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Stan Bobovych edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 53 revisions

This document is for end users that want to start modding Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. This guide uses compiled versions of the tools.

Setting up the toolchain:

  1. click on the link below:
  2. click on each file
  3. click raw
  4. If you are not familiar with the Windows command line, read a short primer.

Alternate setup (if you want to download the entire repository)

  1. click on the link below:
    Zipped repository
  2. save the file
  3. unzip the files
  4. the tools are located in sbobovyc-JA-BiA-Tools-{version}\dist

Video example

Installing JABIA modding tools

File formats

  • pak - custom archive format being used by JABiA
  • pak.crypt - encrypted pak files
  • ctx - compiled text, stores most in game text, supports multiple languages
  • deg - stores dynamic decal information
  • cui - compiled user interface file, definitions of in game GUI and its layout
  • crf - compiled resource file, 3D models used by JABiA
  • caf - compiled animation file

Tool description

  • pak_magick.exe - unpacks .pak and .pak.crypt files
  • ctx_magick.exe - decompiles/compiles .ctx files
  • deg_magick.exe - decompiles/compiles .deg files

Using the tools

Each tool comes with help text.

  1. open a command line
  2. navigate to the directory that has the tools
  3. run the tools with the -h flag:
    pak_magick.exe -h
  4. you should see some help text

Drag and drop

  • all the unpacking/packing tools work with drag and drop
  • example: drag data_win32.pak into the pak_magick.exe icon
    pak_magick video example

First steps

pak_magick.exe now supports .pak.crypt files.
JABIA uses cryptopp

  1. copy configs_win32.pak,interface_win32.pak and all .pak/.pak.crypt files found in JABiA's root directory to a work directory
  2. unpack configs_win32.pak and interface_win32.pak
  3. unpack all the data*_win32.pak files sequentially, starting with data_win32.pak
  4. unpack all the voice*_win32.pak files sequentially, starting with voice_win32.pak
  5. unpack all .pak.crypt files
  6. you now should have a bin_win32 directory containing all the game's configuration files and assets, excluding the levels, videos and some sounds