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Merge pull request ocaml#333 from venator/darcs-backend
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Darcs backend
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samoht committed Dec 18, 2012
2 parents c812512 + 24456f0 commit 8713952
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Showing 10 changed files with 203 additions and 15 deletions.
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/client/
Expand Up @@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ let repo_kind_flag =
"http" , `http;
"local", `local;
"git" , `git;
"darcs" , `darcs;

(* aliases *)
"wget" , `http;
Expand All @@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ let repo_kind_flag =
] in
mk_opt ["k";"kind"]
"KIND" "Specify the kind of the repository to be set (the main ones \
are 'http', 'local' or 'git')."
are 'http', 'local', 'git' or 'darcs')."
Arg.(some (enum kinds)) None

let pattern_list =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,14 +729,15 @@ let pin =
let pin_option =
let doc = ~docv:"PIN" ~doc:
"Specific version, local path or git url to pin the package to,
"Specific version, local path, git or darcs url to pin the package to,
or 'none' to unpin the package." [] in
Arg.(value & pos 1 (some string) None & doc) in
let list = mk_flag ["l";"list"] "List the currently pinned packages." in
let kind =
let doc = ~docv:"KIND" ~doc:"Force the kind of pinning." ["k";"kind"] in
let kinds = [
"git" , `git;
"darcs" , `darcs;
"version", `version;
"local" , `local;
"rsync" , `local;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -791,10 +793,10 @@ let default =
`P "OPAM is a package manager for OCaml. It uses the powerful mancoosi
tools to handle dependencies, including support for version
constraints, optional dependencies, and conflicts management.";
`P "It has support for different repository backends such as HTTP, rsync and
git. It handles multiple OCaml versions concurrently, and is flexible
enough to allow you to use your own repositories and packages in
addition of the ones it provides.";
`P "It has support for different repository backends such as HTTP, rsync, git
and darcs. It handles multiple OCaml versions concurrently, and is
flexible enough to allow you to use your own repositories and packages
in addition of the ones it provides.";
`P "Use either `$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help` or `$(mname) help $(i,COMMAND)'
for more information on a specific command.";
] @ help_sections
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/client/
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ let log fmt =
let () =
OpamHTTP.register ();
OpamGit.register ();
OpamLocal.register ()

let confirm fmt =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -777,7 +778,7 @@ let install_compiler t ~quiet switch compiler =

let update_pinned_package t nv pin =
match kind_of_pin_option pin with
| (`git|`local as k) ->
| (`git|`darcs|`local as k) ->
let path = OpamFilename.raw_dir (path_of_pin_option pin) in
let module B = (val OpamRepository.find_backend k: OpamRepository.BACKEND) in
let build = t.root t.switch nv in
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/core/
Expand Up @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ module URL = struct
let to_string filename t =
let url_name = match t.kind with
| Some `git -> "git"
| Some `darcs -> "darcs"
| None
| Some `http -> "archive"
| Some `local -> OpamGlobals.error_and_exit "Local packages are not (yet) supported." in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/opamFile.mli
Expand Up @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ module URL: sig
(** URL address *)
val url: t -> string

(** Backend kind (could be curl/rsync/git at the moment) *)
(** Backend kind (could be curl/rsync/git/darcs at the moment) *)
val kind: t -> repository_kind option

(** Archive checksum *)
Expand Down
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/core/
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type repository_name = OpamRepositoryName.t

type 'a repository_name_map = 'a OpamRepositoryName.Map.t

type repository_kind = [`http|`local|`git]
type repository_kind = [`http|`local|`git|`darcs]

type repository = {
repo_name : repository_name;
Expand All @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ let string_of_repository_kind = function
| `http -> "http"
| `local -> "local"
| `git -> "git"
| `darcs -> "darcs"

let repository_kind_of_string = function
| "wget"
Expand All @@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ let repository_kind_of_string = function
| "rsync"
| "local" -> `local
| "git" -> `git
| "darcs" -> `darcs
| s -> OpamGlobals.error_and_exit "%s is not a valid repository kind." s

type variable = OpamVariable.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,9 +174,10 @@ type pin_option =
| Version of version
| Path of dirname
| Git of dirname
| Darcs of dirname
| Unpin

type pin_kind = [`version|`git|`local|`unpin]
type pin_kind = [`version|`git|`darcs|`local|`unpin]

