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Javascript Immutable Map Benchmarks

Benchmarks a number of Javascript immutable map implementations:

  • Javascript objects that achieve immutability though copying (using Object.assign).
  • ES6's Map that achieves immutability though copying.
  • hashtrie - 0.2.x
  • HAMT - 0.1.x
  • HAMT+ - 0.0.x
  • mori - 0.2.x
  • immutable - 2.0.x


To run the benchmarks:

$ npm install
$ npm run benchmark


The following are benchmarked:

  • Get one entry from a map of size N.

  • Put one entry into a map of size N.

  • Remove one entry from a map of size N.

  • Put N entries into a map, where each put operation is immutable.

  • Put N entries into a map, where puts may use transient mutation .

  • Remove N entries from a map, where each remove operation is immutable.

  • Remove N entries from a map, where removes may use transient mutation.

  • Get the number of entries in map of size N.

  • Get an array of keys keys for a map of size N.

  • Sum all values in map of size N.


Interesting Notes

  • HAMT, HAMT+, and Immutable are the three fasted implementations.
  • These three library also perform well as the map size gets very large. It only costs ~6x as much to put an element into a HAMT map with 100000 entries as it does to put one into a HAMT map with 10 entries.
  • The immutability through copying used for Object and Map is too slow to use for larger objects. Their memory usage is likely much higher as well.
  • Hashtrie's sparse array storage is a major performance hit for folds as neither reduce or splice show good performance for sparse arrays.
  • Both Mori and Immutable are more complete data structure libraries. This should be considered when selecting an immutable map implementation.
  • Hamt's use of iterators for some operations results in some overhead in these artificial benchmarks. You can see this in the keys test where the fold based implementation of keys is faster then Array.from(k.keys())
  • HAMT is the fastest choice for fold style, accumulation operations such as sum.
  • Native Map is fastest for transient operations, but Immutable or Hamt+ perform best of these libraries performance when a mix of transient and non-transient operations are used.
  • Hamt+ does have a small amount of overhead compared to regular Hamt, but performs much better when transient mutation can be used.
hashtrie - 0.2.2
hamt - 2.2.2
hamt_plus - 1.0.1
mori - 0.3.2
persistent-hash-trie - 0.4.2
immutable – 3.8.1

Get Nth
Native Object(10)             :     28974807.90 +/- 0.42% op/s
Native Map(10)                :     27120644.03 +/- 0.43% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :     14973683.83 +/- 0.18% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :     15757461.35 +/- 0.16% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :     14753419.94 +/- 0.21% op/s
Mori(10)                      :     12573273.19 +/- 0.42% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :     14585838.78 +/- 0.25% op/s
Native Object(100)            :     39607833.52 +/- 1.64% op/s
Native Map(100)               :     22107935.96 +/- 0.42% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :     12059200.40 +/- 0.37% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :     12346282.20 +/- 1.05% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :     12142017.69 +/- 0.64% op/s
Mori(100)                     :     12043487.55 +/- 0.57% op/s
Immutable(100)                :     11303593.85 +/- 0.46% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :     30413281.22 +/- 0.61% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :     16087248.33 +/- 0.62% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :      9270221.45 +/- 0.51% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :      9972285.43 +/- 0.56% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :      9645216.60 +/- 0.48% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :      3333606.10 +/- 9.32% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :      9255366.36 +/- 0.36% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :     19207893.44 +/- 2.96% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :     11906981.46 +/- 0.44% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :      6138321.64 +/- 3.22% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :      7036643.41 +/- 1.45% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :      6601570.56 +/- 1.29% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :      2745792.08 +/- 8.33% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :      6127281.19 +/- 0.71% op/s
Native Object(100000)         :      6522971.72 +/- 2.89% op/s
Native Map(100000)            :      6273755.55 +/- 4.34% op/s
Hashtrie(100000)              :      2007566.23 +/- 1.71% op/s
Hamt(100000)                  :      2272403.57 +/- 2.58% op/s
Hamt+(100000)                 :      2219278.75 +/- 1.67% op/s
Mori(100000)                  :      1565610.51 +/- 5.69% op/s
Immutable(100000)             :      1759526.37 +/- 2.76% op/s

