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[t/subcommands/install-skip-tests.t] fleshed out
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41 tests run, 40 of which fail.
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Carl Masak committed Jun 13, 2010
1 parent dea35bf commit 11d92fa
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Showing 2 changed files with 136 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/App/
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class App::Pls::Core {

method install(*@projects, Bool :$force) {
method install(*@projects, Bool :$force, Bool :$skip-test) {
146 changes: 135 additions & 11 deletions t/subcommands/install-skip-tests.t
@@ -1,24 +1,148 @@
use v6;
use Test;

# [T] Install-ST a tested project: Succeed.
use App::Pls;

# [T] Install-ST an untested project: Don't test, install.
my %projects =
uninstalled => { :state<built> },
"won't-install" => { :state<built> },
untested => { :state<built> },
"won't-test" => { :state<built> },
unbuilt => { :state<fetched> },
"won't-build" => { :state<fetched> },
"won't-test-2" => { :state<fetched> },
unfetched => {},
"won't-fetch" => {},
"won't-build-2" => {},
"won't-test-3" => {},
"has-deps" => { :state<fetched>, :deps<A B> },
A => { :state<installed> },
B => { :state<built>, :deps<C D> },
C => {},
D => { :state<built> },
"circ-deps" => { :state<built>, :deps<E> },
E => { :state<built>, :deps<circ-deps> },
"dirdep-fails" => { :state<built>, :deps<won't-install> }, #'
"indir-fails" => { :state<built>, :deps<F> },
F => { :state<built>, :deps<won't-install G H> }, #'
G => { :state<built> },
H => { :state<built> },

# [T] Install-ST an unbuilt project: Build, don't test, install.
my @actions;

# [T] Install-ST an unbuilt project; build fails. Fail.
class Mock::Fetcher does App::Pls::Fetcher {

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project: Fetch, build, don't test, install.
class Mock::Builder does App::Pls::Builder {

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project; fetch fails. Fail.
class Mock::Tester does App::Pls::Tester {

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project; build fails. Fail.
class Mock::Installer does App::Pls::Installer {

# [T] Install-ST a project with dependencies: Install-ST dependencies too.
my $core =

# [T] Install-ST a project with circular dependencies: Fail.
plan 41;

# [T] Install-ST a project whose direct dependency fails: Fail.
given $core {
# [T] Install-ST a tested project: Succeed.
is .install(<uninstalled>, :skip-test), success,
"Install-skip-test on an already tested project";

# [T] Install-ST a project whose indirect dependency fails: Fail.
# [T] Install-ST an untested project: Don't test, install.
@actions = ();
is .install(<won't-test>, :skip-test), success, #'
"Tests are never run, go directly to install";
is ~@actions, "install[won't-test]", "Tests skipped, installed";
is .state-of("won't test"), installed, "State after: 'installed'";

# [T] Install-ST an unbuilt project: Build, don't test, install.
@actions = ();
is .install(<unbuilt>, :skip-test), success, "Build, skip test, install";
is ~@actions, 'build[unbuilt] install[unbuilt]', "Didn't run the tests";
is .state-of("unbuilt"), installed, "State after: 'installed'";

# [T] Install-ST an unbuilt project; build fails. Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<won't-build>, :force), failure, #'
"Build fails, won't install";
is ~@actions, "build[won't-build]", "Didn't try to install";
is .state-of("won't-build"), fetched, "State after: unchanged";

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project: Fetch, build, don't test, install.
@actions = ();
is .install(<unfetched>, :skip-test), success,
"Fetch, build, skip test, install";
is ~@actions, 'fetch[unfetched] build[unfetched] install[unfetched]',
"Didn't run the tests";
is .state-of("unfetched"), installed, "State after: 'installed'";

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project; fetch fails. Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<won't-fetch>, :skip-test), failure, #'
"Fetching fails, won't install";
is ~@actions, "fetch[won't-fetch]", "Tried to fetch, not build etc";
is .state-of("won't-fetch"), gone, "State after: unchanged";

# [T] Install-ST an unfetched project; build fails. Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<won't-build-2>, :skip-test), failure, #'
"Build fails, won't install";
is ~@actions, "fetch[won't-build-2] build[won't-build-2]",
"Tried to fetch and build, not test etc";
is .state-of("won't-build-2"), fetched, "State after: 'fetched'";

# [T] Install-ST a project with dependencies: Install-ST dependencies too.
@actions = ();
is .install(<has-deps>, :skip-test), success,
"Install a project with dependencies";
is ~@actions, 'fetch[C] build[C] build[has-deps] '
~ 'install[C] install[D] install[B] install[has-deps]',
"fetch, build and install (all postorder and by need). no test.";
is .state-of("has-deps"), installed,
"State after of has-deps: 'installed'";
for <A B C D> -> $dep {
is .state-of($dep), installed, "State after of $dep: 'installed'";

# [T] Install-ST a project with circular dependencies: Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<circ-deps>, :skip-test), failure,
"Circular dependency install: fail";
is ~@actions, '', "Nothing was done";
is .state-of("circ-deps"), tested, "State after of circ-deps: unchanged";
is .state-of("E"), tested, "State after of E: unchanged";

# [T] Install-ST a project whose direct dependency fails: Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<dirdep-fails>, :skip-test), failure,
"Direct dependency fails: fail";
is ~@actions, "install[won't-install]",
"Install fails on first project, doesn't proceed";
is .state-of("won't-install"), built,
"State after of won't-install: unchanged";
is .state-of("dirdep-fails"), built,
"State after of dirdep-fails: unchanged";

# [T] Install-ST a project whose indirect dependency fails: Fail.
@actions = ();
is .install(<indir-fails>, :skip-test), failure,
"Indirect dependency fails: fail";
is ~@actions, "install[won't-install]",
"Installation fails on first project, doesn't proceed";
is .state-of("won't-install"), built, "State after: unchanged";
for <F G H> -> $dep {
is .state-of($dep), built, "State after of $dep: unchanged";
is .state-of("indir-fails"), built,
"State after of indir-fails: unchanged";

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