let pin_option_of_string ?kind s =
match kind with
Expand All @@ -184,6 +187,11 @@ let pin_option_of_string ?kind s =
Git (OpamFilename.Dir.of_string s)
Git (OpamFilename.raw_dir s)
| Some `darcs ->
if Sys.file_exists s then
Darcs (OpamFilename.Dir.of_string s)
Darcs (OpamFilename.raw_dir s)
| Some `local -> Path (OpamFilename.Dir.of_string s)
| Some `unpin -> Unpin
| None ->
Expand All @@ -199,12 +207,14 @@ let pin_option_of_string ?kind s =
let string_of_pin_kind = function
| `version -> "version"
| `git -> "git"
| `darcs -> "darcs"
| `local -> "local"
| `unpin -> "unpin"

let pin_kind_of_string = function
| "version" -> `version
| "git" -> `git
| "darcs" -> `darcs
| "rsync"
| "local" -> `local
| "unpin" -> `unpin
Expand All @@ -218,12 +228,14 @@ type pin = {
let path_of_pin_option = function
| Version v -> OpamPackage.Version.to_string v
| Git p
| Darcs p
| Path p -> OpamFilename.Dir.to_string p
| Unpin -> "none"

let kind_of_pin_option = function
| Version _ -> `version
| Git _ -> `git
| Darcs _ -> `darcs
| Path _ -> `local
| Unpin -> `unpin

Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/core/opamTypes.mli
Expand Up @@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ type repository_name = OpamRepositoryName.t
type 'a repository_name_map = 'a OpamRepositoryName.Map.t

(** Repository kind *)
type repository_kind = [`http|`local|`git]
type repository_kind = [`http|`local|`git|`darcs]

(** Pretty-print repository kinds. *)
val string_of_repository_kind: [`http|`local|`git] -> string
val string_of_repository_kind: [`http|`local|`git|`darcs] -> string

(** Parser of repository kinds. Raise an error if the kind is not valid. *)
val repository_kind_of_string: string -> [`http|`local|`git]
val repository_kind_of_string: string -> [`http|`local|`git|`darcs]

(** Repositories *)
type repository = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ type pin_option =
| Version of version
| Path of dirname
| Git of dirname
| Darcs of dirname
| Unpin

(** Pinned packages *)
Expand All @@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ type pin = {
val string_of_pin: pin -> string

(** Pin kind *)
type pin_kind = [`version|`git|`local|`unpin]
type pin_kind = [`version|`git|`darcs|`local|`unpin]

(** Pretty-printing of pin kinds. *)
val pin_kind_of_string: string -> pin_kind
Expand Down
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions src/repositories/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 OCamlPro *)
(* Copyright 2012 INRIA *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Public License version 3.0. *)
(* *)
(* OPAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)

(* Note: this module is heavily inspired by (and tries to stay close to) OpamGit *)

open OpamTypes
open OpamFilename.OP

let log fmt = OpamGlobals.log "Darcs" fmt

let darcs_fetch local_path remote_address =
OpamGlobals.msg "Fetching %s ...\n" (OpamFilename.Dir.to_string remote_address);
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
(* Fetch the changes and save them to a temporary patch bundle *)
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "fetch"; "--all"; "--output=opam_update.bundle"]

let darcs_merge local_path =
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
let patches_bundle = OpamFilename.of_string "opam_update.bundle" in
if OpamFilename.exists patches_bundle then
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "apply"; "opam_update.bundle" ];
OpamFilename.remove patches_bundle

(* Look for file pathes {packages,compilers}/* in a set of XML lines. *)
let files_of_xmlchanges lines =
let rex = Re_perl.compile_pat "((packages|compilers)((/[\\.\\w]+))+)" in
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h :: t ->
let subs = Re.exec rex h in
let file = Re.get subs 1 in
aux (file :: acc) t
with Not_found ->
aux acc t
aux [] lines