Put Nth
Native Object(10)             :       844619.94 +/- 0.25% op/s
Native Map(10)                :      1314589.24 +/- 0.50% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :      5005230.97 +/- 0.62% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      7649050.96 +/- 11.00% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :      4929251.89 +/- 9.77% op/s
Mori(10)                      :      3321039.16 +/- 0.71% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :      6088070.53 +/- 9.54% op/s
Native Object(100)            :        38178.63 +/- 0.19% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       138551.80 +/- 0.38% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :      4131956.44 +/- 0.56% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :      5195206.71 +/- 8.85% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :      3388194.96 +/- 8.15% op/s
Mori(100)                     :      5815332.54 +/- 0.72% op/s
Immutable(100)                :      4001976.76 +/- 8.11% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :         3419.02 +/- 0.26% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        13345.61 +/- 0.71% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :      3314365.79 +/- 1.00% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :      3896640.86 +/- 8.37% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :      2661402.73 +/- 6.96% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :      3926763.48 +/- 0.98% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :      2962506.32 +/- 6.83% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :          287.07 +/- 2.96% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :         1008.17 +/- 0.77% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :      3071999.08 +/- 4.46% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :      3636902.95 +/- 8.87% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :      2694014.20 +/- 6.82% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :      2205291.76 +/- 0.29% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :      3013100.55 +/- 6.69% op/s
Native Object(100000)         :           16.14 +/- 8.04% op/s
Native Map(100000)            :           63.97 +/- 9.33% op/s
Hashtrie(100000)              :      2558558.83 +/- 0.68% op/s
Hamt(100000)                  :      2823760.74 +/- 6.86% op/s
Hamt+(100000)                 :      2208812.07 +/- 5.39% op/s
Mori(100000)                  :      3116268.23 +/- 1.77% op/s
Immutable(100000)             :      2424023.46 +/- 7.03% op/s

Put N
Native Object(10)             :       213470.35 +/- 0.97% op/s
Native Map(10)                :       232189.14 +/- 0.24% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :       559635.86 +/- 0.43% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      1557228.23 +/- 1.61% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :       624835.87 +/- 0.58% op/s
Mori(10)                      :       452871.51 +/- 0.61% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :       555858.54 +/- 0.65% op/s
Native Object(100)            :          717.79 +/- 0.21% op/s
Native Map(100)               :         2604.31 +/- 0.55% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :        41734.29 +/- 1.72% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :        72196.86 +/- 0.48% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :        42046.94 +/- 1.79% op/s
Mori(100)                     :        55071.42 +/- 0.55% op/s
Immutable(100)                :        50888.59 +/- 1.63% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :            6.81 +/- 0.64% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :           27.84 +/- 0.25% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :         3452.02 +/- 1.64% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :         4708.97 +/- 0.42% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :         3238.73 +/- 0.28% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :         2250.95 +/- 1.56% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :         3915.16 +/- 0.44% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :            0.06 +/- 0.78% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :            0.25 +/- 0.33% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :          258.82 +/- 1.06% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :          357.25 +/- 0.83% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :          243.51 +/- 1.91% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :          188.37 +/- 1.88% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :          259.72 +/- 2.20% op/s

Put N (transient)
Native Object(10)             :      6355936.28 +/- 0.53% op/s
Native Map(10)                :      2141761.58 +/- 0.94% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      2391048.45 +/- 0.63% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :       715025.40 +/- 0.97% op/s
Mori(10)                      :       372014.92 +/- 0.26% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :       592039.71 +/- 0.91% op/s
Native Object(100)            :       225029.85 +/- 0.37% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       253513.35 +/- 1.31% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :       100329.53 +/- 0.78% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :        59642.00 +/- 1.11% op/s
Mori(100)                     :        10262.92 +/- 0.50% op/s
Immutable(100)                :        74537.29 +/- 1.43% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :        17409.89 +/- 1.06% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        22852.62 +/- 1.18% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :         6399.83 +/- 1.07% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :         5109.15 +/- 1.08% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :          739.91 +/- 0.29% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :         6750.34 +/- 0.87% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :         1847.74 +/- 0.14% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :         1762.05 +/- 0.91% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :          454.53 +/- 1.28% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :          454.62 +/- 1.43% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :           71.28 +/- 0.33% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :          585.08 +/- 1.32% op/s

