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add fn to syntax of rustc::ty::maps::define_maps
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durka committed Aug 31, 2017
1 parent 890c87b commit da30284
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 80 deletions.
161 changes: 81 additions & 80 deletions src/librustc/ty/
Expand Up @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ macro_rules! profq_key {
macro_rules! define_maps {
[$($modifiers:tt)*] $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
[$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident: $node:ident($K:ty) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
define_map_struct! {
tcx: $tcx,
input: ($(([$($modifiers)*] [$($attr)*] [$name]))*)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,191 +954,192 @@ macro_rules! define_provider_struct {
// the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates).
define_maps! { <'tcx>
/// Records the type of every item.
[] type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,
[] fn type_of: TypeOfItem(DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>,

/// Maps from the def-id of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to its
/// associated generics and predicates.
[] generics_of: GenericsOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::Generics,
[] predicates_of: PredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
[] fn generics_of: GenericsOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::Generics,
[] fn predicates_of: PredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,

/// Maps from the def-id of a trait to the list of
/// super-predicates. This is a subset of the full list of
/// predicates. We store these in a separate map because we must
/// evaluate them even during type conversion, often before the
/// full predicates are available (note that supertraits have
/// additional acyclicity requirements).
[] super_predicates_of: SuperPredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,
[] fn super_predicates_of: SuperPredicatesOfItem(DefId) -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,

/// To avoid cycles within the predicates of a single item we compute
/// per-type-parameter predicates for resolving `T::AssocTy`.
[] type_param_predicates: type_param_predicates((DefId, DefId))
[] fn type_param_predicates: type_param_predicates((DefId, DefId))
-> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>,

[] trait_def: TraitDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TraitDef,
[] adt_def: AdtDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::AdtDef,
[] adt_destructor: AdtDestructor(DefId) -> Option<ty::Destructor>,
[] adt_sized_constraint: SizedConstraint(DefId) -> &'tcx [Ty<'tcx>],
[] adt_dtorck_constraint: DtorckConstraint(DefId) -> ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx>,
[] fn trait_def: TraitDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TraitDef,
[] fn adt_def: AdtDefOfItem(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::AdtDef,
[] fn adt_destructor: AdtDestructor(DefId) -> Option<ty::Destructor>,
[] fn adt_sized_constraint: SizedConstraint(DefId) -> &'tcx [Ty<'tcx>],
[] fn adt_dtorck_constraint: DtorckConstraint(DefId) -> ty::DtorckConstraint<'tcx>,

/// True if this is a const fn
[] is_const_fn: IsConstFn(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_const_fn: IsConstFn(DefId) -> bool,

/// True if this is a foreign item (i.e., linked via `extern { ... }`).
[] is_foreign_item: IsForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_foreign_item: IsForeignItem(DefId) -> bool,

/// True if this is a default impl (aka impl Foo for ..)
[] is_default_impl: IsDefaultImpl(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_default_impl: IsDefaultImpl(DefId) -> bool,

/// Get a map with the variance of every item; use `item_variance`
/// instead.
[] crate_variances: crate_variances(CrateNum) -> Rc<ty::CrateVariancesMap>,
[] fn crate_variances: crate_variances(CrateNum) -> Rc<ty::CrateVariancesMap>,

/// Maps from def-id of a type or region parameter to its
/// (inferred) variance.
[] variances_of: ItemVariances(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<ty::Variance>>,
[] fn variances_of: ItemVariances(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<ty::Variance>>,

/// Maps from an impl/trait def-id to a list of the def-ids of its items
[] associated_item_def_ids: AssociatedItemDefIds(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
[] fn associated_item_def_ids: AssociatedItemDefIds(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,

/// Maps from a trait item to the trait item "descriptor"
[] associated_item: AssociatedItems(DefId) -> ty::AssociatedItem,
[] fn associated_item: AssociatedItems(DefId) -> ty::AssociatedItem,

[] impl_trait_ref: ImplTraitRef(DefId) -> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
[] impl_polarity: ImplPolarity(DefId) -> hir::ImplPolarity,
[] fn impl_trait_ref: ImplTraitRef(DefId) -> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
[] fn impl_polarity: ImplPolarity(DefId) -> hir::ImplPolarity,

/// Maps a DefId of a type to a list of its inherent impls.
/// Contains implementations of methods that are inherent to a type.
/// Methods in these implementations don't need to be exported.
[] inherent_impls: InherentImpls(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,
[] fn inherent_impls: InherentImpls(DefId) -> Rc<Vec<DefId>>,

/// Set of all the def-ids in this crate that have MIR associated with
/// them. This includes all the body owners, but also things like struct
/// constructors.
[] mir_keys: mir_keys(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,
[] fn mir_keys: mir_keys(CrateNum) -> Rc<DefIdSet>,

/// Maps DefId's that have an associated Mir to the result
/// of the MIR qualify_consts pass. The actual meaning of
/// the value isn't known except to the pass itself.
[] mir_const_qualif: MirConstQualif(DefId) -> u8,
[] fn mir_const_qualif: MirConstQualif(DefId) -> u8,

