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Live Video Streaming over Solace (BroadcastMe) Samples


This project illustrates how one can stream live video via Solace. Do also take a look at the blog post here.

The following diagram shows the flow of video stream from the live source to the receiving device:

Note: SMF stands for Solace Message Format and is the wireline message format used by the Solace Java API.

  • The InputProxy expects and listens on an UDP port for the live stream. It then encapsulate the content of UDP packets into SMF as binary attachment and forwards them to the Solace Message Router on a topic. In this scenario, a topic can be viewed as the 'channel name' where the broadcaster is streaming the live video to. The delivery mode can be persistent or direct.

  • ffmpeg can be used to broadcast live stream to an UDP port using the mpegts transport protocol. An example command (under linux) would be:

      ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -b 900k -f mpegts udp://localhost:1235
  • The OutputProxy creates a temporary queue with a topic (i.e. stream channel) subscription. It then receives messages from its temporary queue, re-encapsulates the content into UDP packets and redirect to the specified host and port.

  • Network stream viewing programes such as VLC can then be used to pick up the redirected live stream based on the forwarding host and port specified by the OutputProxy. For example, from VLC, open a network source to an URL such as:


Build the Samples

Just clone and build. For example:

  1. clone this GitHub repository
  2. ./gradlew assemble

Running the Samples

To try individual samples, build the project from source and then run samples like the following:

./build/staged/bin/inputProxy <msg_backbone_ip:port> <message-vpn> <username> <topic> <persistent/direct> <udp port> <verbose/none>

./build/staged/bin/outputProxy <msg_backbone_ip:port> <message-vpn> <username> <topic> <redirect_host_ip> <redirect_host_port> <verbose/none>


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. - See the LICENSE file for details.


If you want to learn more about Solace Technology try these resources:


Live Video Streaming over Solace Messaging Router







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