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Myna for HTML

Copyright 2012 Myna Ltd

Released under the BSD 3-clause license. See for the full text.

What is Myna for HTML?

It's simple way of creating Myna A/B tests without writing any custom Javascript code. All you need are HTML and CSS.

Our aim is to integrate this functionality into the Myna dashboard. When you create an experiment, we'll give you a code snippet to copy-and-paste into your web page. Once that's done, you can configure the rest of the experiment using pure HTML and CSS. No Javascript required.

There are some live demos of running on the Myna web site.

How do I use it?

Getting started

Very soon we will update the dashboard on Myna to allow you to copy-and-paste a snippet of code into your web page to get you started. Here's an example:

<!-- Start of Myna snippet -->
<script src=""></script>

  Myna.init({ "experiments": [
    { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "myna", "default": "variant1" }
<!-- End of Myna snippet -->

You can try this now by copying-and-pasting this code into a web page of your own. You'll need to customise the following:

  • replace aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa with the UUID of your experiment;
  • replace variant1 with the name of one of the variants from your experiment.

The snippet associates your experiment with a CSS class, in this case myna. All you need to do is tag the different parts of your variants and conversion goals with the same CSS class. Our code automagically adds all of the Myna goodness to your page.

Designing your variants

Myna for HTML lets you do design variants in two ways:

  1. You can alter large blocks of content by showing and hiding different HTML elements in each variant.

  2. You can restyle elements by using your variant names as CSS classes or element IDs.

  3. You can alter small snippets of text (links, button labels) by using the variant names as content.

  4. You can use variant names as attributes on certain elements, for example the src of an image or iframe.

Each technique is described in detail below.

Showing and hiding content

Let's say you want to test different variants of a hero image. One way of doing this is to include every variant of the image in your page and hide them all except one. Here's how you do it:

  1. Add the images to your page:

    <img src="hero1.jpg">
    <img src="hero2.jpg">
    <img src="hero3.jpg">
  2. Tag each image with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <img class="myna" src="hero1.jpg">
    <img class="myna" src="hero2.jpg">
    <img class="myna" src="hero3.jpg">
  3. Add a data-show attribute to each image containing the name of one of the variants from your Myna dashboard:

    <img class="myna" data-show="variant1" src="hero1.jpg">
    <img class="myna" data-show="variant2" src="hero2.jpg">
    <img class="myna" data-show="variant3" src="hero3.jpg">

Pro tip: You may want to use CSS to hide the images by default or fix the size of a container to avoid unwanted pop-in while your page is loading.

Restyling content

You may want to vary the style of an element in addition to or instead of its content. You can do this as follows:

  1. Add the element to your page:

  2. Tag the element with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <div class="myna">...</div>
  3. Add a data-bind attribute to the element:

    <div class="myna" data-bind="class">...</div>

The name of one of your variants is added as a new CSS class on the element. For example, if you have a variant called idea1, you might end up showing an element that looks like this:

<div class="myna idea1">...</div>

Changing links or button labels

If you want to test a small piece of content such as a link, button label or article title, you can simply store the content in the name of your variant. Here's how you do this for a link:

  1. Add the link to your page:

    <a href="goal.html">Sign up now!</a>
  2. Tag the link with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <a class="myna" href="goal.html">Sign up now!</a>
  3. Add a data-bind attribute to the link:

    <a class="myna" data-bind="text" href="goal.html">Sign up now!</a>

This uses the names of the variants on your Myna dashboard as the content of the element. For example, if one of your variants is called Click here for information, you might end up with a link that looks like this:

<a class="myna" href="goal.html">Click here for information</a>

Pro tip: There are two values of data-bind for rewriting content. The two versions differ in the way they treat special HTML characters such as <, >, & and ":

  • data-bind="text" interprets special characters as parts of the visible text by escaping them to their HTML entity forms: < becomes &lt;, & becomes &amp; and so on;

  • data-bind="html" treats special characters as HTML, allowing you to write HTML tags in your variant names: <b> means bold and so on.

