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MDL-63976 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack
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Significant string changes:

* courseoverviewfiles, courseoverviewfiles_help, courseoverviewfilesext
  in core, configcourseoverviewfilesext, configcourseoverviewfileslimit
  in core_admin, areacourseoverviewfiles in core_repository - renaming
  of 'Course summary files' to 'Course image'
  • Loading branch information
wildgirl authored and mudrd8mz committed Nov 19, 2018
1 parent 01acb1e commit cd492e2
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Showing 18 changed files with 75 additions and 84 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
$string['approve'] = 'Approve';
$string['approverequest'] = 'Approve request';
$string['automaticdeletionrequests'] = 'Create automatic data deletion requests';
$string['automaticdeletionrequests_desc'] = 'If enabled, automatic delete data request will be created upon user deletion or for each existing deleted user which data was not fully deleted.';
$string['automaticdeletionrequests_desc'] = 'If enabled, a data deletion request will be created automatically for any user accounts deleted manually.';
$string['bulkapproverequests'] = 'Approve requests';
$string['bulkdenyrequests'] = 'Deny requests';
$string['cachedef_purpose'] = 'Data purposes';
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$string['sensitivedatareasons_help'] = 'Select one or more applicable reasons that exempts the prohibition of processing sensitive personal data tied to this purpose. For more information, please see <a href="" target="_blank">GDPR Art. 9.2</a>';
$string['setdefaults'] = 'Set defaults';
$string['showdataretentionsummary'] = 'Show data retention summary';
$string['showdataretentionsummary_desc'] = 'If enabled, a link to the data retention summary is shown in the page footer and in the user profile page.';
$string['showdataretentionsummary_desc'] = 'If enabled, a link to the data retention summary is displayed in the page footer and in users\' profiles.';
$string['statusapproved'] = 'Approved';
$string['statusawaitingapproval'] = 'Awaiting approval';
$string['statuscancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion admin/tool/task/lang/en/tool_task.php
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$string['asap'] = 'ASAP';
$string['backtoscheduledtasks'] = 'Back to scheduled tasks';
$string['blocking'] = 'Blocking';
$string['cannotfindthepathtothecli'] = 'Cannot find the path to the PHP CLI executable so task execution aborted. Set the "Path to PHP CLI" setting in "Site administration / Server / System paths"';
$string['cannotfindthepathtothecli'] = 'Cannot find the path to the PHP CLI executable so task execution aborted. Set the \'Path to PHP CLI\' setting in Site administration / Server / System paths.';
$string['clearfaildelay_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to clear the fail delay for task \'{$a}\'? After clearing the delay, the task will run according to its normal schedule.';
$string['component'] = 'Component';
$string['corecomponent'] = 'Core';
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$string['nocourses'] = 'No recent courses';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Recently accessed courses';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The timeline block does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Recently accessed courses block does not store any personal data.';
$string['recentlyaccessedcourses:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Recently accessed courses block';
$string['recentlyaccessedcourses:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new Recently accessed courses block to Dashboard';
$string['recentlyaccessedcourses:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new recently accessed courses block to Dashboard';
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$string['noitems'] = 'No recent items';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Recently accessed items';
$string['privacy:metadata:cmid'] = 'The course module id';
$string['privacy:metadata:cmid'] = 'The ID of the activity or resource';
$string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'Course the item belongs to';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recentlyaccesseditemstablesummary'] = 'Information about the last time a user accessed an item.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timeaccess'] = 'The time of the last access to the item by the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'User who accessed the item';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recentlyaccesseditemstablesummary'] = 'The Recently accessed items block stores information about items that the user accessed recently';
$string['privacy:metadata:timeaccess'] = 'The time when the user last accessed the item';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who accessed the item';
$string['privacy:recentlyaccesseditemspath'] = 'Recently accessed items';
$string['recentlyaccesseditems:addinstance'] = 'Add a new recently accessed items block';
$string['recentlyaccesseditems:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new recently accessed items block to Dashboard';
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions blocks/starredcourses/lang/en/block_starredcourses.php
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$string['nocourses'] = 'No starred courses';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Starred courses';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The starred courses block does not store any personal data.';
$string['starredcourses:addinstance'] = 'Add a new instance of starred courses block';
$string['starredcourses:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new instance of starred block to Dashboard';
$string['starredcourses:addinstance'] = 'Add a new starred courses block';
$string['starredcourses:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new starred courses block to Dashboard';

19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions lang/en/admin.php
Expand Up @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@
$string['configcountry'] = 'If you set a country here, then this country will be selected by default on new user accounts. To force users to choose a country, just leave this unset.';
$string['configcoursegraceperiodafter'] = 'Classify past courses as in progress for these many days after the course end date.';
$string['configcoursegraceperiodbefore'] = 'Classify future courses as in progress for these many days prior to the course start date.';
$string['configcourseoverviewfilesext'] = 'A comma-separated list of allowed course summary files extensions.';
$string['configcourseoverviewfileslimit'] = 'The maximum number of files that can be attached to a course summary.';
$string['configcourseoverviewfilesext'] = 'A comma-separated list of allowed course image file extensions.';
