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Bootylite::Plugin::Comments - plain file based comments for Bootylite

This is a simple comments plugin for the Bootylite blog engine. To set it up, all you need to do is adding some config options and updating your templates.


In your bootylite.conf:

plugins => {
    Comments => {
        comments_dir => app->home->rel_dir('comments'),

Additional options for this plugin:

  • encoding - the character encoding for the comment files. Default is utf-8

  • render_cb - a callback function which transforms comments to HTML. Default is this:

      sub _default_render {
          my $str = shift;
          # no html allowed
          $str = b($str)->html_escape;
          # line break cleanup
          $str =~ s/^\n+//;
          $str =~ s/\n*$/\n\n/;
          $str =~ s/\n\n+/\n\n/;
          # double line breaks: <p></p>
          $str =~ s|(.*?)\n\n|<p>$1</p>|sg;
          # single line breaks: <br>
          $str =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
          # prettify
          $str =~ s|</p>|</p>\n\n|g;
          return $str;
  • submit_bridge - a bridge route that checks submitted comment data for validity. Default is none which is bad. Maybe you want to do something like this:

      submit_bridge => app->routes->bridge->to(cb => sub {
          my $c = shift;
          # article exists?
          my $url     = $c->param('article_url');
          my $article = $c->booty->get_article($url);
          $c->render_not_found and return unless $article;
          # got name and text?
          my $name    = $c->param('name');
          my $comment = $c->param('comment');
          unless ($name and $comment) {
              $c->render_text("Please provide a name and a comment.");
          # posting too fast?
          my $ip      = $c->tx->remote_address;
          my @comms   = @{$article->all_comments};
          my $last    = (grep {$_->meta->{ip} eq $ip} @comms)[-1];
          if ($last and time - $last->time < 60*5) {
              $c->render_text("You're posting too fast.");
          # everything is fine
          return 1;
  • moderated - if true, new comments will be flagged with a HIDDEN meta key. You need to remove it to let the comment appear in the blog. Default is 1.


The comments are now available from Bootylite::Article objects with the following methods, but in most cases you need them only in the templates:

  • comment_count - the number of comments for this article

  • comments - an arrayref of Bootylite::Plugin::Comments::Comment objects. These objects have the following goodies for you:

    • filename - the absolute path of the corresponding file
    • time - the time this comment was created as a unix timestamp
    • meta - a hashref of meta information: name, mail, and ip
    • html - this comment as html (remember render_cb?)

    There's more. Feel free to read the code.


The following templates need updates:

  • article.html.ep - display comments and a submit form

      <div id="comments">
      % if (flash 'comment_saved') {
          <p id="message">Thanks! Comment saved!</p>
      % }
      % foreach my $comment (@{$article->comments}) {
          <div class="comment">
              <p class="name"><%= $comment->meta->{name} %></p>
              <%== $comment->html %>
      % }
      <%= form_for post_comment => (method => 'post') => begin %>
          <p>Add your comment:</p>
          <p>Name: <%= input_tag 'name' %></p>
          <p>Mail: <%= input_tag 'mail' %> (used for Gravatar pics only)</p>
          <%= text_area comment => cols => 60 => rows => 5 %>
          <p><%= submit_button 'Submit comment' %></p>
          <%= hidden_field article_url => $article->url %>
      <% end %>

    It's up to you to change it but think of the following:

    • the name of the form fields can't be changed.
    • it's good to have an element with the comments id.
    • make sure to add the article_url as a hidden field.
    • feel free to change the comment_saved message.
  • list_articles_short.html.ep - this template is used for the archive's article lists. You want to add the comment count for each article:

      <span class="comment-count">
          <a href="<%= url_for 'article', article_url => $article->url %>#comments">
              Comments: <%= $article->comment_count %>
  • show_article.html.ep - this template is used on other list pages and on the article page itself. You want to add the comment count and it's exactly the same code as above.


There's an Atom feed for you to watch comment activity, esp. if you use moderated comments: /comment_feed.xml. If you see new moderated comments, ssh to your Bootylite machine, make sure there's no pron in the new comments and simply delete the HIDDEN meta line.


Copyright (c) 2011 Mirko Westermeier,

See the file MIT-LICENSE in this distribution for details.


Simple comments for the Bootylite







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