(* Return the list of modified files of the darcs repository located
at [dirname].
There is no simple way to get a diff of files with differences between the
local and a remote repository, with darcs, as 'git diff --name-only'. We use
the following workaround:
1. Tag the current state of the repo 'opam_update'
2. Pull (fetch and apply) all new patches
3. Get the changes made to the repo since the 'opam_update' tag, in a XML format
4. Back to initial state: obliterate the 'opam_update' tag and all subsequent patches *)
let darcs_diff local_path =
OpamFilename.in_dir local_path (fun () ->
OpamSystem.commands [
[ "darcs" ; "tag" ; "" ; "opam_update" ] ;
[ "darcs" ; "pull"; "--all" ]
let xml_changes = OpamSystem.read_command_output
[ "darcs" ; "changes" ; "--xml-output" ; "--summary" ; "--from-tag=opam_update" ] in
let files = files_of_xmlchanges xml_changes in
OpamSystem.command [ "darcs" ; "obliterate" ; "--all" ; "--from-tag=opam_update" ];
OpamFilename.Set.of_list ( OpamFilename.of_string files)

let darcs_init address =
let repo = OpamFilename.Dir.to_string address in
OpamSystem.commands [
(* Initialize a new darcs repository, and set a default source repository.
The dummy tag prevents the patches from being actually fetched. We use
the 'fetch' command because there is no dedicated command with darcs to set
a remote repository, as 'git remote'. *)
[ "darcs" ; "initialize" ];
[ "darcs" ; "fetch" ; "--tags=ThisIsADummyTag#00"; "--set-default" ; repo ];

let check_updates local_path remote_address=
if OpamFilename.exists_dir (local_path / "_darcs") then begin
darcs_fetch local_path remote_address;
let files = darcs_diff local_path in
darcs_merge local_path;
Some files
end else

module B = struct

let updates r =
OpamPath.Repository.root r // "last-darcs-updates"

let check_file file =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let updates = (updates local_repo) in
if OpamFilename.Set.mem file updates then
Result file
else if OpamFilename.exists file then
Up_to_date file

let init ~address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
darcs_init address;
OpamFile.Filenames.write (updates local_repo) (OpamFilename.Set.empty)

let download_archive ~address nv =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let archive = OpamPath.Repository.archive local_repo nv in
check_file archive

let download_file ?checksum nv filename =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let basename = OpamFilename.basename filename in
let file = OpamPath.Repository.tmp_dir local_repo nv // OpamFilename.Base.to_string basename in
check_file file

let rec download_dir nv ?dst remote_address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let dir = match dst with
| None ->
let basename = OpamFilename.Base.to_string (OpamFilename.basename_dir remote_address) in
OpamPath.Repository.tmp_dir local_repo nv / basename
| Some d -> d in
match check_updates dir remote_address with
| None ->
OpamFilename.mkdir dir;
OpamFilename.in_dir dir (fun () -> darcs_init remote_address);
download_dir nv ?dst remote_address
| Some f ->
if OpamFilename.Set.empty = f then
Up_to_date dir
Result dir

let update ~address =
let local_repo = OpamRepository.local_repo () in
let local_dir = OpamPath.Repository.root local_repo in
match check_updates local_dir address with
| Some f -> OpamFile.Filenames.write (updates local_repo) f; f
| None ->
"The repository %s is not initialized correctly"
(OpamFilename.Dir.to_string local_dir)

let upload_dir ~address dirname =
let files = OpamFilename.list_files dirname in
OpamSystem.commands [
[ "darcs"; "add"; OpamFilename.Dir.to_string dirname; ];
[ "darcs"; "record"; "--all"; "-m"; "upload new files" ];
[ "darcs"; "push"; "--all"]
OpamFilename.Set.of_list files
with _ ->


let register () =
OpamRepository.register_backend `darcs (module B: OpamRepository.BACKEND)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/repositories/
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let rsync ?(delete=true) src dst =
OpamSystem.mkdir dst;
let delete = if delete then ["--delete"] else [] in
let lines = OpamSystem.read_command_output (["rsync" ; "-arv"; "--exclude"; ".git/*"; src; dst] @ delete) in
let lines = OpamSystem.read_command_output (["rsync" ; "-arv"; "--exclude"; ".git/*"; "--exclude"; "_darcs/*"; src; dst] @ delete) in
match OpamMisc.rsync_trim lines with
| [] -> Up_to_date []
| lines -> Result lines
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/repositories/repositories.ocp
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ begin library "opam-repositories"

requires = [
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/scripts/
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open OpamFilename.OP
let () =
OpamHTTP.register ();
OpamGit.register ();
OpamDarcs.register ();
OpamLocal.register ()

let log fmt = OpamGlobals.log "OPAM-MK-REPO" fmt
Expand Down

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