$string['configcourseoverviewfileslimit'] = 'The maximum number of files that can be displayed next to the course summary on the list of courses page. The first file added is used as the course image in the course overview on users\' Dashboards; any additional files are displayed on the list of courses page only.';
$string['configcourserequestnotify'] = 'Type username of user to be notified when new course requested.';
$string['configcourserequestnotify2'] = 'Users who will be notified when a course is requested. Only users who can approve course requests are listed here.';
$string['configcoursesperpage'] = 'Enter the number of courses to be displayed per page in a course listing.';
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$string['configwarning'] = 'Be careful modifying these settings - strange values could cause problems.';
$string['configyuicomboloading'] = 'This options enables combined file loading optimisation for YUI libraries. This setting should be enabled on production sites for performance reasons.';
$string['confirmation'] = 'Confirmation';
$string['confirmcontextlock'] = '{$a->contextname} is currently unfrozen. Freezing it will prevent any further changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?';
$string['confirmcontextlock'] = '{$a->contextname} is currently unfrozen. Freezing it will make it read-only and prevent users from making changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?';
$string['confirmcontextunlock'] = '{$a->contextname} is currently frozen. Unfreezing it will allow users to make changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?';
$string['confirmdeletecomments'] = 'You are about to delete comments, are you sure?';
$string['confirmed'] = 'Confirmed';
$string['contextlocking'] = 'Context freezing';
$string['contextlocking_desc'] = 'This setting allows you to freeze categories, courses, activites, and blocks within the site by removing all write-access to those locations.';
$string['contextlocking_desc'] = 'This setting enables read-only access to be set for selected categories, courses, activities or blocks.';
$string['contextlockappliestoadmin'] = 'Context freezing applies to administrators';
$string['contextlockappliestoadmin_desc'] = 'This setting allows administrators to make changes in any context which is frozen.';
$string['contextlockappliestoadmin_desc'] = 'If disabled, administrators remain with write access to any frozen contexts.';
$string['cookiehttponly'] = 'Only http cookies';
$string['cookiesecure'] = 'Secure cookies only';
$string['country'] = 'Default country';
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$string['maintfileopenerror'] = 'Error opening maintenance files!';
$string['maintinprogress'] = 'Maintenance is in progress...';
$string['managecontextlock'] = 'Freeze this context';
$string['managecontextlocklocked'] = '{$a->contextname}, and all of its children are now frozen.';
$string['managecontextlockunlocked'] = '{$a->contextname}, and all of its children are now unfrozen.';
$string['managecontextlocklocked'] = '{$a->contextname} and any lower contexts are now frozen.';
$string['managecontextlockunlocked'] = '{$a->contextname} and any lower contexts are now unfrozen.';
$string['managecontextunlock'] = 'Unfreeze this context';
$string['manageformats'] = 'Manage course formats';
$string['manageformatsgotosettings'] = 'Default format can be changed in {$a}';
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$string['moodlebrandedapp'] = 'Branded Moodle app';
$string['moodlebrandedapp_help'] = '<p>The Branded Moodle app has all the functionality of our free mobile app for Moodle combined with your own custom branding.</p>
<a href="">About the Branded Moodle app</a>';
$string['moodlebrandedappreference'] = '<p>Contact Moodle HQ for our Branded Moodle app service and customise the app with your own branding.</p>
<a href="">About the Branded Moodle app</a>';
$string['moodlebrandedappreference'] = 'Alternatively, get a <a href="">Branded Moodle app</a> with your own custom branding.';
$string['moodlepartners'] = 'Moodle Partners';
$string['moodlepartners_help'] = '<p>Moodle Partners are services providers that are certified by Moodle HQ to provide high quality Moodle services for your organisation\'s online learning environment.</p>
<a href="">About our Partners</a><br />
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$string['updateavailablenot'] = 'Your Moodle code is up-to-date!';
$string['updateavailablerecommendation'] = 'It is strongly recommended that you update your site to the latest version to obtain all recent security and bug fixes.';
$string['updatenotifications'] = 'Update notifications';
$string['updatenotificationfooter'] = 'Your Moodle site {$a->siteurl} is configured to automatically check for available updates. You are receiving this message as the administrator of the site. You can disable automatic checks for available updates in the Site administration section of the Administration block. You can customise the delivery of this message via your preferences page.';
$string['updatenotificationfooter'] = 'Your Moodle site {$a->siteurl} is configured to automatically check for available updates. You are receiving this message as the administrator of the site. You can disable automatic checks for available updates in Site administration / Server / Update notifications or customise the delivery of this message via your preferences page.';
$string['updatenotificationsubject'] = 'Moodle updates are available ({$a->siteurl})';
$string['updateautocheck'] = 'Automatically check for available updates';
$string['updateautocheck_desc'] = 'If enabled, your site will automatically check for available updates for both Moodle code and all additional plugins. If there is a new update available, a notification will be sent to site admins.';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lang/en/analytics.php
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$string['onlycli'] = 'Analytics processes execution via command line only';
$string['onlycliinfo'] = 'Analytics processes like evaluating models, training machine learning algorithms or getting predictions can take some time, they will run as cron tasks and they can be forced via command line. Disable this setting if you want your site managers to be able to run these processes manually via web interface';
$string['predictionsprocessor'] = 'Predictions processor';
$string['predictionsprocessor_help'] = 'A predictions processor is the machine-learning backend that processes the datasets generated by calculating models\' indicators and targets. Each model can use a different processor, the one specified here will be the default value.';
$string['predictionsprocessor_help'] = 'A predictions processor is the machine-learning backend that processes the datasets generated by calculating models\' indicators and targets. Each model can use a different processor. The one specified here will be the default.';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc'] = 'Indicator calculations';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:starttime'] = 'Calculation start time';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:endtime'] = 'Calculation end time';
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