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Refactored NumberHelper API to accept arguments as an options hash [#666
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Signed-off-by: Joshua Peek <>
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clemens authored and josh committed Jul 21, 2008
1 parent ff9f6fc commit 0f43de6
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Showing 2 changed files with 93 additions and 33 deletions.
98 changes: 66 additions & 32 deletions actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/number_helper.rb
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module NumberHelper
# number_to_phone(1235551234, :country_code => 1) # => +1-123-555-1234
# number_to_phone(1235551234, :country_code => 1, :extension => 1343, :delimiter => ".")
# => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343
# => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343
def number_to_phone(number, options = {})
number = number.to_s.strip unless number.nil?
options = options.stringify_keys
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ def number_to_phone(number, options = {})
def number_to_currency(number, options = {})
options = options.symbolize_keys
defaults = I18n.translate(:'currency.format', :locale => options[:locale]) || {}

precision = options[:precision] || defaults[:precision]
unit = options[:unit] || defaults[:unit]
separator = options[:separator] || defaults[:separator]
delimiter = options[:delimiter] || defaults[:delimiter]
format = options[:format] || defaults[:format]
separator = '' if precision == 0

parts = number_with_precision(number, precision).split('.')
format.gsub(/%n/, number_with_delimiter(parts[0], delimiter) + separator + parts[1].to_s).gsub(/%u/, unit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,49 +118,72 @@ def number_to_percentage(number, options = {})

# Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using +delimiter+ (e.g., 12,324). You
# can customize the format using optional <em>delimiter</em> and <em>separator</em> parameters.
# Formats a +number+ with grouped thousands using +delimiter+ (e.g., 12,324). You can
# customize the format in the +options+ hash.
# ==== Options
# * <tt>delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to ",").
# * <tt>separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the units (defaults to ".").
# * <tt>:delimiter</tt> - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to ",").
# * <tt>:separator</tt> - Sets the separator between the units (defaults to ".").
# ==== Examples
# number_with_delimiter(12345678) # => 12,345,678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05) # => 12,345,678.05
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, ".") # => 12.345.678
# number_with_delimiter(98765432.98, " ", ",")
# number_with_delimiter(12345678) # => 12,345,678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05) # => 12,345,678.05
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, :delimiter => ".") # => 12.345.678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, :seperator => ",") # => 12,345,678
# number_with_delimiter(98765432.98, :delimiter => " ", :separator => ",")
# # => 98 765 432,98
def number_with_delimiter(number, delimiter=",", separator=".")
# You can still use <tt>number_with_delimiter</tt> with the old API that accepts the
# +delimiter+ as its optional second and the +separator+ as its
# optional third parameter:
# number_with_delimiter(12345678, " ") # => 12 345.678
# number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, ".", ",") # => 12.345.678,05
def number_with_delimiter(number, *args)
options = args.extract_options!
unless args.empty?
options[:delimiter] = args[0] || ","
options[:separator] = args[1] || "."
options.reverse_merge!(:delimiter => ",", :separator => ".")

parts = number.to_s.split('.')
parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{delimiter}")
parts.join separator
parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{options[:delimiter]}")
parts.join options[:separator]

# Formats a +number+ with the specified level of +precision+ (e.g., 112.32 has a precision of 2). The default
# level of precision is 3.
# Formats a +number+ with the specified level of <tt>:precision</tt> (e.g., 112.32 has a precision of 2).
# The default level of precision is 3.
# ==== Examples
# number_with_precision(111.2345) # => 111.235
# number_with_precision(111.2345, 2) # => 111.23
# number_with_precision(13, 5) # => 13.00000
# number_with_precision(389.32314, 0) # => 389
def number_with_precision(number, precision=3)
"%01.#{precision}f" % ((Float(number) * (10 ** precision)).round.to_f / 10 ** precision)
# number_with_precision(111.2345) # => 111.235
# number_with_precision(111.2345, :precision => 2) # => 111.23
# number_with_precision(13, :precision => 5) # => 13.00000
# number_with_precision(389.32314, :precision => 0) # => 389
# You can still use <tt>number_with_precision</tt> with the old API that accepts the
# +precision+ as its optional second parameter:
# number_with_precision(number_with_precision(111.2345, 2) # => 111.23
def number_with_precision(number, *args)
options = args.extract_options!
unless args.empty?
options[:precision] = args[0] || 3
options.reverse_merge!(:precision => 3)
"%01.#{options[:precision]}f" %
((Float(number) * (10 ** options[:precision])).round.to_f / 10 ** options[:precision])