Changing HTML attributes

You may want to vary the value of an element attribute such as the src of an image or or iframe. You can do this as follows:

  1. Add the element to your page:

    <img src="placeholder.jpg">
  2. Tag the element with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <img class="myna" src="placeholder.jpg">
  3. Add a data-bind attribute to the element:

    <img class="myna" data-bind="@src" src="placeholder.jpg">

    This replaces placeholder.jpg with the name of a variant from your Myna dashboard.

Pro tip: You can use data-bind="@foo" with any attribute of any element. You are only limited by your imagination (and the HTML spec).

Specifying conversion goals

Conversion goals are actions you want your visitors to do such as signing up to your mailing list or filling in your contact form. You can set up two types of conversion goal using Myna for HTML:

  1. Record a conversion when a user clicks on a link, button, or other HTML element.

  2. Record a conversion when a user visits a particular web page.

These goal types are described in more detail below.

Click goals

One common type of conversion goal is a click of a link or button. You can set these up as follows:

  1. Add the element to your page, It can be a link or button or any other type of element:

    <a href="goal.html">Click here</a>
  2. Tag the element with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <a class="myna" href="goal.html">Click here</a>
  3. Add a data-goal attribute to the element:

    <a class="myna" data-goal="click" href="goal.html">Click here</a>

    A reward will be send to Myna whenever a user clicks this button after a suggestion is made.

Page load goals

Another common type of conversion goal is for the user to reach a specific page such as a sign up complete message. You can set these up as follows:

  1. Tag the <body> or <html> tag of your page with the CSS class for your experiment:

    <body class="myna">
  2. Add a data-goal attribute to the element:

    <body class="myna" data-goal="load">

    A reward will be send to Myna whenever a user loads this page after a suggestion is made.

Pro tip: If you are using this approach, it is likely that your goal page is different from the page you are testing with Myna. You need to copy and paste the code snippet into both pages for this approach to work.

Tweaking the setup

By now you know everything you need to use Myna for HTML. However, there are a number of extra options to tweak things under the hood. Everything below is for power users!

Integration with Google Analytics

By default, Myna for HTML records page views and conversions as custom events on Google Analytics. You can see your Myna data on Google by going to Content > Events > Overview in the sidebar.

Google Analytics events have a category, an action and a label. The category of all events from Myna for HTML is myna. By default, the action is based on the UUID of your experiment and the label is the variant name. For example, an experiment with UUID aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa would create events with the following actions:

  • View events: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa-view
  • Conversion events: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa-conversion

You can tweak the settings for Google Analytics by adding a googleAnalytics configuration option to the copy-and-paste script in your page. For example:

Myna.init({ experiments: [{
  uuid: 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa',
  class: 'myna',
  default: 'variant1',
  googleAnalytics: {
    enabled: true,                           // toggle GA integration on/off
                                             //     (on by default)
    viewEvent: 'my-event-action',            // set the view action
    conversionEvent: 'my-other-event-action' // set the conversion action

You can also disable Google Analytics integration across all experiments using a single configuration option:

  googleAnalytics: {
    enabled: false
  experiments: [
    { /* experiment 1 */ },
    { /* experiment 2 */ },
    { /* and so on... */ }

Targetting specific users

By default, Myna targets all users in your tests. You may want to change this default if you want to target a certain percentage of your customer base or disable testing for particular groups of users on your site. You can do this by providing a callback function that Myna for HTML uses to determine whether a particular user should be targetted:

  callbacks: {
    target: function() {
      return /* ... */;   // Return true to include this user in the test
                          // or false to exclude them and show the default variant.
  experiments: [{
    uuid: 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa',
    class: 'myna',
    default: 'variant1'

Here's an example callback that includes 20% of your user base in the test:

  callbacks: {
    target: function() {
      return Math.random() < 0.2;
  experiments: [ /* ... */ ]

Here's an example that defers to another script:

var includeUserInTest = true; // another script sets this to true or false

  callbacks: {
    target: function() {
      return includeUserInTest;
  experiments: [ /* ... */ ]

If a user is excluded from the test, Myna for HTML shows them the default variant and does not record any experimental data for them.

