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Merge two query callbacks arrays.
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cjgillot committed Oct 20, 2021
1 parent dc71433 commit b09de95
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Showing 12 changed files with 180 additions and 247 deletions.
40 changes: 23 additions & 17 deletions compiler/rustc_incremental/src/
Expand Up @@ -126,30 +126,36 @@ impl IfThisChanged<'tcx> {
if attr.has_name(sym::rustc_if_this_changed) {
let dep_node_interned = self.argument(attr);
let dep_node = match dep_node_interned {
None => DepNode::from_def_path_hash(def_path_hash, DepKind::hir_owner),
Some(n) => match DepNode::from_label_string(&n.as_str(), def_path_hash) {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(()) => {
&format!("unrecognized DepNode variant {:?}", n),
None => {
DepNode::from_def_path_hash(self.tcx, def_path_hash, DepKind::hir_owner)
Some(n) => {
match DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &n.as_str(), def_path_hash) {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(()) => {
&format!("unrecognized DepNode variant {:?}", n),
self.if_this_changed.push((attr.span, def_id.to_def_id(), dep_node));
} else if attr.has_name(sym::rustc_then_this_would_need) {
let dep_node_interned = self.argument(attr);
let dep_node = match dep_node_interned {
Some(n) => match DepNode::from_label_string(&n.as_str(), def_path_hash) {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(()) => {
&format!("unrecognized DepNode variant {:?}", n),
Some(n) => {
match DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &n.as_str(), def_path_hash) {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(()) => {
&format!("unrecognized DepNode variant {:?}", n),
None => {
self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(attr.span, "missing DepNode variant");
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21 changes: 6 additions & 15 deletions compiler/rustc_incremental/src/persist/
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, Attribute, NestedMetaItem};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId};
use rustc_hir::def_id::LocalDefId;
use rustc_hir::intravisit;
use rustc_hir::itemlikevisit::ItemLikeVisitor;
use rustc_hir::Node as HirNode;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,18 +302,6 @@ impl DirtyCleanVisitor<'tcx> {

fn dep_nodes<'l>(
labels: &'l Labels,
def_id: DefId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = DepNode> + 'l {
let def_path_hash = self.tcx.def_path_hash(def_id);
labels.iter().map(move |label| match DepNode::from_label_string(label, def_path_hash) {
Ok(dep_node) => dep_node,
Err(()) => unreachable!("label: {}", label),

fn dep_node_str(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> String {
if let Some(def_id) = dep_node.extract_def_id(self.tcx) {
format!("{:?}({})", dep_node.kind, self.tcx.def_path_str(def_id))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,16 +333,19 @@ impl DirtyCleanVisitor<'tcx> {

fn check_item(&mut self, item_id: LocalDefId, item_span: Span) {
let def_path_hash = self.tcx.def_path_hash(item_id.to_def_id());
for attr in self.tcx.get_attrs(item_id.to_def_id()).iter() {
let assertion = match self.assertion_maybe(item_id, attr) {
Some(a) => a,
None => continue,
for dep_node in self.dep_nodes(&assertion.clean, item_id.to_def_id()) {
for label in assertion.clean {
let dep_node = DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &label, def_path_hash).unwrap();
self.assert_clean(item_span, dep_node);
for dep_node in self.dep_nodes(&assertion.dirty, item_id.to_def_id()) {
for label in assertion.dirty {
let dep_node = DepNode::from_label_string(self.tcx, &label, def_path_hash).unwrap();
self.assert_dirty(item_span, dep_node);
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/rustc_interface/src/
Expand Up @@ -838,6 +838,7 @@ pub fn create_global_ctxt<'tcx>(
Expand Down
186 changes: 72 additions & 114 deletions compiler/rustc_middle/src/dep_graph/
Expand Up @@ -78,32 +78,70 @@ pub struct DepKindStruct {
/// Anonymous queries cannot be replayed from one compiler invocation to the next.
/// When their result is needed, it is recomputed. They are useful for fine-grained
/// dependency tracking, and caching within one compiler invocation.
pub(super) is_anon: bool,
pub is_anon: bool,

/// Eval-always queries do not track their dependencies, and are always recomputed, even if
/// their inputs have not changed since the last compiler invocation. The result is still
/// cached within one compiler invocation.
pub(super) is_eval_always: bool,
pub is_eval_always: bool,