Remove Nth
Native Object(10)             :       554062.84 +/- 1.80% op/s
Native Map(10)                :      1185616.11 +/- 0.50% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :      5119889.79 +/- 4.34% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      7720252.40 +/- 0.72% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :      6817854.59 +/- 3.88% op/s
Mori(10)                      :      6455392.22 +/- 0.65% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :      6229824.51 +/- 3.75% op/s
Native Object(100)            :        37432.28 +/- 0.68% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       137293.87 +/- 1.37% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :      4128467.71 +/- 3.95% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :      4973813.05 +/- 2.46% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :      4364941.74 +/- 3.88% op/s
Mori(100)                     :      5693296.53 +/- 0.49% op/s
Immutable(100)                :      4024498.82 +/- 4.21% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :         3470.43 +/- 0.25% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        13822.13 +/- 3.69% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :      3111371.11 +/- 0.63% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :      3582435.31 +/- 4.32% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :      3250335.01 +/- 0.82% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :      2224709.88 +/- 6.70% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :      2910640.42 +/- 0.48% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :          306.72 +/- 0.23% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :         1106.76 +/- 0.47% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :      2404360.56 +/- 1.13% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :      2976699.28 +/- 0.86% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :      2524228.58 +/- 4.10% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :      1784297.01 +/- 6.08% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :      2208910.94 +/- 4.49% op/s
Native Object(100000)         :           15.69 +/- 4.40% op/s
Native Map(100000)            :           54.09 +/- 11.05% op/s
Hashtrie(100000)              :      1133440.33 +/- 0.83% op/s
Hamt(100000)                  :      1320793.33 +/- 1.25% op/s
Hamt+(100000)                 :      1196216.46 +/- 1.87% op/s
Mori(100000)                  :      1093117.58 +/- 2.14% op/s
Immutable(100000)             :       951182.37 +/- 2.08% op/s

Remove N
Native Object(10)             :        75150.43 +/- 14.47% op/s
Native Map(10)                :       120758.65 +/- 0.65% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :       893133.18 +/- 0.83% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      1297110.23 +/- 0.80% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :      1059784.36 +/- 0.87% op/s
Mori(10)                      :      1000958.83 +/- 1.11% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :       908096.05 +/- 0.41% op/s
Native Object(100)            :          372.02 +/- 0.62% op/s
Native Map(100)               :         1355.08 +/- 0.73% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :        57451.56 +/- 0.55% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :        68918.19 +/- 1.91% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :        63600.45 +/- 0.91% op/s
Mori(100)                     :        72690.65 +/- 2.45% op/s
Immutable(100)                :        59392.95 +/- 0.56% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :            3.44 +/- 2.06% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :           14.29 +/- 0.85% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :         3875.06 +/- 0.37% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :         4838.57 +/- 1.85% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :         4117.35 +/- 0.42% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :         2904.35 +/- 2.57% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :         4223.82 +/- 1.55% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :            0.03 +/- 0.82% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :            0.11 +/- 0.32% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :          250.06 +/- 1.05% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :          355.14 +/- 1.93% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :          306.05 +/- 1.39% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :          217.79 +/- 3.15% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :          314.68 +/- 0.22% op/s

Remove N (transient)
Native Assign(10)             :       722527.06 +/- 0.77% op/s
Native Map(10)                :      1046807.56 +/- 0.24% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :      1411581.78 +/- 0.31% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :       856557.53 +/- 1.05% op/s
Mori(10)                      :       457271.38 +/- 0.47% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :      1041072.84 +/- 1.17% op/s
Native Assign(100)            :        34632.17 +/- 0.25% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       113397.13 +/- 1.14% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :        73017.79 +/- 1.68% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :        77114.35 +/- 0.29% op/s
Mori(100)                     :        43091.93 +/- 0.77% op/s
Immutable(100)                :        85791.46 +/- 0.50% op/s
Native Assign(1000)           :         3042.80 +/- 0.54% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        10073.65 +/- 1.11% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :         4835.00 +/- 0.64% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :         6545.06 +/- 0.95% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :         2447.39 +/- 1.21% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :         7388.84 +/- 1.06% op/s
Native Assign(10000)          :          281.11 +/- 0.73% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :          865.82 +/- 0.86% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :          348.95 +/- 1.17% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :          491.87 +/- 1.60% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :          216.97 +/- 1.98% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :          531.93 +/- 0.80% op/s

