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rework diagnostic reporting to be more structured
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nikomatsakis committed Nov 5, 2021
1 parent 9c84ac8 commit 76bc027
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Showing 10 changed files with 164 additions and 122 deletions.
185 changes: 108 additions & 77 deletions compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/
Expand Up @@ -88,19 +88,53 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
/// name (i.e: a.b.c)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
enum CapturesInfo {
/// We previously captured all of `x`, but now we capture some sub-path.
CapturingLess { source_expr: Option<hir::HirId>, var_name: String },
//CapturingNothing {
// // where the variable appears in the closure (but is not captured)
// use_span: Span,

/// Intermediate format to store information needed to generate migration lint. The tuple
/// contains the hir_id pointing to the use that resulted in the
/// corresponding place being captured, a String which contains the captured value's
/// name (i.e: a.b.c) and a String which contains the reason why migration is needed for that
/// capture
type MigrationNeededForCapture = (Option<hir::HirId>, String, String);
/// Reasons that we might issue a migration warning.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
struct MigrationWarningReason {
/// When we used to capture `x` in its entirety, we implemented the auto-trait(s)
/// in this vec, but now we don't.
auto_traits: Vec<&'static str>,

/// When we used to capture `x` in its entirety, we would execute some destructors
/// at a different time.
drop_order: bool,

impl MigrationWarningReason {
fn migration_message(&self) -> String {
let base = "changes to closure capture in Rust 2021 will affect";
if !self.auto_traits.is_empty() && self.drop_order {
format!("{} drop order and which traits the closure implements", base)
} else if self.drop_order {
format!("{} drop order", base)
} else {
format!("{} which traits the closure implements", base)

/// Intermediate format to store information needed to generate a note in the migration lint.
struct MigrationLintNote {
captures_info: CapturesInfo,

/// reasons why migration is needed for this capture
reason: MigrationWarningReason,

/// Intermediate format to store the hir id of the root variable and a HashSet containing
/// information on why the root variable should be fully captured
type MigrationDiagnosticInfo = (hir::HirId, Vec<MigrationNeededForCapture>);
struct NeededMigration {
var_hir_id: hir::HirId,
diagnostics_info: Vec<MigrationLintNote>,

struct InferBorrowKindVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
fcx: &'a FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,47 +744,50 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
|lint| {
let mut diagnostics_builder =
"changes to closure capture in Rust 2021 will affect {}",
for (var_hir_id, diagnostics_info) in need_migrations.iter() {
for NeededMigration { var_hir_id, diagnostics_info } in &need_migrations {
// Labels all the usage of the captured variable and why they are responsible
// for migration being needed
for (captured_hir_id, captured_name, reasons) in diagnostics_info.iter() {
if let Some(captured_hir_id) = captured_hir_id {
let cause_span = self.tcx.hir().span(*captured_hir_id);
diagnostics_builder.span_label(cause_span, format!("in Rust 2018, this closure captures all of `{}`, but in Rust 2021, it will only capture `{}`",
for lint_note in diagnostics_info.iter() {
match &lint_note.captures_info {
CapturesInfo::CapturingLess { source_expr: Some(capture_expr_id), var_name: captured_name } => {
let cause_span = self.tcx.hir().span(*capture_expr_id);
diagnostics_builder.span_label(cause_span, format!("in Rust 2018, this closure captures all of `{}`, but in Rust 2021, it will only capture `{}`",
_ => { }

// Add a label pointing to where a captured variable affected by drop order
// is dropped
if reasons.contains("drop order") {
if lint_note.reason.drop_order {
let drop_location_span = drop_location_span(self.tcx, &closure_hir_id);

diagnostics_builder.span_label(drop_location_span, format!("in Rust 2018, `{}` is dropped here, but in Rust 2021, only `{}` will be dropped here as part of the closure",
match &lint_note.captures_info {
CapturesInfo::CapturingLess { var_name: captured_name, .. } => {
diagnostics_builder.span_label(drop_location_span, format!("in Rust 2018, `{}` is dropped here, but in Rust 2021, only `{}` will be dropped here as part of the closure",