/// Whether the query key can be recovered from the hashed fingerprint.
/// See [DepNodeParams] trait for the behaviour of each key type.
// FIXME: Make this a simple boolean once DepNodeParams::fingerprint_style
// can be made a specialized associated const.
fingerprint_style: fn() -> FingerprintStyle,

impl std::ops::Deref for DepKind {
type Target = DepKindStruct;
fn deref(&self) -> &DepKindStruct {
&DEP_KINDS[*self as usize]
pub fingerprint_style: fn() -> FingerprintStyle,

/// The red/green evaluation system will try to mark a specific DepNode in the
/// dependency graph as green by recursively trying to mark the dependencies of
/// that `DepNode` as green. While doing so, it will sometimes encounter a `DepNode`
/// where we don't know if it is red or green and we therefore actually have
/// to recompute its value in order to find out. Since the only piece of
/// information that we have at that point is the `DepNode` we are trying to
/// re-evaluate, we need some way to re-run a query from just that. This is what
/// `force_from_dep_node()` implements.
/// In the general case, a `DepNode` consists of a `DepKind` and an opaque
/// GUID/fingerprint that will uniquely identify the node. This GUID/fingerprint
/// is usually constructed by computing a stable hash of the query-key that the
/// `DepNode` corresponds to. Consequently, it is not in general possible to go
/// back from hash to query-key (since hash functions are not reversible). For
/// this reason `force_from_dep_node()` is expected to fail from time to time
/// because we just cannot find out, from the `DepNode` alone, what the
/// corresponding query-key is and therefore cannot re-run the query.
/// The system deals with this case letting `try_mark_green` fail which forces
/// the root query to be re-evaluated.
/// Now, if `force_from_dep_node()` would always fail, it would be pretty useless.
/// Fortunately, we can use some contextual information that will allow us to
/// reconstruct query-keys for certain kinds of `DepNode`s. In particular, we
/// enforce by construction that the GUID/fingerprint of certain `DepNode`s is a
/// valid `DefPathHash`. Since we also always build a huge table that maps every
/// `DefPathHash` in the current codebase to the corresponding `DefId`, we have
/// everything we need to re-run the query.
/// Take the `mir_promoted` query as an example. Like many other queries, it
/// just has a single parameter: the `DefId` of the item it will compute the
/// validated MIR for. Now, when we call `force_from_dep_node()` on a `DepNode`
/// with kind `MirValidated`, we know that the GUID/fingerprint of the `DepNode`
/// is actually a `DefPathHash`, and can therefore just look up the corresponding
/// `DefId` in `tcx.def_path_hash_to_def_id`.
/// When you implement a new query, it will likely have a corresponding new
/// `DepKind`, and you'll have to support it here in `force_from_dep_node()`. As
/// a rule of thumb, if your query takes a `DefId` or `LocalDefId` as sole parameter,
/// then `force_from_dep_node()` should not fail for it. Otherwise, you can just
/// add it to the "We don't have enough information to reconstruct..." group in
/// the match below.
pub force_from_dep_node: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, dep_node: &DepNode) -> bool,

/// Invoke a query to put the on-disk cached value in memory.
pub try_load_from_on_disk_cache: fn(TyCtxt<'_>, &DepNode),

impl DepKind {
pub fn fingerprint_style(&self) -> FingerprintStyle {
pub fn fingerprint_style(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> FingerprintStyle {
// Only fetch the DepKindStruct once.
let data: &DepKindStruct = &**self;
let data = tcx.query_kind(self);
if data.is_anon {
return FingerprintStyle::Opaque;
Expand All @@ -112,94 +150,6 @@ impl DepKind {

macro_rules! is_anon_attr {
(anon) => {
($attr:ident) => {

macro_rules! is_eval_always_attr {
(eval_always) => {
($attr:ident) => {

macro_rules! contains_anon_attr {
($(($attr:ident $($attr_args:tt)* )),*) => ({$(is_anon_attr!($attr) | )* false});

macro_rules! contains_eval_always_attr {
($(($attr:ident $($attr_args:tt)* )),*) => ({$(is_eval_always_attr!($attr) | )* false});

pub mod dep_kind {
use super::*;
use crate::ty::query::query_keys;
use rustc_query_system::dep_graph::FingerprintStyle;

