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Introduce NonterminalKind
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It encapsulate the (part of) the interface between the parser and
macro by example (macro_rules) parser.

The second bit is somewhat more general `parse_ast_fragment`, which is
the reason why we keep some `parse_xxx` functions as public.
  • Loading branch information
matklad committed Aug 2, 2020
1 parent dfe1e3b commit 2595d75
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Showing 9 changed files with 231 additions and 211 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/librustc_ast/
Expand Up @@ -760,6 +760,44 @@ pub enum Nonterminal {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(Nonterminal, 40);

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum NonterminalKind {

impl NonterminalKind {
pub fn from_symbol(symbol: Symbol) -> Option<NonterminalKind> {
Some(match symbol {
sym::item => NonterminalKind::Item,
sym::block => NonterminalKind::Block,
sym::stmt => NonterminalKind::Stmt,
sym::pat => NonterminalKind::Pat,
sym::expr => NonterminalKind::Expr,
sym::ty => NonterminalKind::Ty,
sym::ident => NonterminalKind::Ident,
sym::lifetime => NonterminalKind::Lifetime,
sym::literal => NonterminalKind::Literal,
sym::meta => NonterminalKind::Meta,
sym::path => NonterminalKind::Path,
sym::vis => NonterminalKind::Vis,
sym::tt => NonterminalKind::TT,
_ => return None,

impl Nonterminal {
fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
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203 changes: 18 additions & 185 deletions src/librustc_expand/mbe/
Expand Up @@ -76,15 +76,11 @@ use TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice::*;

use crate::mbe::{self, TokenTree};

use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, DocComment, Nonterminal, Token};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_parse::parser::{FollowedByType, Parser, PathStyle};
use rustc_ast::token::{self, DocComment, Nonterminal, NonterminalKind, Token};
use rustc_parse::parser::Parser;
use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, MacroRulesNormalizedIdent, Symbol};
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, MacroRulesNormalizedIdent};

use rustc_errors::PResult;
use rustc_span::Span;
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};

use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,7 +572,8 @@ fn inner_parse_loop<'root, 'tt>(
TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(_, _, id) => {
// Built-in nonterminals never start with these tokens,
// so we can eliminate them from consideration.
if may_begin_with(token, {
let kind = NonterminalKind::from_symbol(;
if Parser::nonterminal_may_begin_with(kind, token) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,8 +735,19 @@ pub(super) fn parse_tt(parser: &mut Cow<'_, Parser<'_>>, ms: &[TokenTree]) -> Na
let mut item = bb_items.pop().unwrap();
if let TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(span, _, ident) = item.top_elts.get_tt(item.idx) {
let match_cur = item.match_cur;
let nt = match parse_nt(parser.to_mut(), span, {
Err(()) => return ErrorReported,
let kind = NonterminalKind::from_symbol(;
let nt = match parser.to_mut().parse_nonterminal(kind) {
Err(mut err) => {
"while parsing argument for this `{}` macro fragment",
return ErrorReported;
Ok(nt) => nt,
item.push_match(match_cur, MatchedNonterminal(Lrc::new(nt)));
Expand All @@ -754,178 +762,3 @@ pub(super) fn parse_tt(parser: &mut Cow<'_, Parser<'_>>, ms: &[TokenTree]) -> Na

/// The token is an identifier, but not `_`.
/// We prohibit passing `_` to macros expecting `ident` for now.
fn get_macro_ident(token: &Token) -> Option<(Ident, bool)> {
token.ident().filter(|(ident, _)| != kw::Underscore)

