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[tools/] implement some simple relative benchmarking
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mberends committed Sep 18, 2009
1 parent a969c9e commit 4b141a8
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 1 deletion.
89 changes: 88 additions & 1 deletion tools/
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;

# Build the list of test scripts to run in @tfiles
my $testlist = $ARGV[0] || 't/';
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$syn = ''; # to reliably trigger the display of column headings

# start simple relative benchmarking
my( %times, @interesting_times );
if ( open( my $times, '<', 'docs/test_summary.times') ) {
while ( <$times> ) {
if (/^(.*),(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(.*)/) {
my ( $testname, $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $cusertime )
= ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 );
my $timegm = timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900 );
$times{$testname} = [ $timegm, $cusertime ];
close $times or die $!;
$times{'test startup'} = [ time, 9999 ]; # ignore test startup from previous runs?
open( my $times, '>', 'docs/test_summary.times.tmp') or die "cannot create docs/test_summary.times.tmp: $!";

# Execute all test scripts, aggregate the results, display the failures
$| = 1;
my ( @fail, @plan_hint );
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printf "%s%s..", $tname, '.' x ($max - length($tname));
my $cmd = "./perl6 $tfile";
my ($user1,$system1,$cuser1,$csystem1) = times;
my @results = split "\n", `$cmd`; # run the test, @result = all stdout
my ($user2,$system2,$cuser2,$csystem2) = times;
my (%skip, %todopass, %todofail);
for (@results) {
# pass over the optional line containing "1..$planned"
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if ($bonus) {
printf " %3d tests more than planned were run\n", $bonus;
# track simple relative benchmarking
my $cuser = $cuser2 - $cuser1;
if ( $cuser < $times{'test startup'}->[1] ) {
$times{'test startup'} = [ time, $cuser ];
if ( not exists( $times{$tname} ) ) { $times{$tname} = [ time, $cuser ]; }
my $datet_old = $times{$tname}->[0];
my $cuser_old = $times{$tname}->[1];
my $diff_sec = abs($cuser - $times{$tname}->[1]);
if ( $diff_sec >= 0.05 ) {
push @interesting_times, [ $tname, $datet_old, $cuser_old, time, $cuser, $diff_sec ];
$times{$tname} = [ time, $cuser ];
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($times{$tname}->[0]);
printf $times "%s,%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d,%g\n", $tname,
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $times{$tname}->[1];
} # for my $tfile (@tfiles)

# finish simple relative benchmarking
# use DateTime;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime;
printf $times "%s,%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d,%g\n", 'test startup',
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $times{'test startup'}->[1];
close $times or die $!;
rename 'docs/test_summary.times.tmp', 'docs/test_summary.times';
if ( @interesting_times ) {
print "----------------\n";
my $test_startup = $times{'test startup'}->[1];
print "Minimum test startup ${test_startup}s\n";
@interesting_times = map { $_->[0] } # Schwartzian Transform
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } # descending
map { [$_, $$_[5]] } # absolute time difference
@interesting_times = @interesting_times[0..($#interesting_times>19?19:$#interesting_times)];
for my $interesting ( @interesting_times ) {
my( $tname, $dt1, $cuser1, $dt2, $cuser2, $diff_sec ) = @$interesting;
my $change = $cuser1 < $cuser2 ? 'slower' : 'faster';
# The percentage difference is from the previous child user time minus
# the presumed startup time. Without a check it can divide by zero.
my $diff_pct = 100;
if ( $cuser1 != $test_startup ) {
$diff_pct = 100 * ($cuser2-$cuser1) / ( $cuser1 - $test_startup );
my $ago = int($dt2 - $dt1);
my $unit = 'second'; $unit.='s' if $ago!=1;
if ($ago>60) {
$ago=int($ago/60); $unit='minute'; $unit.='s' if $ago!=1;
if ($ago>60) {
$ago=int($ago/60); $unit='hour'; $unit.='s' if $ago!=1;
if ($ago>24) {
$ago=int($ago/24); $unit='day'; $unit.='s' if $ago!=1;
if ($ago>7) {
$ago=int($ago/7); $unit='week'; $unit.='s' if $ago!=1;
printf "%-38s %.2fs %s (%.1f%%) than %d %s ago\n",
$tname, $diff_sec, $change, $diff_pct, $ago, $unit;
# my $d1 = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $dt1 );
# my $d2 = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $dt2 );
# printf " (%s, %.2f, %s, %.2f)\n", $d1->ymd.' '.$d1->hms,
# $cuser1, $d2->ymd.' '.$d2->hms, $cuser2;

# Calculate plan totals from test scripts grouped by Synopsis and overall.
# This ignores any test list and processes all unfudged files in t/spec/.
# Implementing 'no_plan' or 'plan *' in test scripts would make this
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else {
print "No failures!";
print "No failures!\n";

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