Experiment CSS classes

The Myna dashboard suggests myna as the default CSS class for your experiment. You may need to change this if you are already using this class for something else, or if you are running multiple experiments on the same page (see below).

To change the CSS class for your experiment, simply change the

Myna.init({ "experiments": [
  { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "myna", "default": "variant1" }
  • You can change this CSS class to whatever you want. Remember that all variants and goals for this experiment must be tagged with the same class.

Multiple experiments on a page

Although the Myna dashboard does not yet provide code snippets for this, it is possible to run multiple experiments at once on the same page. To can set these up as follows:

  1. Add the extra experiments to the your code snippet as follows:

    Myna.init({ "experiments": [
      { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "experiment1", "default": "a1" },
      { "uuid": "bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb", "class": "experiment2", "default": "b1" },
      { "uuid": "cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc", "class": "experiment3", "default": "c1" }
  2. Ensure every experiment is followed by a comma except the last.

  3. Make sure the "uuid" fields of each experiment are set to the correct values from your dashboard.

  4. Make sure each experiment has a different CSS "class", and that the relevant elements in your page are tagged with the same class.

  5. Make sure the "default" fields are set to a variant name from the dashboard for each experiment.

Sticky experiments

By default, Myna for HTML uses a feature called sticky experiments. Every visitor to your site is assigned a variant that stays with them for the duration of their stay. In addition, we only reward Myna the first time the user converts. Sticky experiments provide two benefits:

  1. they ensure each visitor receives a consistent user experience;

  2. they ensure your results are not skewed by a single visitor repeatedly performing the same action.

Sticky experiments accumulate one data point per unique visitor to your site. You can optionally switch off stickiness to collect one data point per page view (lots faster). However, bear the following in mind:

  1. Deactivating sticky experiments will cause Myna to load a new variant on every page view. It is therefore only suitable for small tweaks that will not confuse your visitors.

  2. Non-sticky experiments cannot be run across web pages. Deactivating sticky experiments is only appropriate if your entire experiment is contained on a single page.

You can deactivate sticky experiments for an experiment by adding a sticky: false parameter to the copy-and-paste code snippet on your page:

Myna.init({ "experiments": [
  { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "myna", "sticky": false }


Myna for HTML uses a cookie to store suggestion data across pages in your site. The cookie stores the following information for each experiment you have running on your site:

  • the UUID of the experiment;
  • the last variant name suggested;
  • a yes/no flag to record whether the suggestion has been rewarded;
  • a random response token that is used to verify rewards and prevent accidental double-rewards.

The cookie does not store any personal information about your visitors.

The default cookie name is "myna". The default scope is the path / on the current domain, and the default cookie lifetime is seven days. You can configure these options by adding fields to the code snippet from your dashboard. For example:

  "cookieOptions": {
    "domain": "",   // customise the cookie domain
    "path": "/",                  // customise the cookie path
    "expires": 7                  // customise the expiry (number of days, specify null to use a session cookie)
  "experiments": [
    { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "myna", "sticky": false }

If you aren't familiar with coding Javascript, we recommend you consult a front-end developer or get in touch to check your syntax.

Customising the data attribute names

If you are already using the default data-show, data-bind or data-goal attribute names on your site, you may want to customise the names used by Myna for HTML. You can do this by adding a dataPrefix option to the code snippet from your dashboard:

  "dataPrefix": "foo",
  "experiments": [
    { "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "class": "myna", "default": "variant1" }

This example changes the data attribute names to data-foo-show, data-foo-bind and data-foo-goal respectively. This change applies to all HTML elements for all experiments on the page.

Contributing to the library

We welcome contributions and bug fixes from the community, although we have to make sure our documentation and dashboard integration remain up-to-date and bug free. If you would like to add new features to Myna for HTML, please get in touch and let us know.

This project is written in Coffeescript and uses the Grunt build tool. See the respective web sites for full manuals and installation instructions.

If you have Node.js and npm installed, you should be able to the necessary tools with:

npm install -g grunt
npm install -g coffee-script

The main command to build the library is then:

grunt compile

which creates dist/myna-html-x.y.z.js and dist/myna-html-x.y.z.min.js.


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