/// Checks whether a non-terminal may begin with a particular token.
/// Returning `false` is a *stability guarantee* that such a matcher will *never* begin with that
/// token. Be conservative (return true) if not sure.
fn may_begin_with(token: &Token, name: Symbol) -> bool {
/// Checks whether the non-terminal may contain a single (non-keyword) identifier.
fn may_be_ident(nt: &token::Nonterminal) -> bool {
match *nt {
token::NtItem(_) | token::NtBlock(_) | token::NtVis(_) | token::NtLifetime(_) => false,
_ => true,

match name {
sym::expr => {
// This exception is here for backwards compatibility.
&& !token.is_keyword(kw::Let)
sym::ty => token.can_begin_type(),
sym::ident => get_macro_ident(token).is_some(),
sym::literal => token.can_begin_literal_maybe_minus(),
sym::vis => match token.kind {
// The follow-set of :vis + "priv" keyword + interpolated
token::Comma | token::Ident(..) | token::Interpolated(..) => true,
_ => token.can_begin_type(),
sym::block => match token.kind {
token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) => true,
token::Interpolated(ref nt) => match **nt {
| token::NtPat(_)
| token::NtTy(_)
| token::NtIdent(..)
| token::NtMeta(_)
| token::NtPath(_)
| token::NtVis(_) => false, // none of these may start with '{'.
_ => true,
_ => false,
sym::path | sym::meta => match token.kind {
token::ModSep | token::Ident(..) => true,
token::Interpolated(ref nt) => match **nt {
token::NtPath(_) | token::NtMeta(_) => true,
_ => may_be_ident(&nt),
_ => false,
sym::pat => match token.kind {
token::Ident(..) | // box, ref, mut, and other identifiers (can stricten)
token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) | // tuple pattern
token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket) | // slice pattern
token::BinOp(token::And) | // reference
token::BinOp(token::Minus) | // negative literal
token::AndAnd | // double reference
token::Literal(..) | // literal
token::DotDot | // range pattern (future compat)
token::DotDotDot | // range pattern (future compat)
token::ModSep | // path
token::Lt | // path (UFCS constant)
token::BinOp(token::Shl) => true, // path (double UFCS)
token::Interpolated(ref nt) => may_be_ident(nt),
_ => false,
sym::lifetime => match token.kind {
token::Lifetime(_) => true,
token::Interpolated(ref nt) => match **nt {
token::NtLifetime(_) | token::NtTT(_) => true,
_ => false,
_ => false,
_ => match token.kind {
token::CloseDelim(_) => false,
_ => true,

/// A call to the "black-box" parser to parse some Rust non-terminal.
/// # Parameters
/// - `p`: the "black-box" parser to use
/// - `sp`: the `Span` we want to parse
/// - `name`: the name of the metavar _matcher_ we want to match (e.g., `tt`, `ident`, `block`,
/// etc...)
/// # Returns
/// The parsed non-terminal.
fn parse_nt(p: &mut Parser<'_>, sp: Span, name: Symbol) -> Result<Nonterminal, ()> {
// FIXME(Centril): Consider moving this to `` to make
// the visibilities of the methods used below `pub(super)` at most.
if name == sym::tt {
return Ok(token::NtTT(p.parse_token_tree()));
parse_nt_inner(p, sp, name).map_err(|mut err| {
err.span_label(sp, format!("while parsing argument for this `{}` macro fragment", name))