/// Fetch the MIR for a given def-id up till the point where it is
/// ready for const evaluation.
/// See the README for the `mir` module for details.
[] mir_const: MirConst(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
[] fn mir_const: MirConst(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,

[] mir_validated: MirValidated(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,
[] fn mir_validated: MirValidated(DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Mir<'tcx>>,

/// MIR after our optimization passes have run. This is MIR that is ready
/// for trans. This is also the only query that can fetch non-local MIR, at present.
[] optimized_mir: MirOptimized(DefId) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,
[] fn optimized_mir: MirOptimized(DefId) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,

/// Type of each closure. The def ID is the ID of the
/// expression defining the closure.
[] closure_kind: ClosureKind(DefId) -> ty::ClosureKind,
[] fn closure_kind: ClosureKind(DefId) -> ty::ClosureKind,

/// The signature of functions and closures.
[] fn_sig: FnSignature(DefId) -> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
[] fn fn_sig: FnSignature(DefId) -> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,

/// Records the signature of each generator. The def ID is the ID of the
/// expression defining the closure.
[] generator_sig: GenSignature(DefId) -> Option<ty::PolyGenSig<'tcx>>,
[] fn generator_sig: GenSignature(DefId) -> Option<ty::PolyGenSig<'tcx>>,

/// Caches CoerceUnsized kinds for impls on custom types.
[] coerce_unsized_info: CoerceUnsizedInfo(DefId)
[] fn coerce_unsized_info: CoerceUnsizedInfo(DefId)
-> ty::adjustment::CoerceUnsizedInfo,

[] typeck_item_bodies: typeck_item_bodies_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CompileResult,
[] fn typeck_item_bodies: typeck_item_bodies_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CompileResult,

[] typeck_tables_of: TypeckTables(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,
[] fn typeck_tables_of: TypeckTables(DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,

[] has_typeck_tables: HasTypeckTables(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn has_typeck_tables: HasTypeckTables(DefId) -> bool,

[] coherent_trait: coherent_trait_dep_node((CrateNum, DefId)) -> (),
[] fn coherent_trait: coherent_trait_dep_node((CrateNum, DefId)) -> (),

[] borrowck: BorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
[] fn borrowck: BorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
// FIXME: shouldn't this return a `Result<(), BorrowckErrors>` instead?
[] mir_borrowck: MirBorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),
[] fn mir_borrowck: MirBorrowCheck(DefId) -> (),

/// Gets a complete map from all types to their inherent impls.
/// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
/// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
[] crate_inherent_impls: crate_inherent_impls_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CrateInherentImpls,
[] fn crate_inherent_impls: crate_inherent_impls_dep_node(CrateNum) -> CrateInherentImpls,

/// Checks all types in the krate for overlap in their inherent impls. Reports errors.
/// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
/// (Defined only for LOCAL_CRATE)
[] crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check: inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node(CrateNum) -> (),
[] fn crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check: inherent_impls_overlap_check_dep_node(CrateNum) -> (),

/// Results of evaluating const items or constants embedded in
/// other items (such as enum variant explicit discriminants).
[] const_eval: const_eval_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
[] fn const_eval: const_eval_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (DefId, &'tcx Substs<'tcx>)>)
-> const_val::EvalResult<'tcx>,

/// Performs the privacy check and computes "access levels".
[] privacy_access_levels: PrivacyAccessLevels(CrateNum) -> Rc<AccessLevels>,
[] fn privacy_access_levels: PrivacyAccessLevels(CrateNum) -> Rc<AccessLevels>,

[] reachable_set: reachability_dep_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<NodeSet>,
[] fn reachable_set: reachability_dep_node(CrateNum) -> Rc<NodeSet>,

/// Per-function `RegionMaps`. The `DefId` should be the owner-def-id for the fn body;
/// in the case of closures or "inline" expressions, this will be redirected to the enclosing
/// fn item.
[] region_maps: RegionMaps(DefId) -> Rc<RegionMaps>,

[] mir_shims: mir_shim_dep_node(ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,

[] def_symbol_name: SymbolName(DefId) -> ty::SymbolName,
[] symbol_name: symbol_name_dep_node(ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> ty::SymbolName,

[] describe_def: DescribeDef(DefId) -> Option<Def>,
[] def_span: DefSpan(DefId) -> Span,
[] stability: Stability(DefId) -> Option<attr::Stability>,
[] deprecation: Deprecation(DefId) -> Option<attr::Deprecation>,
[] item_attrs: ItemAttrs(DefId) -> Rc<[ast::Attribute]>,
[] fn_arg_names: FnArgNames(DefId) -> Vec<ast::Name>,
[] impl_parent: ImplParent(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
[] trait_of_item: TraitOfItem(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
[] is_exported_symbol: IsExportedSymbol(DefId) -> bool,
[] item_body_nested_bodies: ItemBodyNestedBodies(DefId) -> Rc<BTreeMap<hir::BodyId, hir::Body>>,
[] const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static: ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic(DefId) -> bool,
[] is_mir_available: IsMirAvailable(DefId) -> bool,

