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@philsquared philsquared released this 17 Aug 08:15


This is the first beta release of Catch2, which rebases on C++11.

It includes many changes - some breaking - including:


  • Migrated lots of code to C++11 and removed most compatibility workarounds
  • Reworked expression decomposition layer - now much simpler and less code
  • Added, and started using in some places, a StringRef, which is similar to C++17's string_view
  • Use new, rewritten, version of Clara (for command line parsing)
  • Use new, rewritten, text formatting sub-lib, TextFlow.
  • Full project now has .cpp files instead of headers with implementation - still merged down to a single header.
  • Lots of other fixes and tweaks


  • Can now use commas in assertion macros (e.g. when using template argument lists)
  • Command line can now be easily extended (as Clara has a composable interface)
  • Experimental micro-benchmarking support added


  • Removed Catch::toString() - you must now specialise Catch::StringMaker<> instead
  • -d command line option no longer takes an argument
  • Removed old, experimental, generators support (new version will be coming)
  • Changed interface of Catch::Session as it relates to Clara - in particular removed unusedTokens(), the unusedOptionBehaviour argument from applyCommandLine() and changed the type that cli() returns.
  • Removed redundant SCOPED_MSG and SCOPED_CAPTURE