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Implement HTMLConstructor
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cbrewster committed Jun 16, 2017
1 parent d883f55 commit 2333b39
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Showing 7 changed files with 204 additions and 83 deletions.
84 changes: 78 additions & 6 deletions components/script/dom/bindings/codegen/
Expand Up @@ -5301,11 +5301,79 @@ def definition_body(self):
preamble += "let global = Root::downcast::<dom::types::%s>(global).unwrap();\n" % list(self.exposureSet)[0]
preamble += """let args = CallArgs::from_vp(vp, argc);\n"""
preamble = CGGeneric(preamble)
name =
nativeName = MakeNativeName(self.descriptor.binaryNameFor(name))
callGenerator = CGMethodCall(["&global"], nativeName, True,
self.descriptor, self.constructor)
return CGList([preamble, callGenerator])
if self.constructor.isHTMLConstructor():
signatures = self.constructor.signatures()
assert len(signatures) == 1
constructorCall = CGGeneric("""\
// Step 2
// The custom element definition cannot use an element interface as its constructor
// The new_target might be a cross-compartment wrapper. Get the underlying object
// so we can do the spec's object-identity checks.
rooted!(in(cx) let new_target = UnwrapObject(args.new_target().to_object(), 1));
if new_target.is_null() {
throw_dom_exception(cx, global.upcast::<GlobalScope>(), Error::Type(" is null".to_owned()));
return false;
if args.callee() == new_target.get() {
throw_dom_exception(cx, global.upcast::<GlobalScope>(),
Error::Type(" must not be the active function object".to_owned()));
return false;
// Step 6
rooted!(in(cx) let mut prototype = ptr::null_mut());
rooted!(in(cx) let mut proto_val = UndefinedValue());
let _ac = JSAutoCompartment::new(cx, new_target.get());
if !JS_GetProperty(cx, new_target.handle(), b"prototype\\0".as_ptr() as *const _, proto_val.handle_mut()) {
return false;
if !proto_val.is_object() {
// Step 7 of
// This fallback behavior is designed to match analogous behavior for the
// JavaScript built-ins. So we enter the compartment of our underlying
// newTarget object and fall back to the prototype object from that global.
// XXX The spec says to use GetFunctionRealm(), which is not actually
// the same thing as what we have here (e.g. in the case of scripted callable proxies
// whose target is not same-compartment with the proxy, or bound functions, etc).
rooted!(in(cx) let global_object = CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx));
GetProtoObject(cx, global_object.handle(), prototype.handle_mut());
} else {
// Step 6
// Wrap prototype in this context since it is from the newTarget compartment
if !JS_WrapObject(cx, prototype.handle_mut()) {
return false;
let result: Result<Root<%s>, Error> = html_constructor(&global, &args);
let result = match result {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(e) => {
throw_dom_exception(cx, global.upcast::<GlobalScope>(), e);
return false;
JS_SetPrototype(cx, result.reflector().get_jsobject(), prototype.handle());
(result).to_jsval(cx, args.rval());
return true;
""" %
name =
nativeName = MakeNativeName(self.descriptor.binaryNameFor(name))
constructorCall = CGMethodCall(["&global"], nativeName, True,
self.descriptor, self.constructor)
return CGList([preamble, constructorCall])

