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An Erlang Time Series Database built with LevelDB and Riak Core.


Install erlang R16 (limited by Riak Core)

$ make shell_1

Brings you into a shell

You can now send metrics in via the graphite/carbon protocol to port 2003:

To bring up a new node on the same box:

$ make shell_2

When in the shell you can join it to the previous shell with

(etsdb_2@> riak_core:join("etsdb@").

Which will move the appropriate vnodes across.


To get the list of metrics available:


To get data for a metric


Other fields available

?bucket_size=How many seconds of data to aggregate into a single datapoint returned

?aggregation=How to aggregate the data points (min/avg)

Making a Release

On ubuntu

apt-get install erlang libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev build-essential
gem install fpm --no-rdoc
make deps apps release package

Installing the release

Build a package on another machine with the same OS/architecture. Install that package on another machine, it will include Erlang and ETSDB.


# /etc/init.d/etsdb start


The package will install a /etc/etsdb/etsdb.config. Follow the contents of rel/sys.config for details`

You may one to set the carbon port (which this defaults to 2008) to 2003, the standard port. This would look like

[{etsdb, [{graphite_port, 2003}]}].