// We use this for most things when incr. comp. is turned off.
pub const Null: DepKindStruct = DepKindStruct {
is_anon: false,
is_eval_always: false,

fingerprint_style: || FingerprintStyle::Unit,

pub const TraitSelect: DepKindStruct = DepKindStruct {
is_anon: true,
is_eval_always: false,

fingerprint_style: || FingerprintStyle::Unit,

pub const CompileCodegenUnit: DepKindStruct = DepKindStruct {
is_anon: false,
is_eval_always: false,

fingerprint_style: || FingerprintStyle::Opaque,

pub const CompileMonoItem: DepKindStruct = DepKindStruct {
is_anon: false,
is_eval_always: false,

fingerprint_style: || FingerprintStyle::Opaque,

macro_rules! define_query_dep_kinds {
$variant:ident $(( $tuple_arg_ty:ty $(,)? ))*
,)*) => (
$(pub const $variant: DepKindStruct = {
const is_anon: bool = contains_anon_attr!($($attrs)*);
const is_eval_always: bool = contains_eval_always_attr!($($attrs)*);

fn fingerprint_style() -> rustc_query_system::dep_graph::FingerprintStyle {
<query_keys::$variant<'_> as DepNodeParams<TyCtxt<'_>>>

DepKindStruct {


macro_rules! define_dep_nodes {
Expand All @@ -212,9 +162,7 @@ macro_rules! define_dep_nodes {
($mod:ident) => {[ $(($mod::$variant),)* ]};

static DEP_KINDS: &[DepKindStruct] = &make_dep_kind_array!(dep_kind);

/// This enum serves as an index into the `DEP_KINDS` array.
/// This enum serves as an index into arrays built by `make_dep_kind_array`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub enum DepKind {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +228,7 @@ pub trait DepNodeExt: Sized {
/// Construct a DepNode from the given DepKind and DefPathHash. This
/// method will assert that the given DepKind actually requires a
/// single DefId/DefPathHash parameter.
fn from_def_path_hash(def_path_hash: DefPathHash, kind: DepKind) -> Self;
fn from_def_path_hash(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_path_hash: DefPathHash, kind: DepKind) -> Self;

/// Extracts the DefId corresponding to this DepNode. This will work
/// if two conditions are met:
Expand All @@ -295,7 +243,11 @@ pub trait DepNodeExt: Sized {
fn extract_def_id(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<DefId>;

/// Used in testing
fn from_label_string(label: &str, def_path_hash: DefPathHash) -> Result<Self, ()>;
fn from_label_string(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
label: &str,
def_path_hash: DefPathHash,
) -> Result<Self, ()>;

/// Used in testing
fn has_label_string(label: &str) -> bool;
Expand All @@ -305,8 +257,8 @@ impl DepNodeExt for DepNode {
/// Construct a DepNode from the given DepKind and DefPathHash. This
/// method will assert that the given DepKind actually requires a
/// single DefId/DefPathHash parameter.
fn from_def_path_hash(def_path_hash: DefPathHash, kind: DepKind) -> DepNode {
debug_assert!(kind.fingerprint_style() == FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash);
fn from_def_path_hash(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_path_hash: DefPathHash, kind: DepKind) -> DepNode {
debug_assert!(kind.fingerprint_style(tcx) == FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash);
DepNode { kind, hash: def_path_hash.0.into() }

Expand All @@ -321,21 +273,27 @@ impl DepNodeExt for DepNode {
/// refers to something from the previous compilation session that
/// has been removed.
fn extract_def_id(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Option<DefId> {
if self.kind.fingerprint_style() == FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash {
if self.kind.fingerprint_style(tcx) == FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash {
} else {

/// Used in testing
fn from_label_string(label: &str, def_path_hash: DefPathHash) -> Result<DepNode, ()> {
fn from_label_string(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
label: &str,
def_path_hash: DefPathHash,
) -> Result<DepNode, ()> {
let kind = dep_kind_from_label_string(label)?;

match kind.fingerprint_style() {
match kind.fingerprint_style(tcx) {
FingerprintStyle::Opaque => Err(()),
FingerprintStyle::Unit => Ok(DepNode::new_no_params(kind)),
FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash => Ok(DepNode::from_def_path_hash(def_path_hash, kind)),
FingerprintStyle::Unit => Ok(DepNode::new_no_params(tcx, kind)),
FingerprintStyle::DefPathHash => {
Ok(DepNode::from_def_path_hash(tcx, def_path_hash, kind))

Expand Down

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