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The Bloworm Logo

This is going to be a bookmark storage system where you can tag your bookmarks, and share them with people. It will be self hosted - all you will need to do is clone this repository.

You are welcome to fork this repository and help out.

Current Phase: Writing need to have extras



Bloworm requires the following PHP modules:

  • openssl - used to generate secure random numbers for login tokens
  • zlib - used when users are exporting their data


This section contains a list of interesting libraries I have found that may or may not be useful when building this thing:

Custom Settings

If you want to change the settings, please create a new file called "settings.php". Don't change the values in settings.default.php, since they will get overwritten if you update.


This section contains a bunch of notes that I have made / will make while writing bloworm. Eventually, they will slowly disappear as the help pages are written properly or as I don't need them anymore.

File Structure

  • functions.core.php - The core fnctions for the server side API
  • api.php - The server side API
  • password_cost_finder.php - A simple script to find the cost for password hashing that is right for your server.
  • settings.php - A file full of configurable settings that you can change.
  • data/
    • sessionkeys.json - A json file full of active session keys
    • userlist.json - A json file that lists all the user accounts
    • users/ - Folder to hold a folder for each user
      • <username>/
        • password - a hashed version of the user's password
        • bookmarks.json - A json file full of bookmarks
        • tags.json - The tag cache
        • isadmin - Contains true if the user is an admin, false otherwise


Bloworm was created by Starbeamrainbowlabs ( Bloworm uses several things from other places, all of which are in the table below.

Thing Creator Link
Starbeamrainbowlabs Logo Mythdael (n/a)
Logo Mythdael (n/a)
Default globe icon The Working Group
Background Transparent Textures
Fonts Google Web Fonts
Promise Polyfill Taylor Hakes


Bloworm is currently licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike (CC-BY-SA) license. If anyone can help me to choose a license from github's list of supported licenses that are specifically designed for code, that would be very helpful since I don't really understand any of them.....

Things in the credits table above are probably not under the CC-BY-SA license. You should check their respective websites for licensing information.