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Beginnings of a GraphQL server, where we write adapters to databases to frontends just need to write graphql queries instead of learn about the unique features of each database.


For development, you'll want to install local copies of Elasticsearch and Kibana. We use Elasticsearch as our database store, and Kibana to explore that data.

(($+commands[brew])) && brew cask install docker # for macOS
(($+commands[apt])) && sudo apt install docker # for debian or ubuntu

docker run --publish 9200:9200 --publish 9300:9300 --env "discovery.type=single-node" --name mplusmuseum_elasticsearch -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"
brew install elasticsearch # You may be prompted to install Java first.

# To start elasticsearch:
brew services start elasticsearch
# To stop elasticsearch:
brew services stop elasticsearch

brew install kibana

# To start kibana:
brew services start kibana
# To stop elasticsearch:
brew services stop kibana

Your local copy of Elasticsearch will be running on port 9200. Kibana will be running on port 5601.

Getting Started

  1. Clone and download this repo
  2. Install dependencies with npm install or yarn
  3. Make sure elasticsearch is started brew services start elasticsearch
  4. Start this server with yarn start
  5. Explore the api at http://localhost:3000/api-explorer