// Add a label explaining why a closure no longer implements a trait
if reasons.contains("trait implementation") {
let missing_trait = &reasons[..reasons.find("trait implementation").unwrap() - 1];

diagnostics_builder.span_label(closure_head_span, format!("in Rust 2018, this closure implements {} as `{}` implements {}, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement {} as `{}` does not implement {}",
for &missing_trait in &lint_note.reason.auto_traits {
// not capturing something anymore cannot cause a trait to fail to be implemented:
match &lint_note.captures_info {
CapturesInfo::CapturingLess { var_name: captured_name, .. } => {
diagnostics_builder.span_label(closure_head_span, format!("in Rust 2018, this closure implements {missing_trait} as `{x}` implements {missing_trait}, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement {missing_trait} as `{p}` does not implement {missing_trait}",
missing_trait = missing_trait,
x = self.tcx.hir().name(*var_hir_id),
p = captured_name,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,25 +880,16 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Combines all the reasons for 2229 migrations
fn compute_2229_migrations_reasons(
auto_trait_reasons: FxHashSet<&str>,
drop_reason: bool,
) -> String {
let mut reasons = String::new();

if !auto_trait_reasons.is_empty() {
reasons = format!(
"{} trait implementation for closure",
auto_trait_reasons.clone().into_iter().collect::<Vec<&str>>().join(", ")
auto_trait_reasons: FxHashSet<&'static str>,
drop_order: bool,
) -> MigrationWarningReason {
let mut reasons = MigrationWarningReason::default();

if !auto_trait_reasons.is_empty() && drop_reason {
reasons = format!("{} and ", reasons);
for auto_trait in auto_trait_reasons {

if drop_reason {
reasons = format!("{}drop order", reasons);
reasons.drop_order = drop_order;

Expand All @@ -877,7 +905,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
min_captures: Option<&ty::RootVariableMinCaptureList<'tcx>>,
var_hir_id: hir::HirId,
closure_clause: hir::CaptureBy,
) -> Option<FxHashMap<CapturesInfo, FxHashSet<&str>>> {
) -> Option<FxHashMap<CapturesInfo, FxHashSet<&'static str>>> {
let auto_traits_def_id = vec![
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1022,7 +1050,13 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {

match closure_clause {
// Only migrate if closure is a move closure
hir::CaptureBy::Value => return Some(FxHashSet::default()),
hir::CaptureBy::Value => {
let diagnostics_info = FxHashSet::default();
//let upvars = self.tcx.upvars_mentioned(closure_def_id).expect("must be an upvar");
//let _span = upvars[&var_hir_id];
return Some(diagnostics_info);
hir::CaptureBy::Ref => {}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,9 +1129,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
closure_span: Span,
closure_clause: hir::CaptureBy,
min_captures: Option<&ty::RootVariableMinCaptureList<'tcx>>,
) -> (Vec<MigrationDiagnosticInfo>, String) {
) -> (Vec<NeededMigration>, MigrationWarningReason) {
let Some(upvars) = self.tcx.upvars_mentioned(closure_def_id) else {
return (Vec::new(), String::new());
return (Vec::new(), MigrationWarningReason::default());

let mut need_migrations = Vec::new();
Expand All @@ -1106,7 +1140,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {

// Perform auto-trait analysis
for (&var_hir_id, _) in upvars.iter() {
let mut responsible_captured_hir_ids = Vec::new();
let mut diagnostics_info = Vec::new();

let auto_trait_diagnostic = if let Some(diagnostics_info) =
self.compute_2229_migrations_for_trait(min_captures, var_hir_id, closure_clause)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1138,38 +1172,33 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {

let mut capture_diagnostic = capture_diagnostic.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for captured_info in capture_diagnostic.iter() {
for captures_info in capture_diagnostic {
// Get the auto trait reasons of why migration is needed because of that capture, if there are any
let capture_trait_reasons =
if let Some(reasons) = auto_trait_diagnostic.get(captured_info) {
if let Some(reasons) = auto_trait_diagnostic.get(&captures_info) {
} else {

