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rustc: Split local type contexts interners from the global one.
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eddyb committed May 11, 2016
1 parent 31a07b0 commit a1c170f
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Showing 65 changed files with 1,142 additions and 700 deletions.
247 changes: 190 additions & 57 deletions src/librustc/infer/
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ use middle::free_region::FreeRegionMap;
use middle::mem_categorization as mc;
use middle::mem_categorization::McResult;
use middle::region::CodeExtent;
use mir::tcx::LvalueTy;
use ty::subst;
use ty::subst::Substs;
use ty::subst::Subst;
Expand All @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ use ty::fold::TypeFoldable;
use ty::relate::{Relate, RelateResult, TypeRelation};
use traits::{self, PredicateObligations, ProjectionMode};
use rustc_data_structures::unify::{self, UnificationTable};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell, Ref};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell, Ref, RefMut};
use std::fmt;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,10 +73,36 @@ pub type Bound<T> = Option<T>;
pub type UnitResult<'tcx> = RelateResult<'tcx, ()>; // "unify result"
pub type FixupResult<T> = Result<T, FixupError>; // "fixup result"

/// A version of &ty::Tables which can be global or local.
/// Only the local version supports borrow_mut.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum InferTables<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
Global(&'a RefCell<ty::Tables<'gcx>>),
Local(&'a RefCell<ty::Tables<'tcx>>)

impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> InferTables<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn borrow(self) -> Ref<'a, ty::Tables<'tcx>> {
match self {
InferTables::Global(tables) => tables.borrow(),
InferTables::Local(tables) => tables.borrow()

pub fn borrow_mut(self) -> RefMut<'a, ty::Tables<'tcx>> {
match self {
InferTables::Global(_) => {
bug!("InferTables: infcx.tables.borrow_mut() outside of type-checking");
InferTables::Local(tables) => tables.borrow_mut()

pub struct InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,

pub tables: &'a RefCell<ty::Tables<'tcx>>,
pub tables: InferTables<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,

// We instantiate UnificationTable with bounds<Ty> because the
// types that might instantiate a general type variable have an
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,48 +417,106 @@ impl fmt::Display for FixupError {

impl<'a, 'tcx> InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn enter<F, R>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
tables: Option<ty::Tables<'tcx>>,
param_env: Option<ty::ParameterEnvironment<'tcx>>,
projection_mode: ProjectionMode,
f: F) -> R
where F: for<'b> FnOnce(InferCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> R
/// Helper type of a temporary returned by tcx.infer_ctxt(...).
/// Necessary because we can't write the following bound:
/// F: for<'b, 'tcx> where 'gcx: 'tcx FnOnce(InferCtxt<'b, 'gcx, 'tcx>).
pub struct InferCtxtBuilder<'a, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a> {
global_tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'gcx>,
arenas: ty::CtxtArenas<'tcx>,
tables: Option<RefCell<ty::Tables<'tcx>>>,
param_env: Option<ty::ParameterEnvironment<'gcx>>,
projection_mode: ProjectionMode,
normalize: bool

impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'gcx> {
pub fn infer_ctxt(self,
tables: Option<ty::Tables<'tcx>>,
param_env: Option<ty::ParameterEnvironment<'gcx>>,
projection_mode: ProjectionMode)
-> InferCtxtBuilder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
InferCtxtBuilder {
global_tcx: self,
arenas: ty::CtxtArenas::new(),
param_env: param_env,
projection_mode: projection_mode,
normalize: false

pub fn normalizing_infer_ctxt(self, projection_mode: ProjectionMode)
-> InferCtxtBuilder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
InferCtxtBuilder {
global_tcx: self,
arenas: ty::CtxtArenas::new(),
tables: None,
param_env: None,
projection_mode: projection_mode,
normalize: false

/// Fake InferCtxt with the global tcx. Used by pre-MIR borrowck
/// for MemCategorizationContext/ExprUseVisitor.
/// If any inference functionality is used, ICEs will occur.
pub fn borrowck_fake_infer_ctxt(self, param_env: ty::ParameterEnvironment<'gcx>)
-> InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'gcx> {
InferCtxt {
tcx: self,
tables: InferTables::Global(&self.tables),
type_variables: RefCell::new(type_variable::TypeVariableTable::new()),
int_unification_table: RefCell::new(UnificationTable::new()),
float_unification_table: RefCell::new(UnificationTable::new()),
region_vars: RegionVarBindings::new(self),
parameter_environment: param_env,
selection_cache: traits::SelectionCache::new(),
evaluation_cache: traits::EvaluationCache::new(),
reported_trait_errors: RefCell::new(FnvHashSet()),
normalize: false,
projection_mode: ProjectionMode::AnyFinal,
tainted_by_errors_flag: Cell::new(false),
err_count_on_creation: self.sess.err_count()

impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> InferCtxtBuilder<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn enter<F, R>(&'tcx mut self, f: F) -> R
where F: for<'b> FnOnce(InferCtxt<'b, 'gcx, 'tcx>) -> R
let new_tables;
let tables = if let Some(tables) = tables {
new_tables = RefCell::new(tables);
let InferCtxtBuilder {
ref arenas,
ref tables,
ref mut param_env,
} = *self;
let tables = if let Some(ref tables) = *tables {
} else {
f(InferCtxt {
let param_env = param_env.take().unwrap_or_else(|| {
global_tcx.enter_local(arenas, |tcx| f(InferCtxt {
tcx: tcx,
tables: tables,
type_variables: RefCell::new(type_variable::TypeVariableTable::new()),
int_unification_table: RefCell::new(UnificationTable::new()),
float_unification_table: RefCell::new(UnificationTable::new()),
region_vars: RegionVarBindings::new(tcx),
parameter_environment: param_env.unwrap_or(tcx.empty_parameter_environment()),
parameter_environment: param_env,
selection_cache: traits::SelectionCache::new(),
evaluation_cache: traits::EvaluationCache::new(),
reported_trait_errors: RefCell::new(FnvHashSet()),
normalize: false,
normalize: normalize,
projection_mode: projection_mode,
tainted_by_errors_flag: Cell::new(false),
tainted_by_errors_flag: Cell::new(false),
err_count_on_creation: tcx.sess.err_count()

