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Welcome to whatbot

This bot was written purely as an exercise in futility, to try, desperately, to replace the functionality of infobot without driving us insane. Part of that goal has been accomplished, and so we leave it out there for the world to use. Drop us a note if you decide to play with it. Maybe if we hit 1.0, we'll actually write a few docs. This is really just a project for fun, so there really isn't and hasn't been a rallying cry for more documentation and support infrastructure, so, uh, there isn't.

Playing with whatbot

It works. Grab it from github, copy over the example configuration, and edit it to do what you want. We will try to wrap up some documentation by the time we hit 1.0, but it may take some time.

Perl 5.16.0 or higher is required to get started. The easiest way to go is to run one of the build_* scripts in the root directory to install dependencies of each of the child modules.

Once the dependencies are installed, copy conf/whatbot.conf-example to conf/whatbot.conf and edit to your liking. To work with whatbot on the console without connecting to another service, start with whatbot.conf-consoleexample.

cpanm -n Module::Install inc::Module::Install
cpanm --installdeps --notest --with-recommends .
perl -Ilib bin/whatbot

Visual Studio Code

With the Perl Toolbox installed, the following workspace settings can be useful:

  "perl-toolbox.lint.perlcriticProfile": "$workspaceRoot/.perlcriticrc",
  "perl-toolbox.lint.severity": "stern",
  "perl-toolbox.syntax.includePaths": [

More information




whatbot: A sane bot for most chat applications, written in modern Perl






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Contributors 4

