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This is a command line gem designed to be used with a separately installed saxon processor, a compatible xslt transformation package, and LaTeX processor.


Install saxon with brew as follows:

$ brew install saxon

Make sure you have LaTeX installed. For a Mac, we suggest installing MacTex


To install the lbp-print cli from source, follow these steps:

Clone the repo

$ git clone

Enter the cloned repo

$ cd lbp-print

Build the gem with either:

$ rake build


$ gem build lbp-print.gemspec

If you built with rake install as follows

$ gem install pkg/lbp-print-0.1.0.gem

If you built with gem install as follows

$ gem install lbp-print-0.1.0.gem

Once built, run bin/setup as follows

$ bin/setup

Set up will create a ~/.lbp-print with the global config file aptly named config.yaml

In the newly created config file, you need to set two key value pairs, output_base and xslt_base.

output_base should point to the main directory in which you want to your tex files to be saved.

xslt_base should point to the main directory where you will install available xslt packages.

For example you can use the lbp-print-xslt for the generic lbp renderings.

These stylesheets should be cloned into xslt_base like so

cd <xslt_base>
git clone

Anyone else can make their own stylesheets and these can then be used by the community via lbp-print.


Once set up, you can invoke a transformation as follows:

cd into the directory containing the file you wish to convert, then run lbp-print tex with the appropriate parameters. The require parameters are just the name of the file to be converted:

lbp-print tex <filename>

The script also takes the following optional parameters:

  [--pdf-output], [--no-pdf-output]  # If this is given, the tex-file will be
                                     # compiled with pdflatex.
                                     # Default: false
  [--output-parent=OUTPUT_PARENT]    # A directory name inside the `output_base`
                                     # directory where the files will be put.
                                     # Default: examples
  [--package=PACKAGE]                # The xslt package used for processing the
                                     # XML file. This package must be a
                                     # directory in the `xslt_base` directory.
                                     # Default: lbp-print-xslt
  [--type=TYPE]                      # Indicate whether the processor converts a
                                     # file encoded according to the diplomatic
                                     # of critical LBP schema.
                                     # Default: critical
  [--schema=SCHEMA]                  # Indicate which version of the LBP schema
                                     # the XML is compliant with.
                                     # Default: 1.0.0

So a minimal real world example would be:

lbp-print tex penn_wdr-l4d18

An example with some of the optional parameters specified would look like this:

lbp-print tex penn_wdr-l4d18 --output-parent=rothwellcommentary \\
    --package=lbp-print-xslt --type=diplomatic --schema=0.0.0

The precedence of defining the optional parameters are the following:

  1. If the optional parameters have a value, use that.
  2. If the value can be indicated in the XML-file, get them. That is the case for:
  • --type, which is given in the /TEI/text[1]/@type attribute, i.e. the @type attribute of the first text-element (the highest level text element, sibling of teiHeader)
  • --schema, which is given as the numeric value after the last dash in /TEI/teiHeader/encodingDesc[1]/schemaRef/@n. So for example lbp-critical-1.0.0 would yield 1.0.0.
  1. If the value is given in the config file (~/.lbp-print/config.yaml), use that.
  2. If no optional parameter is given, use the default.

The defaults in the config-file are set up as follows:

  output_parent: examples
  package: lbp-print-xslt
  type: critical
  schema: 1.0.0

Known Available XSLT packages



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Anyone can create custom xslt-latex packages that can be used by this command line tool. If you created such a package, please add it to the list of Known Available XSLT packages via a pull request. An xslt package should be divided in folders named for the version of the XML schema they are designed for, and each folder should contain a file called critical.xslt or diplomatic.xslt or may include one of each.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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