fn parse_nt_inner<'a>(p: &mut Parser<'a>, sp: Span, name: Symbol) -> PResult<'a, Nonterminal> {
// Any `Nonterminal` which stores its tokens (currently `NtItem` and `NtExpr`)
// needs to have them force-captured here.
// A `macro_rules!` invocation may pass a captured item/expr to a proc-macro,
// which requires having captured tokens available. Since we cannot determine
// in advance whether or not a proc-macro will be (transitively) invoked,
// we always capture tokens for any `Nonterminal` which needs them.
Ok(match name {
sym::item => match p.collect_tokens(|this| this.parse_item())? {
(Some(mut item), tokens) => {
// If we captured tokens during parsing (due to outer attributes),
// use those.
if item.tokens.is_none() {
item.tokens = Some(tokens);
(None, _) => return Err(p.struct_span_err(p.token.span, "expected an item keyword")),
sym::block => token::NtBlock(p.parse_block()?),
sym::stmt => match p.parse_stmt()? {
Some(s) => token::NtStmt(s),
None => return Err(p.struct_span_err(p.token.span, "expected a statement")),
sym::pat => token::NtPat(p.parse_pat(None)?),
sym::expr => {
let (mut expr, tokens) = p.collect_tokens(|this| this.parse_expr())?;
// If we captured tokens during parsing (due to outer attributes),
// use those.
if expr.tokens.is_none() {
expr.tokens = Some(tokens);
sym::literal => token::NtLiteral(p.parse_literal_maybe_minus()?),
sym::ty => token::NtTy(p.parse_ty()?),
// this could be handled like a token, since it is one
sym::ident => {
if let Some((ident, is_raw)) = get_macro_ident(&p.token) {
token::NtIdent(ident, is_raw)
} else {
let token_str = pprust::token_to_string(&p.token);
let msg = &format!("expected ident, found {}", &token_str);
return Err(p.struct_span_err(p.token.span, msg));
sym::path => token::NtPath(p.parse_path(PathStyle::Type)?),
sym::meta => token::NtMeta(P(p.parse_attr_item()?)),
sym::vis => token::NtVis(p.parse_visibility(FollowedByType::Yes)?),
sym::lifetime => {
if p.check_lifetime() {
} else {
let token_str = pprust::token_to_string(&p.token);
let msg = &format!("expected a lifetime, found `{}`", &token_str);
return Err(p.struct_span_err(p.token.span, msg));
// this is not supposed to happen, since it has been checked
// when compiling the macro.
_ => p.span_bug(sp, "invalid fragment specifier"),
20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions src/librustc_expand/mbe/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::mbe::macro_parser::{MatchedNonterminal, MatchedSeq};
use crate::mbe::transcribe::transcribe;

use rustc_ast::ast;
use rustc_ast::token::{self, NtTT, Token, TokenKind::*};
use rustc_ast::token::{self, NonterminalKind, NtTT, Token, TokenKind::*};
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, TokenStream};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_attr::{self as attr, TransparencyError};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1228,23 +1228,7 @@ fn is_legal_fragment_specifier(
* for checking against feature gates. See past versions of
* this function.
match frag_name {
| sym::block
| sym::stmt
| sym::expr
| sym::pat
| sym::lifetime
| sym::path
| sym::ty
| sym::ident
| sym::meta
| sym::tt
| sym::vis
| sym::literal
| kw::Invalid => true,
_ => false,
NonterminalKind::from_symbol(frag_name).is_some() || frag_name == kw::Invalid

fn quoted_tt_to_string(tt: &mbe::TokenTree) -> String {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/librustc_parse/parser/
Expand Up @@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {

/// Matches `'-' lit | lit` (cf. `ast_validation::AstValidator::check_expr_within_pat`).
/// Keep this in sync with `Token::can_begin_literal_maybe_minus`.
pub fn parse_literal_maybe_minus(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
pub(super) fn parse_literal_maybe_minus(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {

let lo = self.token.span;
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/librustc_parse/parser/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
pub mod attr;
mod expr;
mod item;
mod nonterminal;
mod pat;
mod path;
mod ty;
Expand All @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ mod generics;
mod stmt;
use diagnostics::Error;

use crate::lexer::UnmatchedBrace;

use log::debug;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,7 +960,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {

/// Parses a single token tree from the input.
pub fn parse_token_tree(&mut self) -> TokenTree {
pub(crate) fn parse_token_tree(&mut self) -> TokenTree {
match self.token.kind {
token::OpenDelim(..) => {
let frame = mem::replace(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1017,7 +1019,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
/// If the following element can't be a tuple (i.e., it's a function definition), then
/// it's not a tuple struct field), and the contents within the parentheses isn't valid,
/// so emit a proper diagnostic.
pub fn parse_visibility(&mut self, fbt: FollowedByType) -> PResult<'a, Visibility> {
pub(crate) fn parse_visibility(&mut self, fbt: FollowedByType) -> PResult<'a, Visibility> {
maybe_whole!(self, NtVis, |x| x);

Expand Down

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