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This package includes data used by some unit tests in obs_decam. The data files are edited version of publicly available data from NOAO Science Archive and DECam Community Pipeline Calibration Files, as well as edited calibration products built from said publicly available data.

  • rawData/raw/c4d_150227_012718_ori-stripped.fits.fz is taken from ap_verify_hits2015, with all of the image data set to 0 to reduce file size. This file contains all HDUs in the original file, and is useful for testing handling of "normal" multi-HDU DECam data.

  • rawData/raw/c4d_150227_012718_ori-stripped-shuffled.fits.fz is identical to the above except that the HDU ordering has been randomly shuffled. This file is useful for testing reading of files that may not have the "typical" HDU ordering.

  • rawData/raw/raw.fits contains the imaging data from two detectors (1 and 25).

  • cpData/ contains DECam Community Pipeline Calibration files (an instcal, a dqmask, and a wtmap).

  • hits2015-zeroed/ contains files from the ap_verify_ci_hits2015 dataset that have had their image data set to the HDU number and then Hcompressed with fpack to reduce their size. These files are not useful for testing pipelines, but they can be used to test butlers (ingestion and gen2 to gen3 conversion).

  • calibingested/ is a gen2 calib repo linking to the hits2015 calibration files.

  • ingested/ is a gen2 butler repo linking to the hits2015 raw files.

  • pipeline-calibs/ contains a LSST Science Pipelines built master bias frame and corresponding master flat frame. These were constructed using cp_pipe's and Both files are for CCD 47, but have had all of the image data set to 0 to reduce file size. They are used to test parsing of calibration products as part of the gen2 calibration ingestion process.

Gen3 Conversion

With weekly w_2022_28 + DM-34862 obs_decam, run ./scripts/ followed by ./scripts/


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