# Formats the bytes in +size+ into a more understandable representation
# (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB). This method is useful for
# (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB). This method is useful for
# reporting file sizes to users. This method returns nil if
# +size+ cannot be converted into a number. You can change the default
# precision of 1 using the precision parameter +precision+.
# precision of 1 using the precision parameter <tt>:precision</tt>.
# ==== Examples
# number_to_human_size(123) # => 123 Bytes
Expand All @@ -169,17 +192,28 @@ def number_with_precision(number, precision=3)
# number_to_human_size(1234567) # => 1.2 MB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890) # => 1.1 GB
# number_to_human_size(1234567890123) # => 1.1 TB
# number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2) # => 1.18 MB
# number_to_human_size(483989, :precision => 0) # => 473 KB
# You can still use <tt>number_to_human_size</tt> with the old API that accepts the
# +precision+ as its optional second parameter:
# number_to_human_size(1234567, 2) # => 1.18 MB
# number_to_human_size(483989, 0) # => 4 MB
def number_to_human_size(size, precision=1)
size = Kernel.Float(size)
# number_to_human_size(483989, 0) # => 473 KB
def number_to_human_size(size, *args)
options = args.extract_options!
unless args.empty?
options[:precision] = args[0] || 1
options.reverse_merge!(:precision => 1)

size = Float(size)
when size.to_i == 1; "1 Byte"
when size < 1.kilobyte; "%d Bytes" % size
when size < 1.megabyte; "%.#{precision}f KB" % (size / 1.0.kilobyte)
when size < 1.gigabyte; "%.#{precision}f MB" % (size / 1.0.megabyte)
when size < 1.terabyte; "%.#{precision}f GB" % (size / 1.0.gigabyte)
else "%.#{precision}f TB" % (size / 1.0.terabyte)
when size < 1.megabyte; "%.#{options[:precision]}f KB" % (size / 1.0.kilobyte)
when size < 1.gigabyte; "%.#{options[:precision]}f MB" % (size / 1.0.megabyte)
when size < 1.terabyte; "%.#{options[:precision]}f GB" % (size / 1.0.gigabyte)
else "%.#{options[:precision]}f TB" % (size / 1.0.terabyte)
end.sub(/([0-9]\.\d*?)0+ /, '\1 ' ).sub(/\. /,' ')
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion actionpack/test/template/number_helper_test.rb
Expand Up @@ -54,9 +54,16 @@ def test_number_with_delimiter
assert_nil number_with_delimiter(nil)

def test_number_with_delimiter_with_options_hash
assert_equal '12 345 678', number_with_delimiter(12345678, :delimiter => ' ')
assert_equal '12,345,678-05', number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, :separator => '-')
assert_equal '12.345.678,05', number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, :separator => ',', :delimiter => '.')
assert_equal '12.345.678,05', number_with_delimiter(12345678.05, :delimiter => '.', :separator => ',')

def test_number_with_precision
assert_equal("111.235", number_with_precision(111.2346))
assert_equal("31.83", number_with_precision(31.825, 2))
assert_equal("31.83", number_with_precision(31.825, 2))
assert_equal("111.23", number_with_precision(111.2346, 2))
assert_equal("111.00", number_with_precision(111, 2))
assert_equal("111.235", number_with_precision("111.2346"))
Expand All @@ -69,6 +76,17 @@ def test_number_with_precision
assert_nil number_with_precision(nil)

def test_number_with_precision_with_options_hash
assert_equal '111.235', number_with_precision(111.2346)
assert_equal '31.83', number_with_precision(31.825, :precision => 2)
assert_equal '111.23', number_with_precision(111.2346, :precision => 2)
assert_equal '111.00', number_with_precision(111, :precision => 2)
assert_equal '111.235', number_with_precision("111.2346")
assert_equal '31.83', number_with_precision("31.825", :precision => 2)
assert_equal '112', number_with_precision(111.50, :precision => 0)
assert_equal '1234567892', number_with_precision(1234567891.50, :precision => 0)

def test_number_to_human_size
assert_equal '0 Bytes', number_to_human_size(0)
assert_equal '1 Byte', number_to_human_size(1)
Expand All @@ -94,4 +112,12 @@ def test_number_to_human_size
assert_nil number_to_human_size('x')
assert_nil number_to_human_size(nil)

def test_number_to_human_size_with_options_hash
assert_equal '1.18 MB', number_to_human_size(1234567, :precision => 2)
assert_equal '3 Bytes', number_to_human_size(3.14159265, :precision => 4)
assert_equal '1.01 KB', number_to_human_size(1.0123.kilobytes, :precision => 2)
assert_equal '1.01 KB', number_to_human_size(1.0100.kilobytes, :precision => 4)
assert_equal '10 KB', number_to_human_size(10.000.kilobytes, :precision => 4)

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