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Environment Setup


  1. install node
  2. I use webstorm you can use sublime or w/e for your IDE
  3. clone the repo, run npm install from the base directory (the one with package.json) to pull in all depndencies of the project
  4. run the project with nodemon ./server - nodemon makes it so you dont have to refresh the server each time you make a change and the executable is server
  5. go to localhost:8000 to test out a random page with a list of champions from LoL
  6. localhost:8000/form is just a test form that we will use later to do stuff, if you submit the form notice how the server knows what you submitted.

Native Windows

  1. Download and install Git for Windows from
    1. For better powershell integration, try out posh-git as well:
  2. Download and install NodeJS from
  3. Clone the project
    1. Open a PowerShell console.
    2. Move to the directory you want the project to be cloned in.
    3. Run git clone
  4. Install project dependencies
    1. Move to the LoLProject directory.
    2. Run npm install
  5. Run the project: npm run server

BashOnWindows (Need at least Windows 10 Creators Update i.e. Windows versions 15063+)

  1. Setup on BashOnWindows
    1. Open Run window (win+r), type in ms-settings:developers, press enter.
    2. Select the Developer mode radio button. Accept the popup if there is one.
    3. Open Run window (win+r), type in optionalfeatures.exe, press enter.
    4. Find and check the box for Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta).
    5. Restart.
    6. Open Bash console window by typing bash into a cmd/powershell console or into the Run window.
    7. Accept the license and wait for the download and extraction to finish.
    8. Enter username/password.
    9. Run sudo apt-get update to get any updates.
    10. Run sudo apt-get upgrade to upgrade any packages that need it (this could take a while).
    11. Done with the setup! Now you can open a bash command prompt at any time using any of the methods mentioned above.
  2. Open a bash command prompt.
  3. Install git: sudo apt-get install -y git
  4. Install nodejs:
    1. Set version to install (LTS is 6.x as of writing this): curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    2. Install: sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
    3. Setup symlink for node (don't skip this): [[ $(which node) ]] || ln -s `which nodejs` /usr/bin/node
  5. Clone the project:
    1. Move to the directory you want the project to be cloned in.
    2. Run git clone
  6. Install project dependencies:
    1. Move to the LoLProject directory.
    2. Run npm install
  7. Run the project: npm run server

How to run tests

npm test

Learning Material - Node and Express Basics includes using DBs - Building a basic app with Node + Express - About Express - Learn ECMA 6 aka Javascript with functional programming

Mongo DB

Install MongoDB

  1. once installed make sure to create a /data/db folder ---> mkdir -p /data/db
  2. make sure /data/db has r/w permissions --> sudo chmod 777 /data/db

Testing mongo DB

  1. go to where you installed mongo go into /bin, see a list of executables run ./mongod (windows my be different)
  2. ./mongod has started the mongo server, open up another terminal window go to mongo directory run ./mongo

Usefull commands (that i have encountered)

  1. db --> shows name of db
  2.{"username":"max"}) --> inserts json object into mongo's collection
  3. --> prints out entire db collection


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