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Backwardly incompatible changes to the Konsole API between 4.4 and 4.8.4 broke this application (\_bug.cgi?id=338914). A patch has been applied but it's gross


Yakuake::Sessions - Session Manager for the Yakuake Terminal Emulator


This documents version v0.15.$Rev: 1 $ of Yakuake::Sessions


# To reduce typing define some shell aliases
alias ys='yakuake_session'

# Create some Yakuake sessions. Set each session to a different directory.
# Run some commands in some of the sessions like an HTTP web development
# server or tail -f on a log file. Set the tab titles for each session.
# Now create a profile called dev
ys create dev

# Subsequently reload the dev profile
ys load dev

# Show the contents of the dev profile
ys show dev

# Edit the contents of the dev profile
ys edit dev

# Delete the dev profile
ys delete dev

# Command line help
ys -? | -H | -h [sub-command] | list_methods | dump_self


Create, edit, load session profiles for the Yakuake Terminal Emulator. Sets and manages the tab title text

Configuration and Environment

Reads configuration from ~/.yakuakue_sessions/yakuake_session.json which might look like;

   "doc_title": "Perl",
   "tab_title": "Oo.!.oO"

See the config class for the full list of configuration attributes

Defines the following list of attributes which can be set from the command line;

  • config_dir

    Directory containing the configuration files. Defaults to ~/.yakuake_sessions

  • editor

    The editor used to edit profiles. Can be set from the configuration file. Defaults to the environment variable EDITOR or if unset emacs

  • force

    Overwrite the output file if it already exists

  • profile_dir

    Directory to store the session profiles in

  • storage_class

    File format used to store session data. Defaults to the config class value; JSON

Modifies these methods in the base class

  • run



yakuake_session create <profile_name>

Creates a new session profile in the profile_dir. Calls "dump"


yakuake_session delete <profile_name>

Deletes the specified session profile


yakuake_session dump <path>

Dumps the current sessions to file. For each tab it captures the current working directory, the command being executed, the tab title text, and which tab is currently active


yakuake_session edit <profile_name>

Edit a session profile


yakuake_session list

List the session profiles stored in the profile_dir


yakuake_session load <profile_name>

Load the specified profile, recreating the tabs with their title text, current working directories and executing commands


yakuakge_session select

Select the profile to load from the displayed list


yakuake_session set_tab_title <title_text>

Sets the current tabs title text to the specified value. Defaults to the vale supplied in the configuration


yakuake_session set_tab_title_for_project <title_text>

Set the current tabs title text to the specified value. Must supply a title text. Will save the project name for use by yakuake_session_tt_cd


yakuake_session show <profile_name>

Display the contents of the specified session profile


Turning on debug, add -D to the command line, causes the session dump and load subroutines to display the session tabs data

The list_methods command lists all of the callable the methods and their abstracts




Bugs and Limitations

It is necessary to edit new session profiles and manually escape the shell meta characters embeded in the executing commands

There are no known bugs in this module.Please report problems to Source code is on Github git:// Patches and pull requests are welcome


Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language


Peter Flanigan, <>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE