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Make MatcherPos::stack a SmallVec.
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This avoids some allocations.
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nikomatsakis authored and nnethercote committed Nov 12, 2018
1 parent 5a2ca1a commit 68e76dc
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 34 deletions.
91 changes: 57 additions & 34 deletions src/libsyntax/ext/tt/
Expand Up @@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ use std::rc::Rc;
/// Either a sequence of token trees or a single one. This is used as the representation of the
/// sequence of tokens that make up a matcher.
enum TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'a> {
enum TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'tt> {
TtSeq(&'a [TokenTree]),
TtSeq(&'tt [TokenTree]),

impl<'a> TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'a> {
impl<'tt> TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'tt> {
/// Returns the number of constituent top-level token trees of `self` (top-level in that it
/// will not recursively descend into subtrees).
fn len(&self) -> usize {
Expand All @@ -136,23 +136,41 @@ impl<'a> TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'a> {
/// This is used by `inner_parse_loop` to keep track of delimited submatchers that we have
/// descended into.
struct MatcherTtFrame<'a> {
struct MatcherTtFrame<'tt> {
/// The "parent" matcher that we are descending into.
elts: TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'a>,
elts: TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'tt>,
/// The position of the "dot" in `elts` at the time we descended.
idx: usize,

type NamedMatchVec = SmallVec<[NamedMatch; 4]>;

/// Represents a single "position" (aka "matcher position", aka "item"), as described in the module
/// documentation.
/// Represents a single "position" (aka "matcher position", aka "item"), as
/// described in the module documentation.
/// Here:
/// - `'root` represents the lifetime of the stack slot that holds the root
/// `MatcherPos`. As described in `MatcherPosHandle`, the root `MatcherPos`
/// structure is stored on the stack, but subsequent instances are put into
/// the heap.
/// - `'tt` represents the lifetime of the token trees that this matcher
/// position refers to.
/// It is important to distinguish these two lifetimes because we have a
/// `SmallVec<TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'tt>>` below, and the destructor of
/// that is considered to possibly access the data from its elements (it lacks
/// a `#[may_dangle]` attribute). As a result, the compiler needs to know that
/// all the elements in that `SmallVec` strictly outlive the root stack slot
/// lifetime. By separating `'tt` from `'root`, we can show that.
struct MatcherPos<'a> {
struct MatcherPos<'root, 'tt: 'root> {
/// The token or sequence of tokens that make up the matcher
top_elts: TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'a>,
top_elts: TokenTreeOrTokenTreeSlice<'tt>,

/// The position of the "dot" in this matcher
idx: usize,

/// The first span of source source that the beginning of this matcher corresponds to. In other
/// words, the token in the source whose span is `sp_open` is matched against the first token of
/// the matcher.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,26 +200,31 @@ struct MatcherPos<'a> {
/// in this matcher.
match_hi: usize,

// Specifically used if we are matching a repetition. If we aren't both should be `None`.
// The following fields are used if we are matching a repetition. If we aren't, they should be
// `None`.

/// The KleeneOp of this sequence if we are in a repetition.
seq_op: Option<quoted::KleeneOp>,
/// The separator if we are in a repetition

/// The separator if we are in a repetition.
sep: Option<Token>,

/// The "parent" matcher position if we are in a repetition. That is, the matcher position just
/// before we enter the sequence.
up: Option<MatcherPosHandle<'a>>,
up: Option<MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt>>,

// Specifically used to "unzip" token trees. By "unzip", we mean to unwrap the delimiters from
// a delimited token tree (e.g. something wrapped in `(` `)`) or to get the contents of a doc
// comment...
/// Specifically used to "unzip" token trees. By "unzip", we mean to unwrap the delimiters from
/// a delimited token tree (e.g. something wrapped in `(` `)`) or to get the contents of a doc
/// comment...
/// When matching against matchers with nested delimited submatchers (e.g. `pat ( pat ( .. )
/// pat ) pat`), we need to keep track of the matchers we are descending into. This stack does
/// that where the bottom of the stack is the outermost matcher.
// Also, throughout the comments, this "descent" is often referred to as "unzipping"...
stack: Vec<MatcherTtFrame<'a>>,
/// Also, throughout the comments, this "descent" is often referred to as "unzipping"...
stack: SmallVec<[MatcherTtFrame<'tt>; 1]>,

impl<'a> MatcherPos<'a> {
impl<'root, 'tt> MatcherPos<'root, 'tt> {
/// Add `m` as a named match for the `idx`-th metavar.
fn push_match(&mut self, idx: usize, m: NamedMatch) {
let matches = Rc::make_mut(&mut self.matches[idx]);
Expand All @@ -218,12 +241,12 @@ impl<'a> MatcherPos<'a> {
// Therefore, the initial MatcherPos is always allocated on the stack,
// subsequent ones (of which there aren't that many) are allocated on the heap,
// and this type is used to encapsulate both cases.
enum MatcherPosHandle<'a> {
Ref(&'a mut MatcherPos<'a>),
enum MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt: 'root> {
Ref(&'root mut MatcherPos<'root, 'tt>),
Box(Box<MatcherPos<'root, 'tt>>),

impl<'a> Clone for MatcherPosHandle<'a> {
impl<'root, 'tt> Clone for MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt> {
// This always produces a new Box.
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
MatcherPosHandle::Box(match *self {
Expand All @@ -233,8 +256,8 @@ impl<'a> Clone for MatcherPosHandle<'a> {

impl<'a> Deref for MatcherPosHandle<'a> {
type Target = MatcherPos<'a>;
impl<'root, 'tt> Deref for MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt> {
type Target = MatcherPos<'root, 'tt>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
match *self {
MatcherPosHandle::Ref(ref r) => r,
Expand All @@ -243,8 +266,8 @@ impl<'a> Deref for MatcherPosHandle<'a> {

impl<'a> DerefMut for MatcherPosHandle<'a> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MatcherPos<'a> {
impl<'root, 'tt> DerefMut for MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MatcherPos<'root, 'tt> {
match *self {
MatcherPosHandle::Ref(ref mut r) => r,
MatcherPosHandle::Box(ref mut b) => b,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,7 +315,7 @@ fn create_matches(len: usize) -> Box<[Rc<NamedMatchVec>]> {

/// Generate the top-level matcher position in which the "dot" is before the first token of the
/// matcher `ms` and we are going to start matching at the span `open` in the source.
fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: &[TokenTree], open: Span) -> MatcherPos {
fn initial_matcher_pos<'root, 'tt>(ms: &'tt [TokenTree], open: Span) -> MatcherPos<'root, 'tt> {
let match_idx_hi = count_names(ms);
let matches = create_matches(match_idx_hi);
MatcherPos {
Expand All @@ -312,7 +335,7 @@ fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: &[TokenTree], open: Span) -> MatcherPos {
match_hi: match_idx_hi,

// Haven't descended into any delimiters, so empty stack
stack: vec![],
stack: smallvec![],

// Haven't descended into any sequences, so both of these are `None`.
seq_op: None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,12 +468,12 @@ fn token_name_eq(t1: &Token, t2: &Token) -> bool {
/// # Returns
/// A `ParseResult`. Note that matches are kept track of through the items generated.
fn inner_parse_loop<'a>(
fn inner_parse_loop<'root, 'tt>(
sess: &ParseSess,
cur_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'a>; 1]>,
next_items: &mut Vec<MatcherPosHandle<'a>>,
eof_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'a>; 1]>,
bb_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'a>; 1]>,
cur_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt>; 1]>,
next_items: &mut Vec<MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt>>,
eof_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt>; 1]>,
bb_items: &mut SmallVec<[MatcherPosHandle<'root, 'tt>; 1]>,
token: &Token,
span: syntax_pos::Span,
) -> ParseResult<()> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,7 +577,7 @@ fn inner_parse_loop<'a>(

let matches = create_matches(item.matches.len());
cur_items.push(MatcherPosHandle::Box(Box::new(MatcherPos {
stack: vec![],
stack: smallvec![],
sep: seq.separator.clone(),
seq_op: Some(seq.op),
idx: 0,
Expand Down

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