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Add a simple hangman game
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perlpilot committed Oct 30, 2009
1 parent d7fbc55 commit ae1080b
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Showing 3 changed files with 7,434 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions wip/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This directory is called wip for Work In Progress.

It is a place for undeveloped ideas that might or might not be book-worthy
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions wip/hangman.p6
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@

# Simple hangman game to illustrate Perl 6.
# Very procedural. No OOP. Uses scalars, arrays, and hashes

# TODO: needs cleaning

use v6;

my $dictionary = shift(@*ARGS) // 'words';
my @words = read-dictionary($dictionary);
my $alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my @hangman = <head torso left_arm right_arm left_leg right_leg>;

loop {
my $word = @words[rand * +@words];
my @blanks = "_" xx chars($word);

my (@hanging,%missed,%guessed);
my $i = 0;
while @hanging != @hangman {
say " Word: " ~ join(" ", @blanks);
say "Letters missed: " ~ join(" ", sort keys %missed);
say " Hangman: " ~ join(" ", @hanging);
if join('',@blanks) eq $word { say "\t\tYou Win!"; last; }
say "Enter a letter ...";
my $guess = substr(lc(get($*IN)), 0, 1); # only take first char
if not defined(index($alphabet,$guess)) {
say "That's not a letter!";
if %guessed{$guess} {
say "You already guessed that letter!";
if defined(index($word,$guess)) {
say "yes";
@blanks = fill-blanks(@blanks,$word,$guess);
else {
say "no";
push(@hanging, @hangman[$i++]);
say "\t\tYou lose!\nThe word was ''$word''" if @hanging == @hangman;
say "Try again? (Y/n)";
my $answer = get($*IN);
last if lc(substr($answer,0,1)) eq 'n';
say "Thanks for playing!";

sub read-dictionary ($dictionary) {
say "Reading dictionary...";
my $fh = open $dictionary, :r or die;
my @words;
for lines($fh) <-> $line {
chomp($line); # remove newline
$line = lc($line); # make all words lower case
next unless chars($line) > 4; # only take words with more than 4 characters
say "Done.";
return @words;

sub fill-blanks(@blanks is copy,$word,$letter) {
return unless $letter;
@blanks = "_" xx chars($word) if !@blanks;
my $next_pos = 0;
loop {
my $pos = index($word,$letter,$next_pos);
last unless defined $pos;
@blanks[$pos] = $letter;
$next_pos = $pos+1;
return @blanks;

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