class CGClassFinalizeHook(CGAbstractClassHook):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5517,9 +5585,11 @@ def generate_imports(config, cgthings, descriptors, callbacks=None, dictionaries
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5547,6 +5617,7 @@ def generate_imports(config, cgthings, descriptors, callbacks=None, dictionaries
Expand All @@ -5561,14 +5632,15 @@ def generate_imports(config, cgthings, descriptors, callbacks=None, dictionaries
Expand Down
81 changes: 76 additions & 5 deletions components/script/dom/bindings/
Expand Up @@ -70,18 +70,26 @@ use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLTitleElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLTrackElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLUListElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLVideoElementBinding;
use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::WindowBinding::WindowMethods;
use dom::bindings::codegen::InterfaceObjectMap::Globals;
use dom::bindings::codegen::PrototypeList;
use dom::bindings::constant::{ConstantSpec, define_constants};
use dom::bindings::conversions::{DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, get_dom_class};
use dom::bindings::conversions::{DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, DerivedFrom, get_dom_class};
use dom::bindings::error::{Error, Fallible};
use dom::bindings::guard::Guard;
use dom::bindings::js::Root;
use dom::bindings::utils::{DOM_PROTOTYPE_SLOT, ProtoOrIfaceArray, get_proto_or_iface_array};
use dom::create::create_native_html_element;
use dom::element::{Element, ElementCreator};
use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
use dom::window::Window;
use html5ever::LocalName;
use html5ever::interface::QualName;
use js::error::throw_type_error;
use js::glue::{RUST_SYMBOL_TO_JSID, UncheckedUnwrapObject};
use js::jsapi::{Class, ClassOps, CompartmentOptions, GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment};
use js::jsapi::{GetWellKnownSymbol, HandleObject, HandleValue, JSAutoCompartment};
use js::jsapi::{JSClass, JSContext, JSFUN_CONSTRUCTOR, JSFunctionSpec, JSObject};
use js::glue::{RUST_SYMBOL_TO_JSID, UncheckedUnwrapObject, UnwrapObject};
use js::jsapi::{CallArgs, Class, ClassOps, CompartmentOptions, CurrentGlobalOrNull};
use js::jsapi::{GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment, GetWellKnownSymbol, HandleObject, HandleValue};
use js::jsapi::{JSAutoCompartment, JSClass, JSContext, JSFUN_CONSTRUCTOR, JSFunctionSpec, JSObject};
use js::jsapi::{JSPropertySpec, JSString, JSTracer, JSVersion, JS_AtomizeAndPinString};
use js::jsapi::{JS_DefineProperty, JS_DefineProperty1, JS_DefineProperty2};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,6 +233,69 @@ pub unsafe fn create_global_object(
JS_FireOnNewGlobalObject(cx, rval.handle());

pub unsafe fn html_constructor<T>(window: &Window, call_args: &CallArgs) -> Fallible<Root<T>>
where T: DerivedFrom<Element> {
let document = window.Document();

// Step 1
let registry = window.CustomElements();

// Step 2 is checked in the generated caller code

// Step 3
rooted!(in(window.get_cx()) let new_target = call_args.new_target().to_object());
let definition = match registry.lookup_definition_by_constructor(new_target.handle()) {
Some(definition) => definition,
None => return Err(Error::Type("No custom element definition found for".to_owned())),

rooted!(in(window.get_cx()) let callee = UnwrapObject(call_args.callee(), 1));
if callee.is_null() {
return Err(Error::Security);

let _ac = JSAutoCompartment::new(window.get_cx(), callee.get());

if definition.is_autonomous() {
// Step 4
// Since this element is autonomous, its active function object must be the HTMLElement

// Retrieve the constructor object for HTMLElement
rooted!(in(window.get_cx()) let mut constructor = ptr::null_mut());
rooted!(in(window.get_cx()) let global_object = CurrentGlobalOrNull(window.get_cx()));
HTMLElementBinding::GetConstructorObject(window.get_cx(), global_object.handle(), constructor.handle_mut());

// Callee must be the same constructor object as HTMLElement
if constructor.get() != callee.get() {
return Err(Error::Type("Active function object is not HTMLElement".to_owned()));
} else {
// TODO: Step 5

// Step 8.1
let name = QualName::new(None, ns!(html), definition.local_name.clone());
let element = if definition.is_autonomous() {
Root::upcast(HTMLElement::new(name.local, None, &*document))
} else {
create_native_html_element(name, None, &*document, ElementCreator::ScriptCreated)

// Step 8.2 is performed in the generated caller code.

// TODO: Step 8.3 - 8.4
// Set the element's custom element state and definition.

// Step 8.5

// TODO: Steps 9-13
// Custom element upgrades are not implemented yet, so these steps are unnecessary.

/// Create and define the interface object of a callback interface.
pub unsafe fn create_callback_interface_object(
cx: *mut JSContext,
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions components/script/dom/
Expand Up @@ -107,10 +107,18 @@ fn create_svg_element(name: QualName,

fn create_html_element(name: QualName,
prefix: Option<Prefix>,
document: &Document,
creator: ElementCreator)
-> Root<Element> {
prefix: Option<Prefix>,
document: &Document,
creator: ElementCreator)
-> Root<Element> {
create_native_html_element(name, prefix, document, creator)

pub fn create_native_html_element(name: QualName,
prefix: Option<Prefix>,
document: &Document,
creator: ElementCreator)
-> Root<Element> {
assert!(name.ns == ns!(html));

macro_rules! make(
Expand Down

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