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Implement compositor layer occlusion; clean up
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eschweic committed Aug 22, 2013
1 parent a07ff5d commit 81da3b9
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Showing 2 changed files with 150 additions and 71 deletions.
209 changes: 141 additions & 68 deletions src/components/main/compositing/
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use servo_msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId;
use script::dom::event::{ClickEvent, MouseDownEvent, MouseUpEvent};
use script::script_task::SendEventMsg;
use windowing::{MouseWindowEvent, MouseWindowClickEvent, MouseWindowMouseDownEvent, MouseWindowMouseUpEvent};
use compositing::quadtree::{Quadtree, Invalid};
use compositing::quadtree::{Quadtree, Normal, Invalid, Hidden};
use layers::layers::{ContainerLayerKind, ContainerLayer, TextureLayerKind, TextureLayer, TextureManager};
use pipeline::Pipeline;
use constellation::{SendableChildFrameTree, SendableFrameTree};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
container: container,

Expand All @@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ impl CompositorLayer {

// Scroll this layer!
let old_origin = self.scroll_offset;
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset + delta;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,8 +206,8 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
let mut redisplay: bool;
{ // block here to prevent double mutable borrow of self
let quadtree = match self.quadtree {
NoTree(_, _) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot get buffer request for %?,
no quadtree initialized",,
NoTree(*) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot get buffer request for %?,
no quadtree initialized",,
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree,
let (request, unused) = quadtree.get_tile_rects_page(rect, scale);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,24 +251,39 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
// If the layer is hidden and has a defined page size, unhide it.
// This method returns false if the specified layer is not found.
pub fn set_clipping_rect(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, new_rect: Rect<f32>) -> bool {
for child_node in self.children.mut_iter() {
if pipeline_id != {
match self.children.iter().position(|x| pipeline_id == {
Some(i) => {
let child_node = &mut self.children[i];
let con = child_node.container;
let old_rect = con.scissor;
con.scissor = Some(new_rect);
match self.quadtree {
NoTree(*) => {} // Nothing to do
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => {
match old_rect {
Some(old_rect) => {
quadtree.set_status_page(old_rect, Normal, false); // Rect is unhidden
None => {} // Nothing to do
quadtree.set_status_page(new_rect, Hidden, false); // Hide the new rect
// If possible, unhide child
if child_node.child.hidden && child_node.child.page_size.is_some() {
child_node.child.hidden = false;
let con = child_node.container;
con.scissor = Some(new_rect);
// If possible, unhide child
if child_node.child.hidden && child_node.child.page_size.is_some() {
child_node.child.hidden = false;
None => {
// ID does not match any of our immediate children, so recurse on
// descendents (including hidden children)
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.set_clipping_rect(pipeline_id, new_rect))
return true;

// ID does not match any of our immediate children, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children)
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.set_clipping_rect(pipeline_id, new_rect))

Expand All @@ -277,54 +294,70 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
if == pipeline_id {
self.epoch = epoch;
self.page_size = Some(new_size);
// TODO: might get buffers back here
match self.quadtree {
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree.resize(new_size.width as uint, new_size.height as uint),
NoTree(tile_size, max_mem) => self.quadtree = Tree(Quadtree::new(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint,
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => {
self.pipeline.render_chan.send(UnusedBufferMsg(quadtree.resize(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint)));
NoTree(tile_size, max_mem) => {
self.quadtree = Tree(Quadtree::new(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint,
// Call scroll for bounds checking if the page shrunk. Use (-1, -1) as the cursor position
// to make sure the scroll isn't propagated downwards.
self.scroll(Point2D(0f32, 0f32), Point2D(-1f32, -1f32), window_size);
self.hidden = false;
return true;
} else {
self.resize_helper(pipeline_id, new_size, epoch)
self.resize_helper(pipeline_id, new_size, epoch)

// A helper method to resize sublayers.
fn resize_helper(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, new_size: Size2D<f32>, epoch: Epoch) -> bool {
for child_node in self.children.mut_iter() {
if pipeline_id != {
let child = &mut child_node.child;
child.epoch = epoch;
child.page_size = Some(new_size);
// TODO: might get buffers back here
match child.quadtree {
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree.resize(new_size.width as uint, new_size.height as uint),
NoTree(tile_size, max_mem) => child.quadtree = Tree(Quadtree::new(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint,
match child_node.container.scissor {
Some(scissor) => {
// Call scroll for bounds checking if the page shrunk. Use (-1, -1) as the cursor position
// to make sure the scroll isn't propagated downwards.
child.scroll(Point2D(0f32, 0f32), Point2D(-1f32, -1f32), scissor.size);
child.hidden = false;
let found = match self.children.iter().position(|x| pipeline_id == {
Some(i) => {
let child_node = &mut self.children[i];
let child = &mut child_node.child;
child.epoch = epoch;
child.page_size = Some(new_size);
match child.quadtree {
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => {
child.pipeline.render_chan.send(UnusedBufferMsg(quadtree.resize(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint)));
NoTree(tile_size, max_mem) => {
child.quadtree = Tree(Quadtree::new(new_size.width as uint,
new_size.height as uint,
None => {} // Nothing to do
match child_node.container.scissor {
Some(scissor) => {
// Call scroll for bounds checking if the page shrunk. Use (-1, -1) as the cursor position
// to make sure the scroll isn't propagated downwards.
child.scroll(Point2D(0f32, 0f32), Point2D(-1f32, -1f32), scissor.size);
child.hidden = false;
None => {} // Nothing to do
return true;
None => false,

if found { // Boolean flag to get around double borrow of self
} else {
// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children)
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.resize_helper(pipeline_id, new_size, epoch))

// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children)
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.resize_helper(pipeline_id, new_size, epoch))

// Collect buffers from the quadtree. This method IS NOT recursive, so child CompositorLayers
Expand All @@ -344,8 +377,8 @@ impl CompositorLayer {

// Add new tiles.
let quadtree = match self.quadtree {
NoTree(_, _) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot get build layer tree for %?,
no quadtree initialized",,
NoTree(*) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot build layer tree for %?,
no quadtree initialized",,
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,12 +442,12 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
if == pipeline_id {
if self.epoch != epoch {
debug!("compositor epoch mismatch: %? != %?, id: %?", self.epoch, epoch,;
// TODO: send buffers back
return true;
{ // block here to prevent double mutable borrow of self
let quadtree = match self.quadtree {
NoTree(_, _) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot add buffers, no quadtree initialized"),
NoTree(*) => fail!("CompositorLayer: cannot add buffers, no quadtree initialized"),
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree,

Expand All @@ -430,18 +463,37 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
return true;
} else {
// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children).
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child)
.any(|x| x.add_buffers(pipeline_id, cell.take(), epoch))
// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children).
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.add_buffers(pipeline_id, cell.take(), epoch))

// Deletes a specified sublayer, including hidden children. Returns false if the layer is not found.
pub fn delete(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> bool {
match self.children.rposition(|x| == pipeline_id) {
Some(index) => {
// TODO: send buffers back to renderer when layer is deleted
match self.children.iter().position(|x| == pipeline_id) {
Some(i) => {
let mut child = self.children.remove(i);
match self.quadtree {
NoTree(*) => {} // Nothing to do
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => {
match child.container.scissor {
Some(rect) => {
quadtree.set_status_page(rect, Normal, false); // Unhide this rect
None => {} // Nothing to do
match child.child.quadtree {
NoTree(*) => {} // Nothing to do
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => {
// Send back all tiles to renderer.
Expand All @@ -454,14 +506,15 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
pub fn invalidate_rect(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, rect: Rect<f32>) -> bool {
if == pipeline_id {
let quadtree = match self.quadtree {
NoTree(_, _) => return true, // Nothing to do
NoTree(*) => return true, // Nothing to do
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree,
quadtree.set_status_page(rect, Invalid, true);
return true;
} else {
// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children).
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.invalidate_rect(pipeline_id, rect))
// ID does not match ours, so recurse on descendents (including hidden children).
self.children.mut_iter().map(|x| &mut x.child).any(|x| x.invalidate_rect(pipeline_id, rect))

// Adds a child.
Expand All @@ -478,6 +531,26 @@ impl CompositorLayer {
child: child,
container: container,


// Recursively sets occluded portions of quadtrees to Hidden, so that they do not ask for
// tile requests. If layers are moved, resized, or deleted, these portions may be updated.
fn set_occlusions(&mut self) {
let quadtree = match self.quadtree {
NoTree(*) => return, // Cannot calculate occlusions
Tree(ref mut quadtree) => quadtree,
for child in self.children.iter().filter(|x| !x.child.hidden) {
match child.container.scissor {
None => {} // Nothing to do
Some(rect) => {
quadtree.set_status_page(rect, Hidden, false);
for child in self.children.mut_iter().filter(|x| !x.child.hidden) {
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/components/main/compositing/
Expand Up @@ -217,14 +217,13 @@ impl<T: Tile> Quadtree<T> {

/// Creates a new quadtree at the specified size. This should be called when the window changes size.
/// TODO: return old tiles.
pub fn resize(&mut self, width: uint, height: uint) {
pub fn resize(&mut self, width: uint, height: uint) -> ~[T] {
// Spaces must be squares and powers of 2, so expand the space until it is
let longer = width.max(&height);
let num_tiles = div_ceil(longer, self.max_tile_size);
let power_of_two = next_power_of_two(num_tiles);
let size = power_of_two * self.max_tile_size;

let ret = self.root.collect_tiles();
self.root = ~QuadtreeNode {
tile: None,
origin: Point2D(0f32, 0f32),
Expand All @@ -234,6 +233,7 @@ impl<T: Tile> Quadtree<T> {
tile_mem: 0,
self.clip_size = Size2D(width, height);

/// Resize the underlying quadtree without removing tiles already in place.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,12 @@ impl<T: Tile> Quadtree<T> {
self.root.set_status(rect, status, include_border);

/// Remove and return all tiles in the tree. Use this before deleting the quadtree to prevent
/// a GC pause.
pub fn collect_tiles(&mut self) -> ~[T] {

/// Generate html to visualize the tree. For debugging purposes only.
pub fn get_html(&self) -> ~str {
static HEADER: &'static str = "<!DOCTYPE html><html>";
Expand Down

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merging eschweic/servo/comp-clean-up = 81da3b9 into auto

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eschweic/servo/comp-clean-up = 81da3b9 merged ok, testing candidate = 0c50d43

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