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MultiService (docker service example)

This service is a demonstration of moving from a monolithic code base to a more microservices based architecture.

This is paired up with the repo:

Compiling in Development

Should work on Windows and Macs (possibly Linux, not tried it yet) Clone the repo.

Dependencies:- Docker CE | 4.5.0 (74594) VirtualBox | 6.1.32 r149290 Minikube | 1.25.1 Dotnet SDK 6.0 | 6.0.100 Python 3 | 3.6.9 Helm | 3.7.1

Any of the component microservices can be tested and run individually with a simple by cd'ing into its directory. Check the for details on runtime, compile and docker build instructions

To build and run all containers that comprise this solution using docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build

or (rather than build each container locally, use the docker container version of each container)

docker-compose -f docker-compose-from-lib.yml up

Test should be able to be run using a browser, and going to http://localhost:18080

...and cleanup

docker-compose down

To run all containers that comprise this solution using minikube:

minikube start
helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml

Test should be able to be run using a browser, and going to
...and cleanup

helm uninstall multiservice
minikube stop


service CI tested Docker Reg Upload
frontend Build status Build status
addservice Build status Build status
minusservice Build status Build status
multiplyservice Build status Build status

release environment env tested Date
infossato docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-from-lib.yml up docker desktop - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build docker desktop - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-from-lib.yml up docker toolbox - win success 2022-02-21
infossato docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build docker toolbox - win success 2022-02-21
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml docker desktop / k8s - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev-OnPrem.yaml docker desktop / k8s - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev-OnPrem.yaml minikube - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev-OnPrem.yaml kmaster - mac success 2022-02-19
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev-OnPrem.yaml virtualbox / minikube - win success 2022-02-21
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev-OnPrem.yaml virtualbox / kmaster - win success 2022-02-19
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Prod-Cloud.yaml k8s - AKS success 2022-02-21
infossato helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Prod-Cloud.yaml k8s - GKE success 2022-02-21

* whilst running under windows, the microservices run. Put in port forwards to the docker virtualbox for TCP - 18084 (or 30500 for kmaster), and then it'll work.

Previous release:-

release environment env tested Date
halloumi docker-compose -f docker-compose-from-lib.yml up docker desktop - mac success 2022-02-06
halloumi docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build docker desktop - mac success 2022-02-06
halloumi docker-compose -f docker-compose-from-lib.yml up docker toolbox - win success * 2022-02-06
halloumi docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build docker toolbox - win success * 2022-02-06
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml docker desktop / k8s - mac success 2022-02-08
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml minikube - mac success 2022-02-09
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml kmaster - mac success 2022-02-09
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml virtualbox / minikube - win success 2022-02-09
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Dev.yaml virtualbox / kmaster - win success 2022-02-08
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Staging-Cloud.yaml k8s - AKS success 2022-02-09
halloumi helm install multiservice ./helmCharts -f ./helmCharts/Staging-Cloud.yaml k8s - GKE success 2022-02-09

ver: infossato