pub fn enter_normalizing<F, R>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
projection_mode: ProjectionMode,
f: F) -> R
where F: for<'b> FnOnce(InferCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> R
InferCtxt::enter(tcx, None, None, projection_mode, |mut infcx| {
infcx.normalize = true;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,10 +544,54 @@ pub struct CombinedSnapshot {
region_vars_snapshot: RegionSnapshot,

/// Helper trait for shortening the lifetimes inside a
/// value for post-type-checking normalization.
pub trait TransNormalize<'gcx>: TypeFoldable<'gcx> {
fn trans_normalize<'a, 'tcx>(&self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) -> Self;

macro_rules! items { ($($item:item)+) => ($($item)+) }
macro_rules! impl_trans_normalize {
($lt_gcx:tt, $($ty:ty),+) => {
items!($(impl<$lt_gcx> TransNormalize<$lt_gcx> for $ty {
fn trans_normalize<'a, 'tcx>(&self,
infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, $lt_gcx, 'tcx>)
-> Self {

&'gcx Substs<'gcx>,
&'gcx ty::BareFnTy<'gcx>,

impl<'gcx> TransNormalize<'gcx> for LvalueTy<'gcx> {
fn trans_normalize<'a, 'tcx>(&self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) -> Self {
match *self {
LvalueTy::Ty { ty } => LvalueTy::Ty { ty: ty.trans_normalize(infcx) },
LvalueTy::Downcast { adt_def, substs, variant_index } => {
LvalueTy::Downcast {
adt_def: adt_def,
substs: substs.trans_normalize(infcx),
variant_index: variant_index

// NOTE: Callable from trans only!
impl<'a, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
pub fn normalize_associated_type<T>(self, value: &T) -> T
where T : TypeFoldable<'tcx>
where T: TransNormalize<'tcx>
debug!("normalize_associated_type(t={:?})", value);

Expand All @@ -472,15 +601,15 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
return value;

InferCtxt::enter(self, None, None, ProjectionMode::Any, |infcx| {
self.infer_ctxt(None, None, ProjectionMode::Any).enter(|infcx| {

impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
fn normalize_projections_in<T>(&self, value: &T) -> T
where T : TypeFoldable<'tcx>
fn normalize_projections_in<T>(&self, value: &T) -> T::Lifted
where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx> + ty::Lift<'gcx>
let mut selcx = traits::SelectionContext::new(self);
let cause = traits::ObligationCause::dummy();
Expand All @@ -503,16 +632,21 @@ pub fn drain_fulfillment_cx_or_panic<T>(&self,
span: Span,
fulfill_cx: &mut traits::FulfillmentContext<'tcx>,
result: &T)
-> T
where T : TypeFoldable<'tcx>
-> T::Lifted
where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx> + ty::Lift<'gcx>
match self.drain_fulfillment_cx(fulfill_cx, result) {
let when = "resolving bounds after type-checking";
let v = match self.drain_fulfillment_cx(fulfill_cx, result) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(errors) => {
"Encountered errors `{:?}` fulfilling during trans",
span_bug!(span, "Encountered errors `{:?}` {}", errors, when);

match self.tcx.lift_to_global(&v) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
span_bug!(span, "Uninferred types/regions in `{:?}` {}", v, when);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1449,18 +1583,16 @@ pub fn drain_fulfillment_cx<T>(&self,

pub fn tables_are_tcx_tables(&self) -> bool {
let tables: &RefCell<ty::Tables> = &self.tables;
let tcx_tables: &RefCell<ty::Tables> = &self.tcx.tables;
tables as *const _ as usize == tcx_tables as *const _ as usize

pub fn type_moves_by_default(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> bool {
let ty = self.resolve_type_vars_if_possible(&ty);
if let Some(ty) = self.tcx.lift_to_global(&ty) {
// HACK(eddyb) Temporarily handle infer type in the global tcx.
if !ty.needs_infer() &&
!(ty.has_closure_types() && !self.tables_are_tcx_tables()) {
// Even if the type may have no inference variables, during
// type-checking closure types are in local tables only.
let local_closures = match self.tables {
InferTables::Local(_) => ty.has_closure_types(),
InferTables::Global(_) => false
if !local_closures {
return ty.moves_by_default(self.tcx.global_tcx(), self.param_env(), span);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1527,7 +1659,7 @@ pub fn drain_fulfillment_cx<T>(&self,
// during trans, we see closure ids from other traits.
// That may require loading the closure data out of the
// cstore.
Some(ty::Tables::closure_kind(&self.tables, self.tcx, def_id))

Expand All @@ -1536,12 +1668,13 @@ pub fn drain_fulfillment_cx<T>(&self,
substs: ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>)
-> ty::ClosureTy<'tcx>
let closure_ty =
if let InferTables::Local(tables) = self.tables {
if let Some(ty) = tables.borrow().closure_tys.get(&def_id) {
return ty.subst(self.tcx, substs.func_substs);

let closure_ty = self.tcx.closure_type(def_id, substs);
if self.normalize {
let closure_ty = self.tcx.erase_regions(&closure_ty);

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