[] trait_impls_of: TraitImpls(DefId) -> Rc<ty::trait_def::TraitImpls>,
[] specialization_graph_of: SpecializationGraph(DefId) -> Rc<specialization_graph::Graph>,
[] is_object_safe: ObjectSafety(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn region_maps: RegionMaps(DefId) -> Rc<RegionMaps>,

[] fn mir_shims: mir_shim_dep_node(ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>,

[] fn def_symbol_name: SymbolName(DefId) -> ty::SymbolName,
[] fn symbol_name: symbol_name_dep_node(ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> ty::SymbolName,

[] fn describe_def: DescribeDef(DefId) -> Option<Def>,
[] fn def_span: DefSpan(DefId) -> Span,
[] fn stability: Stability(DefId) -> Option<attr::Stability>,
[] fn deprecation: Deprecation(DefId) -> Option<attr::Deprecation>,
[] fn item_attrs: ItemAttrs(DefId) -> Rc<[ast::Attribute]>,
[] fn fn_arg_names: FnArgNames(DefId) -> Vec<ast::Name>,
[] fn impl_parent: ImplParent(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
[] fn trait_of_item: TraitOfItem(DefId) -> Option<DefId>,
[] fn is_exported_symbol: IsExportedSymbol(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn item_body_nested_bodies: ItemBodyNestedBodies(DefId)
-> Rc<BTreeMap<hir::BodyId, hir::Body>>,
[] fn const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static: ConstIsRvaluePromotableToStatic(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_mir_available: IsMirAvailable(DefId) -> bool,

[] fn trait_impls_of: TraitImpls(DefId) -> Rc<ty::trait_def::TraitImpls>,
[] fn specialization_graph_of: SpecializationGraph(DefId) -> Rc<specialization_graph::Graph>,
[] fn is_object_safe: ObjectSafety(DefId) -> bool,

// Get the ParameterEnvironment for a given item; this environment
// will be in "user-facing" mode, meaning that it is suitabe for
// type-checking etc, and it does not normalize specializable
// associated types. This is almost always what you want,
// unless you are doing MIR optimizations, in which case you
// might want to use `reveal_all()` method to change modes.
[] param_env: ParamEnv(DefId) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
[] fn param_env: ParamEnv(DefId) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,

// Trait selection queries. These are best used by invoking `ty.moves_by_default()`,
// `ty.is_copy()`, etc, since that will prune the environment where possible.
[] is_copy_raw: is_copy_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] is_sized_raw: is_sized_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] is_freeze_raw: is_freeze_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] needs_drop_raw: needs_drop_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] layout_raw: layout_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>)
[] fn is_copy_raw: is_copy_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] fn is_sized_raw: is_sized_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] fn is_freeze_raw: is_freeze_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] fn needs_drop_raw: needs_drop_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool,
[] fn layout_raw: layout_dep_node(ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>)
-> Result<&'tcx Layout, LayoutError<'tcx>>,

[] dylib_dependency_formats: DylibDepFormats(DefId)
[] fn dylib_dependency_formats: DylibDepFormats(DefId)
-> Rc<Vec<(CrateNum, LinkagePreference)>>,

[] is_allocator: IsAllocator(DefId) -> bool,
[] is_panic_runtime: IsPanicRuntime(DefId) -> bool,
[] is_compiler_builtins: IsCompilerBuiltins(DefId) -> bool,
[] has_global_allocator: HasGlobalAllocator(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_allocator: IsAllocator(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_panic_runtime: IsPanicRuntime(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn is_compiler_builtins: IsCompilerBuiltins(DefId) -> bool,
[] fn has_global_allocator: HasGlobalAllocator(DefId) -> bool,

[] extern_crate: ExternCrate(DefId) -> Rc<Option<ExternCrate>>,
[] fn extern_crate: ExternCrate(DefId) -> Rc<Option<ExternCrate>>,

[] lint_levels: lint_levels(CrateNum) -> Rc<lint::LintLevelMap>,
[] fn lint_levels: lint_levels(CrateNum) -> Rc<lint::LintLevelMap>,

[] specializes: specializes_node((DefId, DefId)) -> bool,
[] in_scope_traits: InScopeTraits(HirId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<TraitCandidate>>>,
[] module_exports: ModuleExports(HirId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<Export>>>,
[] fn specializes: specializes_node((DefId, DefId)) -> bool,
[] fn in_scope_traits: InScopeTraits(HirId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<TraitCandidate>>>,
[] fn module_exports: ModuleExports(HirId) -> Option<Rc<Vec<Export>>>,

fn type_param_predicates<'tcx>((item_id, param_id): (DefId, DefId)) -> DepConstructor<'tcx> {
Expand Down

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