Native Object(10)             :     64864734.85 +/- 0.71% op/s
Native Map(10)                :    261425175.93 +/- 0.81% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :      5416247.07 +/- 0.66% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :    609334793.82 +/- 19.69% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :    151481940.70 +/- 1.05% op/s
Mori(10)                      :    187799315.97 +/- 0.40% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :    644709859.31 +/- 17.78% op/s
Native Object(100)            :       490535.38 +/- 0.18% op/s
Native Map(100)               :    118518525.07 +/- 0.89% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :    473634317.93 +/- 23.99% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :    141823412.92 +/- 1.57% op/s
Mori(100)                     :    141302556.76 +/- 3.12% op/s
Immutable(100)                :    158222206.63 +/- 1.35% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :        21978.45 +/- 1.55% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :    131411979.14 +/- 4.63% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :    140556172.21 +/- 2.28% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :    178599942.25 +/- 6.97% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :    123193130.18 +/- 1.09% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :    156770096.53 +/- 1.42% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :         1338.75 +/- 0.19% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :    114825267.23 +/- 0.85% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :    175028408.43 +/- 1.64% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :    146323593.74 +/- 0.93% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :    123274851.58 +/- 1.14% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :    181081867.50 +/- 1.98% op/s

Native Object(10)             :      5037860.41 +/- 0.49% op/s
Native Map(10)                :      2847825.55 +/- 0.38% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :     13401619.37 +/- 1.04% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :      8772658.01 +/- 0.48% op/s
Mori(10)                      :      7090215.40 +/- 0.48% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :      3377835.74 +/- 0.48% op/s
Native Object(100)            :       208603.43 +/- 1.21% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       422837.95 +/- 0.37% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :       749374.54 +/- 0.97% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :       679730.32 +/- 0.52% op/s
Mori(100)                     :      1041577.41 +/- 0.44% op/s
Immutable(100)                :       421781.11 +/- 0.37% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :        13052.63 +/- 1.05% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        43912.23 +/- 0.41% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :        65621.88 +/- 1.20% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :        55285.53 +/- 0.20% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :        71965.04 +/- 0.25% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :        34497.16 +/- 0.25% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :          918.39 +/- 0.89% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :         4490.63 +/- 0.10% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :         6640.59 +/- 0.89% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :         6080.95 +/- 0.40% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :         8161.07 +/- 0.30% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :         4072.33 +/- 0.78% op/s

Native Object(10)             :     57164152.43 +/- 1.68% op/s
Native Map(10)                :       864189.14 +/- 0.38% op/s
Hashtrie(10)                  :      4382646.88 +/- 0.90% op/s
Hamt(10)                      :       932758.09 +/- 0.25% op/s
Hamt fold(10)                 :      8864046.47 +/- 1.41% op/s
Hamt+(10)                     :       882688.30 +/- 0.37% op/s
Hamt+ fold(10)                :      3977816.86 +/- 0.92% op/s
Mori(10)                      :      1162858.60 +/- 0.61% op/s
Immutable(10)                 :       681323.85 +/- 4.17% op/s
Native Object(100)            :       433085.69 +/- 0.45% op/s
Native Map(100)               :       107254.36 +/- 0.26% op/s
Hashtrie(100)                 :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(100)                     :       101415.02 +/- 0.48% op/s
Hamt fold(100)                :       373729.87 +/- 0.40% op/s
Hamt+(100)                    :        94519.29 +/- 1.59% op/s
Hamt+ fold(100)               :       349389.22 +/- 0.37% op/s
Mori(100)                     :        69942.43 +/- 0.77% op/s
Immutable(100)                :       174370.09 +/- 2.01% op/s
Native Object(1000)           :        21716.96 +/- 1.33% op/s
Native Map(1000)              :        11022.24 +/- 0.41% op/s
Hashtrie(1000)                :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(1000)                    :         9835.78 +/- 0.43% op/s
Hamt fold(1000)               :        34322.81 +/- 0.30% op/s
Hamt+(1000)                   :         9296.36 +/- 0.26% op/s
Hamt+ fold(1000)              :        32671.69 +/- 0.89% op/s
Mori(1000)                    :         4825.12 +/- 0.74% op/s
Immutable(1000)               :        18574.48 +/- 1.45% op/s
Native Object(10000)          :         1329.48 +/- 0.86% op/s
Native Map(10000)             :         1123.76 +/- 0.51% op/s
Hashtrie(10000)               :            0.00 +/- 0.00% op/s
Hamt(10000)                   :         1062.94 +/- 1.55% op/s
Hamt fold(10000)              :         3546.25 +/- 0.47% op/s
Hamt+(10000)                  :          996.29 +/- 1.12% op/s
Hamt+ fold(10000)             :         3466.11 +/- 0.35% op/s
Mori(10000)                   :          454.89 +/- 1.57% op/s
Immutable(10000)              :         2170.35 +/- 0.26% op/s


Benchmarking of various Javascript persistent map implementations







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