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Synergy is a web application for exploring gene regulation in Synechocystis. The following documentation is mainly meant for developers. Documentation on how to use Synergy you can find over at

Synergy is based on CodeIgniter.


  • Python 2.7+ with pip
  • PHP5+
  • Apache server with PHP5 support
  • MySQL
  • MEME suite


Basic setup

First of all, clone the repository (or just download it):

git clone

Of course, you will have to point you web server to this directory in order to serve it.

Inside the synergy directory, you must now create a python virtual environment that the application can use:

pip install virtualenv # If not already done
cd synergy
virtualenv .venv # Create virtual environment. Name is important!
source .venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install required modules, will take some time
deactivate # Deactivate the virtual environment


You can download a dump of the database here: When you have the dump, load it into a database that you have created, e.g. synergy_db

mysql -u user -p synergy_db < synergy_dump.sql

Next, you have to set the database credentials for both Python and CodeIgniter. For CodeIgniter, edit application/config/database.php and add the credentials for the $db['default'] variable.

For Python, create the file src/python/config/ where you add the database credentials in a dictionary named DATABASE

    'user': 'username',
    'host': 'localhost',
    'pass': 'password',
    'database': 'synergy_db'

Other constants

There are some other constants that Synergy needs to function properly.

In PHP you have to set the paths to the bin-directory of your MEME installation and a temporary directory for storing e.g. TOMTOM results. Add the following to application/config/constants.php:

define('MEME', '/absolute/path/to/meme/bin');
define('TMP', '/absolute/path/to/tmp/directory');

Preferably set the temporary directory to data/tmp in the Synergy repository, i.e. /path/to/synergy/data/tmp.