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A leiningen plugin for running pallet tasks for a pallet deployment project.


To uses the pallet-lein plugin you will need to have pallet as a project dependency. The simplest way to achieve that is to add pallet to your :dependencies in your project.clj file.

For a list of pallet tasks,

$ lein pallet help

Apart from pallet itself, you will need to add pallet crate dependencies, and pallet providers for clouds such as EC2, to your dependencies.


Adding pallet to your project's dependencies is intrusive, so you probably want to add pallet via a profile in project.clj.

:profiles {:pallet {:dependencies [[com.palletops/pallet "0.8.0-RC.1"]]}}

You can then invoke lein using with-profile:

$ lein with-profile pallet pallet help

If that gets to unwieldy, just define an alias, again in project.clj:

:aliases {"pallet" ["with-profile" "+pallet" "pallet"]}
$ lein pallet help

Using with-profile +pallet adds the dependencies from the pallet profile to your normal project dependencies. To use only the pallet profile, without the default project dependencies, use with-profile pallet, without the +.

Using an independent profile is also useful to separate out your pallet code from your application code. For example, you can have separate source and resource directories:

:profiles {:pallet {:dependencies [[com.palletops/pallet "0.8.0-RC.1"]]
                    :source-paths ["pallet/src"]
                    :resource-paths ["pallet/resources"]}}

See the leiningen documentation for details on using profiles.


For pallet 0.8.0 and higher

Add the plugin to your :plugins, either in the :dev profile of your project.clj file, or in the :user profile of your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file.

:plugins [[com.palletops/pallet-lein "0.8.0-alpha.1"]]

Requires lein 2.0.0 or higher.

For pallet 0.7.x

Add the plugin to your :plugins, either in the :dev profile of your project.clj file, or in the :user profile of your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file.

:plugins [[org.cloudhoist/pallet-lein "0.5.2"]]


Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Hugo Duncan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.


A leiningen plugin for running pallet tasks






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