// Check if migration is needed because of drop reorder as a result of that capture
let capture_drop_reorder_reason = drop_reorder_diagnostic.contains(captured_info);
let capture_drop_reorder_reason = drop_reorder_diagnostic.contains(&captures_info);

// Combine all the reasons of why the root variable should be captured as a result of
// auto trait implementation issues

match captured_info {
CapturesInfo::CapturingLess { source_expr, var_name } => {
diagnostics_info.push(MigrationLintNote {
reason: self.compute_2229_migrations_reasons(

if !capture_diagnostic.is_empty() {
need_migrations.push((var_hir_id, responsible_captured_hir_ids));
if !diagnostics_info.is_empty() {
need_migrations.push(NeededMigration { var_hir_id, diagnostics_info });
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2130,10 +2159,12 @@ fn should_do_rust_2021_incompatible_closure_captures_analysis(
/// - s2: Comma separated names of the variables being migrated.
fn migration_suggestion_for_2229(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
need_migrations: &Vec<MigrationDiagnosticInfo>,
need_migrations: &Vec<NeededMigration>,
) -> (String, String) {
let need_migrations_variables =
need_migrations.iter().map(|(v, _)| var_name(tcx, *v)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let need_migrations_variables = need_migrations
.map(|NeededMigration { var_hir_id: v, .. }| var_name(tcx, *v))

let migration_ref_concat =
need_migrations_variables.iter().map(|v| format!("&{}", v)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ");
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn test_send_trait() {
let mut f = 10;
let fptr = SendPointer(&mut f as *mut i32);
thread::spawn(move || { let _ = &fptr; unsafe {
//~^ ERROR: `Send` trait implementation for closure
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Send` as `fptr` implements `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Send` as `fptr.0` does not implement `Send`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `fptr` to be fully captured
Expand All @@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ fn test_sync_trait() {
let f = CustomInt(&mut f as *mut i32);
let fptr = SyncPointer(f);
thread::spawn(move || { let _ = &fptr; unsafe {
//~^ ERROR: `Sync`, `Send` trait implementation for closure
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Sync`, `Send` as `fptr` implements `Sync`, `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Sync`, `Send` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Sync`, `Send`
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Sync` as `fptr` implements `Sync`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Sync` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Sync`
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Send` as `fptr` implements `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Send` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Send`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `fptr` to be fully captured
*fptr.0.0 = 20;
Expand All @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ fn test_clone_trait() {
let f = U(S(Foo(0)), T(0));
let c = || {
let _ = &f;
//~^ ERROR: `Clone` trait implementation for closure and drop order
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture in Rust 2021 will affect drop order and which traits the closure implements
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Clone` as `f` implements `Clone`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Clone` as `f.1` does not implement `Clone`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `f` to be fully captured
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn test_send_trait() {
let mut f = 10;
let fptr = SendPointer(&mut f as *mut i32);
thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
//~^ ERROR: `Send` trait implementation for closure
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Send` as `fptr` implements `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Send` as `fptr.0` does not implement `Send`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `fptr` to be fully captured
Expand All @@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ fn test_sync_trait() {
let f = CustomInt(&mut f as *mut i32);
let fptr = SyncPointer(f);
thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
//~^ ERROR: `Sync`, `Send` trait implementation for closure
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Sync`, `Send` as `fptr` implements `Sync`, `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Sync`, `Send` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Sync`, `Send`
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Sync` as `fptr` implements `Sync`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Sync` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Sync`
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Send` as `fptr` implements `Send`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Send` as `fptr.0.0` does not implement `Send`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `fptr` to be fully captured
*fptr.0.0 = 20;
Expand All @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ impl Clone for U {
fn test_clone_trait() {
let f = U(S(Foo(0)), T(0));
let c = || {
//~^ ERROR: `Clone` trait implementation for closure and drop order
//~^ ERROR: changes to closure capture in Rust 2021 will affect drop order and which traits the closure implements
//~| NOTE: in Rust 2018, this closure implements `Clone` as `f` implements `Clone`, but in Rust 2021, this closure will no longer implement `Clone` as `f.1` does not implement `Clone`
//~| NOTE: for more information, see
//~| HELP: add a dummy let to cause `f` to be fully captured
Expand Down

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