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Releases: nuproj/nuproj

Major update

18 Jul 15:15
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Major update Pre-release

So many new features since 0.10.4


21 Sep 20:26
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0.10.4-beta Pre-release


  • #61: NuProj package does not contain the Rules folder that the VS extension contains
  • #67: Add support for nuget.exe Pack command's NoDefaultExcludes option
  • #106: Bug: Enabled XML documentation for packaged library fails build with NuProj-0.10.0-beta
  • #109: Built nupkg depends on packages from source project even though DevelopmentDependency=true for them
  • #114: Documentation file not resolved correctly
  • #119: Referenced projects should be passed config|platform based on CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents property

Visual Studio Integration

The VS integration is provided on the Visual Studio Gallery.

Build Server Support

The previous release provided a ZIP file for build server binaries. You can now just use the NuProj NuGet package instead.


12 Jan 02:16
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0.9.3-beta Pre-release


  • #29: nuspec is not regenerated after changing NuProj file
  • #10: NuProj doesn't detect libraries that come indirect dependencies on NuGet packages
  • #13: Don't build ProjectReferences when building inside of Visual Studio
  • #14: NuProj shouldn't exclude identically named content files in dependencies
  • #3: Add support for nuspec property "developmentDependency
  • #17: Ability to pass through allowedVersions=[0.0.1] from source proj to nuproj?
  • #33: Filter duplicate libraries in GetPackageFiles target
  • #23: Simplify each BasicTests test.
  • #18: Add test infrastructure
  • #50: Admin installs of NuProj fail with 2203
  • #48: Adding an existing file defaults to "None"
  • #47: Empty NuProj fails to build
  • #32: NuProj doesn't build referenced NuProj
  • #28: Support merging in a user specific .nuspec file
  • #12: NuProj and non-NuProj dependencies mixing bug

Visual Studio Integration

The VS integration is provided on the Visual Studio Gallery.

Build Server Support

The previous release provided a ZIP file for build server binaries. You can now just use the NuProj NuGet package instead.


22 Sep 03:38
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0.9.2-beta Pre-release

For downloads, see links below.


  • Minor branding updates

Visual Studio Integration

The VS integration is provided on the Visual Studio Gallery.

Build Server Support

The previous release provided a ZIP file for build server binaries. You can now just use the NuProj NuGet package instead.


22 Sep 03:38
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0.9.1-beta Pre-release

For downloads, see links below.


  • Added support for automatically generating symbol packages. This uses the PDB information to find the source files.
  • Added support for referencing other projects (e.g. .csproj and .vbproj) that will automatically build them and embed the project's outputs in the correct lib folder. This will also declare references to NuGet packages installed into those projects. In addition, can also reference other NuProj projects in order to declare NuGet references to packages that you're building yourself.
  • Tool item group that will add files to the tools folder.
  • MinClientVersion that allows specifying the minimum NuGet client
  • NoPackageAnalysis that allows suppressing NuGet's package analsyis
  • Exposed default values via NuProj.props file
  • Added support for injecting custom before and after targets

Visual Studio Integration

The VS integration is provided on the Visual Studio Gallery.

Build Server Support

The previous release provided a ZIP file for build server binaries. You can now just use the NuProj NuGet package instead.


22 Sep 03:38
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0.9.0-beta Pre-release

Initial release.