d) {
               return d.x.animVal.value; }) //returns smallest x value
             var leftEndMargin = document.getElementById("LEM");
                leftEndMargin.innerHTML = Math.round(minXValue / delta)+" in";

             //largest x cord (to find most right art work)
             var maxXValue = d3.max(image[0], function(d) {
               return d.x.animVal.value + d.width.animVal.value; });
             var rightEndMargin = document.getElementById("REM");
                rightEndMargin.innerHTML = Math.round((wall.wall_width - maxXValue) / delta)+" in";

             if(d.device_code === "none"){
                    var X = document.getElementById(d.art_id+"_X");
                        X.innerHTML = Math.round(d3.event.x / delta);
             } else {
                    var X = document.getElementById(d.art_id+"_X");
                        X.innerHTML = Math.round((d3.event.x + d.art_width/2) / delta)+" in";
             if(d.device_code === "none") {
                    var Y = document.getElementById(d.art_id+"_Y");
                        Y.innerHTML = Math.round((wall.wall_height -d3.event.y)/ delta)+" in";
             } else {
                    var Y = document.getElementById(d.art_id+"_Y");
                        Y.innerHTML = Math.round(((wall.wall_height -d3.event.y) -
                                                                    d.device_distance)/ delta)+" in";

screen shot 2015-06-09 at 1 17 24 pm


  • Clone or fork this repo:
  • Create and activate a virtual environment inside your project directory:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
  • Install requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Back in your virtual environment, run the following to set up the tables in your sqlite database:
python -i
  • Run the app:
  • Navigate to localhost:5000 on your browser.
 run python
  • Navigate to localhost:5000 on your browser.