diff --git a/components/style/properties/longhand/box.mako.rs b/components/style/properties/longhand/box.mako.rs index a00f0c013937..c9639ae0a84a 100644 --- a/components/style/properties/longhand/box.mako.rs +++ b/components/style/properties/longhand/box.mako.rs @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ ${helpers.single_keyword("position", "static absolute relative fixed", values="none left right" animatable="False" need_clone="True" + gecko_enum_prefix="StyleFloat" gecko_ffi_name="mFloat"> use values::NoViewportPercentage; impl NoViewportPercentage for SpecifiedValue {} diff --git a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_debug.rs b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_debug.rs index fbad408e73a5..db803c04f5c6 100644 --- a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_debug.rs +++ b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_debug.rs @@ -188,12 +188,6 @@ pub const NS_ERROR_MODULE_BASE_OFFSET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 69; pub const MOZ_STRING_WITH_OBSOLETE_API: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NSID_LENGTH: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 39; pub const NS_NUMBER_OF_FLAGS_IN_REFCNT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; -pub const _STL_PAIR_H: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const _GLIBCXX_UTILITY: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const __cpp_lib_tuple_element_t: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201402; -pub const __cpp_lib_tuples_by_type: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; -pub const __cpp_lib_exchange_function: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; -pub const __cpp_lib_integer_sequence: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; pub const NS_EVENT_STATE_HIGHEST_SERVO_BIT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 6; pub const DOM_USER_DATA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const SMIL_MAPPED_ATTR_ANIMVAL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; @@ -484,11 +478,6 @@ pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_NOWRAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_WRAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_WRAP_REVERSE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const NS_STYLE_ORDER_INITIAL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_RIGHT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_INLINE_START: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_INLINE_END: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_NONE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_URL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_BLUR: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; @@ -2756,12 +2745,6 @@ impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsIExpandedPrincipal { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] -pub struct _Make_integer_sequence<_Tp, _ISeq> { - pub _phantom0: ::std::marker::PhantomData<_Tp>, - pub _phantom1: ::std::marker::PhantomData<_ISeq>, -} -#[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct nsIURI { pub _base: nsISupports, @@ -2813,7 +2796,7 @@ impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsIRequest { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct EventStates { - pub mStates: ::std::os::raw::c_ulong, + pub mStates: ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong, } impl ::std::clone::Clone for EventStates { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } @@ -2943,7 +2926,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsMutationGuard() { extern "C" { #[link_name = "_ZN15nsMutationGuard11sGenerationE"] pub static mut nsMutationGuard_consts_sGeneration: - ::std::os::raw::c_ulong; + ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong; } pub type Float = f32; #[repr(i8)] @@ -3033,6 +3016,7 @@ pub enum BackendType { SKIA = 5, RECORDING = 6, DIRECT2D1_1 = 7, + BACKEND_LAST = 8, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] @@ -3936,7 +3920,12 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsFont() { } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleBasicShape { Polygon = 0, Circle = 1, Ellipse = 2, Inset = 3, } +pub enum StyleBasicShapeType { + Polygon = 0, + Circle = 1, + Ellipse = 2, + Inset = 3, +} #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleBoxSizing { Content = 0, Border = 1, } @@ -3945,10 +3934,7 @@ pub enum StyleBoxSizing { Content = 0, Border = 1, } pub enum StyleBoxShadowType { Inset = 0, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleClipPathType { None_ = 0, URL = 1, Shape = 2, Box = 3, } -#[repr(i8)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleClipShapeSizing { +pub enum StyleClipPathGeometryBox { NoBox = 0, Content = 1, Padding = 2, @@ -3960,9 +3946,30 @@ pub enum StyleClipShapeSizing { } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleFloat { + None_ = 0, + Left = 1, + Right = 2, + InlineStart = 3, + InlineEnd = 4, +} +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleFloatEdge { ContentBox = 0, MarginBox = 1, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleShapeOutsideShapeBox { + NoBox = 0, + Content = 1, + Padding = 2, + Border = 3, + Margin = 4, +} +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleShapeSourceType { None_ = 0, URL = 1, Shape = 2, Box = 3, } +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleUserFocus { None_ = 0, Ignore = 1, @@ -4229,210 +4236,211 @@ pub enum nsCSSProperty { eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_points_y = 237, eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type_x = 238, eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type_y = 239, - eCSSProperty_shape_rendering = 240, - eCSSProperty__x_span = 241, - eCSSProperty_stack_sizing = 242, - eCSSProperty_stop_color = 243, - eCSSProperty_stop_opacity = 244, - eCSSProperty_stroke = 245, - eCSSProperty_stroke_dasharray = 246, - eCSSProperty_stroke_dashoffset = 247, - eCSSProperty_stroke_linecap = 248, - eCSSProperty_stroke_linejoin = 249, - eCSSProperty_stroke_miterlimit = 250, - eCSSProperty_stroke_opacity = 251, - eCSSProperty_stroke_width = 252, - eCSSProperty__x_system_font = 253, - eCSSProperty__moz_tab_size = 254, - eCSSProperty_table_layout = 255, - eCSSProperty_text_align = 256, - eCSSProperty_text_align_last = 257, - eCSSProperty_text_anchor = 258, - eCSSProperty_text_combine_upright = 259, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_color = 260, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_line = 261, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_style = 262, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_color = 263, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_position = 264, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_style = 265, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_fill_color = 266, - eCSSProperty_text_indent = 267, - eCSSProperty_text_orientation = 268, - eCSSProperty_text_overflow = 269, - eCSSProperty_text_rendering = 270, - eCSSProperty_text_shadow = 271, - eCSSProperty_text_size_adjust = 272, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_color = 273, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_width = 274, - eCSSProperty_text_transform = 275, - eCSSProperty__x_text_zoom = 276, - eCSSProperty_top = 277, - eCSSProperty__moz_top_layer = 278, - eCSSProperty_touch_action = 279, - eCSSProperty_transform = 280, - eCSSProperty_transform_box = 281, - eCSSProperty_transform_origin = 282, - eCSSProperty_transform_style = 283, - eCSSProperty_transition_delay = 284, - eCSSProperty_transition_duration = 285, - eCSSProperty_transition_property = 286, - eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function = 287, - eCSSProperty_unicode_bidi = 288, - eCSSProperty_user_focus = 289, - eCSSProperty_user_input = 290, - eCSSProperty_user_modify = 291, - eCSSProperty_user_select = 292, - eCSSProperty_vector_effect = 293, - eCSSProperty_vertical_align = 294, - eCSSProperty_visibility = 295, - eCSSProperty_white_space = 296, - eCSSProperty_width = 297, - eCSSProperty_will_change = 298, - eCSSProperty__moz_window_dragging = 299, - eCSSProperty__moz_window_shadow = 300, - eCSSProperty_word_break = 301, - eCSSProperty_word_spacing = 302, - eCSSProperty_overflow_wrap = 303, - eCSSProperty_writing_mode = 304, - eCSSProperty_z_index = 305, - eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands = 306, - eCSSProperty_animation = 307, - eCSSProperty_background = 308, - eCSSProperty_background_position = 309, - eCSSProperty_border = 310, - eCSSProperty_border_block_end = 311, - eCSSProperty_border_block_start = 312, - eCSSProperty_border_bottom = 313, - eCSSProperty_border_color = 314, - eCSSProperty_border_image = 315, - eCSSProperty_border_inline_end = 316, - eCSSProperty_border_inline_start = 317, - eCSSProperty_border_left = 318, - eCSSProperty_border_radius = 319, - eCSSProperty_border_right = 320, - eCSSProperty_border_style = 321, - eCSSProperty_border_top = 322, - eCSSProperty_border_width = 323, - eCSSProperty__moz_column_rule = 324, - eCSSProperty__moz_columns = 325, - eCSSProperty_flex = 326, - eCSSProperty_flex_flow = 327, - eCSSProperty_font = 328, - eCSSProperty_font_variant = 329, - eCSSProperty_grid = 330, - eCSSProperty_grid_area = 331, - eCSSProperty_grid_column = 332, - eCSSProperty_grid_gap = 333, - eCSSProperty_grid_row = 334, - eCSSProperty_grid_template = 335, - eCSSProperty_list_style = 336, - eCSSProperty_margin = 337, - eCSSProperty_marker = 338, - eCSSProperty_outline = 339, - eCSSProperty__moz_outline_radius = 340, - eCSSProperty_overflow = 341, - eCSSProperty_padding = 342, - eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type = 343, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration = 344, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis = 345, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke = 346, - eCSSProperty__moz_transform = 347, - eCSSProperty_transition = 348, - eCSSProperty_COUNT = 349, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformOrigin = 350, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspectiveOrigin = 351, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspective = 352, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformStyle = 353, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBackfaceVisibility = 354, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderImage = 355, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransition = 356, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDelay = 357, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDuration = 358, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionProperty = 359, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionTimingFunction = 360, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimation = 361, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDelay = 362, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDirection = 363, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDuration = 364, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationFillMode = 365, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationIterationCount = 366, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationName = 367, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationPlayState = 368, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationTimingFunction = 369, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBoxSizing = 370, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontFeatureSettings = 371, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontLanguageOverride = 372, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingEnd = 373, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingStart = 374, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginEnd = 375, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginStart = 376, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEnd = 377, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndColor = 378, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndStyle = 379, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndWidth = 380, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStart = 381, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartColor = 382, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartStyle = 383, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartWidth = 384, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozHyphens = 385, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTextAlignLast = 386, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimation = 387, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDelay = 388, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDirection = 389, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDuration = 390, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationFillMode = 391, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationIterationCount = 392, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationName = 393, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationPlayState = 394, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationTimingFunction = 395, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFilter = 396, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTextSizeAdjust = 397, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransform = 398, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformOrigin = 399, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformStyle = 400, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackfaceVisibility = 401, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspective = 402, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspectiveOrigin = 403, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransition = 404, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDelay = 405, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDuration = 406, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionProperty = 407, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionTimingFunction = 408, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderRadius = 409, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius = 410, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopRightRadius = 411, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = 412, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius = 413, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundClip = 414, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundOrigin = 415, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundSize = 416, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderImage = 417, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxShadow = 418, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxSizing = 419, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxFlex = 420, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup = 421, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrient = 422, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxDirection = 423, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxAlign = 424, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxPack = 425, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexDirection = 426, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexWrap = 427, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexFlow = 428, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitOrder = 429, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlex = 430, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexGrow = 431, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexShrink = 432, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexBasis = 433, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitJustifyContent = 434, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignItems = 435, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignSelf = 436, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignContent = 437, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitUserSelect = 438, - eCSSProperty_COUNT_with_aliases = 439, - eCSSPropertyExtra_all_properties = 440, - eCSSPropertyExtra_x_none_value = 441, - eCSSPropertyExtra_x_auto_value = 442, - eCSSPropertyExtra_variable = 443, + eCSSProperty_shape_outside = 240, + eCSSProperty_shape_rendering = 241, + eCSSProperty__x_span = 242, + eCSSProperty_stack_sizing = 243, + eCSSProperty_stop_color = 244, + eCSSProperty_stop_opacity = 245, + eCSSProperty_stroke = 246, + eCSSProperty_stroke_dasharray = 247, + eCSSProperty_stroke_dashoffset = 248, + eCSSProperty_stroke_linecap = 249, + eCSSProperty_stroke_linejoin = 250, + eCSSProperty_stroke_miterlimit = 251, + eCSSProperty_stroke_opacity = 252, + eCSSProperty_stroke_width = 253, + eCSSProperty__x_system_font = 254, + eCSSProperty__moz_tab_size = 255, + eCSSProperty_table_layout = 256, + eCSSProperty_text_align = 257, + eCSSProperty_text_align_last = 258, + eCSSProperty_text_anchor = 259, + eCSSProperty_text_combine_upright = 260, + eCSSProperty_text_decoration_color = 261, + eCSSProperty_text_decoration_line = 262, + eCSSProperty_text_decoration_style = 263, + eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_color = 264, + eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_position = 265, + eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_style = 266, + eCSSProperty__webkit_text_fill_color = 267, + eCSSProperty_text_indent = 268, + eCSSProperty_text_orientation = 269, + eCSSProperty_text_overflow = 270, + eCSSProperty_text_rendering = 271, + eCSSProperty_text_shadow = 272, + eCSSProperty_text_size_adjust = 273, + eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_color = 274, + eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_width = 275, + eCSSProperty_text_transform = 276, + eCSSProperty__x_text_zoom = 277, + eCSSProperty_top = 278, + eCSSProperty__moz_top_layer = 279, + eCSSProperty_touch_action = 280, + eCSSProperty_transform = 281, + eCSSProperty_transform_box = 282, + eCSSProperty_transform_origin = 283, + eCSSProperty_transform_style = 284, + eCSSProperty_transition_delay = 285, + eCSSProperty_transition_duration = 286, + eCSSProperty_transition_property = 287, + eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function = 288, + eCSSProperty_unicode_bidi = 289, + eCSSProperty_user_focus = 290, + eCSSProperty_user_input = 291, + eCSSProperty_user_modify = 292, + eCSSProperty_user_select = 293, + eCSSProperty_vector_effect = 294, + eCSSProperty_vertical_align = 295, + eCSSProperty_visibility = 296, + eCSSProperty_white_space = 297, + eCSSProperty_width = 298, + eCSSProperty_will_change = 299, + eCSSProperty__moz_window_dragging = 300, + eCSSProperty__moz_window_shadow = 301, + eCSSProperty_word_break = 302, + eCSSProperty_word_spacing = 303, + eCSSProperty_overflow_wrap = 304, + eCSSProperty_writing_mode = 305, + eCSSProperty_z_index = 306, + eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands = 307, + eCSSProperty_animation = 308, + eCSSProperty_background = 309, + eCSSProperty_background_position = 310, + eCSSProperty_border = 311, + eCSSProperty_border_block_end = 312, + eCSSProperty_border_block_start = 313, + eCSSProperty_border_bottom = 314, + eCSSProperty_border_color = 315, + eCSSProperty_border_image = 316, + eCSSProperty_border_inline_end = 317, + eCSSProperty_border_inline_start = 318, + eCSSProperty_border_left = 319, + eCSSProperty_border_radius = 320, + eCSSProperty_border_right = 321, + eCSSProperty_border_style = 322, + eCSSProperty_border_top = 323, + eCSSProperty_border_width = 324, + eCSSProperty__moz_column_rule = 325, + eCSSProperty__moz_columns = 326, + eCSSProperty_flex = 327, + eCSSProperty_flex_flow = 328, + eCSSProperty_font = 329, + eCSSProperty_font_variant = 330, + eCSSProperty_grid = 331, + eCSSProperty_grid_area = 332, + eCSSProperty_grid_column = 333, + eCSSProperty_grid_gap = 334, + eCSSProperty_grid_row = 335, + eCSSProperty_grid_template = 336, + eCSSProperty_list_style = 337, + eCSSProperty_margin = 338, + eCSSProperty_marker = 339, + eCSSProperty_outline = 340, + eCSSProperty__moz_outline_radius = 341, + eCSSProperty_overflow = 342, + eCSSProperty_padding = 343, + eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type = 344, + eCSSProperty_text_decoration = 345, + eCSSProperty_text_emphasis = 346, + eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke = 347, + eCSSProperty__moz_transform = 348, + eCSSProperty_transition = 349, + eCSSProperty_COUNT = 350, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformOrigin = 351, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspectiveOrigin = 352, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspective = 353, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformStyle = 354, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBackfaceVisibility = 355, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderImage = 356, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransition = 357, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDelay = 358, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDuration = 359, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionProperty = 360, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionTimingFunction = 361, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimation = 362, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDelay = 363, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDirection = 364, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDuration = 365, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationFillMode = 366, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationIterationCount = 367, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationName = 368, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationPlayState = 369, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationTimingFunction = 370, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBoxSizing = 371, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontFeatureSettings = 372, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontLanguageOverride = 373, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingEnd = 374, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingStart = 375, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginEnd = 376, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginStart = 377, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEnd = 378, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndColor = 379, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndStyle = 380, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndWidth = 381, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStart = 382, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartColor = 383, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartStyle = 384, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartWidth = 385, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozHyphens = 386, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTextAlignLast = 387, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimation = 388, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDelay = 389, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDirection = 390, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDuration = 391, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationFillMode = 392, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationIterationCount = 393, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationName = 394, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationPlayState = 395, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationTimingFunction = 396, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFilter = 397, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTextSizeAdjust = 398, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransform = 399, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformOrigin = 400, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformStyle = 401, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackfaceVisibility = 402, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspective = 403, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspectiveOrigin = 404, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransition = 405, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDelay = 406, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDuration = 407, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionProperty = 408, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionTimingFunction = 409, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderRadius = 410, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius = 411, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopRightRadius = 412, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = 413, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius = 414, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundClip = 415, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundOrigin = 416, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundSize = 417, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderImage = 418, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxShadow = 419, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxSizing = 420, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxFlex = 421, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup = 422, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrient = 423, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxDirection = 424, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxAlign = 425, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxPack = 426, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexDirection = 427, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexWrap = 428, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexFlow = 429, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitOrder = 430, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlex = 431, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexGrow = 432, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexShrink = 433, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexBasis = 434, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitJustifyContent = 435, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignItems = 436, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignSelf = 437, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignContent = 438, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitUserSelect = 439, + eCSSProperty_COUNT_with_aliases = 440, + eCSSPropertyExtra_all_properties = 441, + eCSSPropertyExtra_x_none_value = 442, + eCSSPropertyExtra_x_auto_value = 443, + eCSSPropertyExtra_variable = 444, } #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] @@ -5352,6 +5360,17 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_imgRequestProxyStatic() { pub enum nsStyleContext { } pub enum nsTextFrame { } #[repr(C)] +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct FragmentOrURL { + pub mURL: nsCOMPtr, + pub mIsLocalRef: bool, +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_FragmentOrURL() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleFont { pub mFont: nsFont, pub mSize: nscoord, @@ -5597,7 +5616,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers_Repeat() { #[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleImageLayers_Layer { pub mImage: nsStyleImage, - pub mSourceURI: nsCOMPtr, + pub mSourceURI: FragmentOrURL, pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, pub mSize: nsStyleImageLayers_Size, pub mClip: u8, @@ -5610,12 +5629,12 @@ pub struct nsStyleImageLayers_Layer { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers_Layer() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 112usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 120usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 168usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 176usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } extern "C" { @@ -5633,7 +5652,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleBackground { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleBackground() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 176usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 184usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] @@ -6086,6 +6105,42 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleAnimation() { assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct StyleBasicShape { + pub mRefCnt: nsAutoRefCnt, + pub _mOwningThread: nsAutoOwningThread, + pub mType: StyleBasicShapeType, + pub mFillRule: i32, + pub mCoordinates: nsTArray, + pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, + pub mRadius: nsStyleCorners, +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleBasicShape() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 128usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleShapeSource; +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleClipPath { + pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 2usize], +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleClipPath() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleShapeOutside { + pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 2usize], +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleShapeOutside() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mBinding: RefPtr, pub mDisplay: u8, @@ -6093,8 +6148,8 @@ pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mContain: u8, pub mAppearance: u8, pub mPosition: u8, - pub mFloat: u8, - pub mOriginalFloat: u8, + pub mFloat: StyleFloat, + pub mOriginalFloat: StyleFloat, pub mBreakType: u8, pub mBreakInside: u8, pub mBreakBefore: bool, @@ -6138,10 +6193,11 @@ pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mAnimationFillModeCount: u32, pub mAnimationPlayStateCount: u32, pub mAnimationIterationCountCount: u32, + pub mShapeOutside: [u64; 2usize], } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleDisplay() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 408usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 424usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] @@ -6188,26 +6244,26 @@ pub enum nsStyleContentType { #[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleContentData { pub mType: nsStyleContentType, - pub mContent: nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26, + pub mContent: nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27, pub mImageTracked: bool, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { +pub struct nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { pub mString: __BindgenUnionField<*mut ::std::os::raw::c_ushort>, pub mImage: __BindgenUnionField<*mut imgRequestProxy>, pub mCounters: __BindgenUnionField<*mut Array>, pub _bindgen_data_: u64, } -impl nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { +impl nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { } +impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() +fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] @@ -6322,17 +6378,6 @@ extern "C" { #[link_name = "_ZN13nsStyleColumn15kMaxColumnCountE"] pub static nsStyleColumn_consts_kMaxColumnCount: ::std::os::raw::c_uint; } -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] -pub struct FragmentOrURL { - pub mURL: nsCOMPtr, - pub mIsLocalRef: bool, -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_FragmentOrURL() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum nsStyleSVGPaintType { @@ -6352,26 +6397,26 @@ pub enum nsStyleSVGOpacitySource { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint { - pub mPaint: nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27, + pub mPaint: nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28, pub mType: nsStyleSVGPaintType, pub mFallbackColor: nscolor, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { +pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { pub mColor: __BindgenUnionField, pub mPaintServer: __BindgenUnionField<*mut FragmentOrURL>, pub _bindgen_data_: u64, } -impl nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { +impl nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { } +impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() +fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] @@ -6406,7 +6451,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleSVG { } #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum nsStyleSVG_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { +pub enum nsStyleSVG_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { FILL_OPACITY_SOURCE_MASK = 3, STROKE_OPACITY_SOURCE_MASK = 12, STROKE_DASHARRAY_CONTEXT = 16, @@ -6422,60 +6467,6 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVG() { } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] -pub struct nsStyleBasicShape { - pub mRefCnt: nsAutoRefCnt, - pub _mOwningThread: nsAutoOwningThread, - pub mType: nsStyleBasicShape_Type, - pub mFillRule: i32, - pub mCoordinates: nsTArray, - pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, - pub mRadius: nsStyleCorners, -} -#[repr(u32)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum nsStyleBasicShape_Type { - eInset = 0, - eCircle = 1, - eEllipse = 2, - ePolygon = 3, -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleBasicShape() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 128usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] -pub struct nsStyleClipPath { - pub nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29: nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29, - pub mType: StyleClipPathType, - pub mSizingBox: StyleClipShapeSizing, -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { - pub mBasicShape: __BindgenUnionField<*mut nsStyleBasicShape>, - pub mURL: __BindgenUnionField<*mut FragmentOrURL>, - pub _bindgen_data_: u64, -} -impl nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() - , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() - , 8usize); -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleClipPath() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleFilter { pub mType: i32, pub mFilterParameter: nsStyleCoord, @@ -6507,7 +6498,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleFilter() { #[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleSVGReset { pub mMask: nsStyleImageLayers, - pub mClipPath: nsStyleClipPath, + pub mClipPath: [u64; 2usize], pub mStopColor: nscolor, pub mFloodColor: nscolor, pub mLightingColor: nscolor, @@ -6519,7 +6510,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleSVGReset { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGReset() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 208usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 216usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] diff --git a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_release.rs b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_release.rs index 111bb6347a24..a65291f7c0de 100644 --- a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_release.rs +++ b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/structs_release.rs @@ -188,12 +188,6 @@ pub const NS_ERROR_MODULE_BASE_OFFSET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 69; pub const MOZ_STRING_WITH_OBSOLETE_API: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NSID_LENGTH: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 39; pub const NS_NUMBER_OF_FLAGS_IN_REFCNT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; -pub const _STL_PAIR_H: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const _GLIBCXX_UTILITY: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const __cpp_lib_tuple_element_t: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201402; -pub const __cpp_lib_tuples_by_type: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; -pub const __cpp_lib_exchange_function: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; -pub const __cpp_lib_integer_sequence: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 201304; pub const NS_EVENT_STATE_HIGHEST_SERVO_BIT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 6; pub const DOM_USER_DATA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const SMIL_MAPPED_ATTR_ANIMVAL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; @@ -484,11 +478,6 @@ pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_NOWRAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_WRAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NS_STYLE_FLEX_WRAP_WRAP_REVERSE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const NS_STYLE_ORDER_INITIAL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_RIGHT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_INLINE_START: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; -pub const NS_STYLE_FLOAT_INLINE_END: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_NONE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_URL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const NS_STYLE_FILTER_BLUR: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; @@ -2735,12 +2724,6 @@ impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsIExpandedPrincipal { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] -pub struct _Make_integer_sequence<_Tp, _ISeq> { - pub _phantom0: ::std::marker::PhantomData<_Tp>, - pub _phantom1: ::std::marker::PhantomData<_ISeq>, -} -#[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct nsIURI { pub _base: nsISupports, @@ -2792,7 +2775,7 @@ impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsIRequest { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct EventStates { - pub mStates: ::std::os::raw::c_ulong, + pub mStates: ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong, } impl ::std::clone::Clone for EventStates { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } @@ -2922,7 +2905,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsMutationGuard() { extern "C" { #[link_name = "_ZN15nsMutationGuard11sGenerationE"] pub static mut nsMutationGuard_consts_sGeneration: - ::std::os::raw::c_ulong; + ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong; } pub type Float = f32; #[repr(i8)] @@ -3012,6 +2995,7 @@ pub enum BackendType { SKIA = 5, RECORDING = 6, DIRECT2D1_1 = 7, + BACKEND_LAST = 8, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] @@ -3915,7 +3899,12 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsFont() { } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleBasicShape { Polygon = 0, Circle = 1, Ellipse = 2, Inset = 3, } +pub enum StyleBasicShapeType { + Polygon = 0, + Circle = 1, + Ellipse = 2, + Inset = 3, +} #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleBoxSizing { Content = 0, Border = 1, } @@ -3924,10 +3913,7 @@ pub enum StyleBoxSizing { Content = 0, Border = 1, } pub enum StyleBoxShadowType { Inset = 0, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleClipPathType { None_ = 0, URL = 1, Shape = 2, Box = 3, } -#[repr(i8)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum StyleClipShapeSizing { +pub enum StyleClipPathGeometryBox { NoBox = 0, Content = 1, Padding = 2, @@ -3939,9 +3925,30 @@ pub enum StyleClipShapeSizing { } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleFloat { + None_ = 0, + Left = 1, + Right = 2, + InlineStart = 3, + InlineEnd = 4, +} +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleFloatEdge { ContentBox = 0, MarginBox = 1, } #[repr(i8)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleShapeOutsideShapeBox { + NoBox = 0, + Content = 1, + Padding = 2, + Border = 3, + Margin = 4, +} +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] +pub enum StyleShapeSourceType { None_ = 0, URL = 1, Shape = 2, Box = 3, } +#[repr(i8)] +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum StyleUserFocus { None_ = 0, Ignore = 1, @@ -4208,210 +4215,211 @@ pub enum nsCSSProperty { eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_points_y = 237, eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type_x = 238, eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type_y = 239, - eCSSProperty_shape_rendering = 240, - eCSSProperty__x_span = 241, - eCSSProperty_stack_sizing = 242, - eCSSProperty_stop_color = 243, - eCSSProperty_stop_opacity = 244, - eCSSProperty_stroke = 245, - eCSSProperty_stroke_dasharray = 246, - eCSSProperty_stroke_dashoffset = 247, - eCSSProperty_stroke_linecap = 248, - eCSSProperty_stroke_linejoin = 249, - eCSSProperty_stroke_miterlimit = 250, - eCSSProperty_stroke_opacity = 251, - eCSSProperty_stroke_width = 252, - eCSSProperty__x_system_font = 253, - eCSSProperty__moz_tab_size = 254, - eCSSProperty_table_layout = 255, - eCSSProperty_text_align = 256, - eCSSProperty_text_align_last = 257, - eCSSProperty_text_anchor = 258, - eCSSProperty_text_combine_upright = 259, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_color = 260, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_line = 261, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration_style = 262, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_color = 263, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_position = 264, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis_style = 265, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_fill_color = 266, - eCSSProperty_text_indent = 267, - eCSSProperty_text_orientation = 268, - eCSSProperty_text_overflow = 269, - eCSSProperty_text_rendering = 270, - eCSSProperty_text_shadow = 271, - eCSSProperty_text_size_adjust = 272, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_color = 273, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke_width = 274, - eCSSProperty_text_transform = 275, - eCSSProperty__x_text_zoom = 276, - eCSSProperty_top = 277, - eCSSProperty__moz_top_layer = 278, - eCSSProperty_touch_action = 279, - eCSSProperty_transform = 280, - eCSSProperty_transform_box = 281, - eCSSProperty_transform_origin = 282, - eCSSProperty_transform_style = 283, - eCSSProperty_transition_delay = 284, - eCSSProperty_transition_duration = 285, - eCSSProperty_transition_property = 286, - eCSSProperty_transition_timing_function = 287, - eCSSProperty_unicode_bidi = 288, - eCSSProperty_user_focus = 289, - eCSSProperty_user_input = 290, - eCSSProperty_user_modify = 291, - eCSSProperty_user_select = 292, - eCSSProperty_vector_effect = 293, - eCSSProperty_vertical_align = 294, - eCSSProperty_visibility = 295, - eCSSProperty_white_space = 296, - eCSSProperty_width = 297, - eCSSProperty_will_change = 298, - eCSSProperty__moz_window_dragging = 299, - eCSSProperty__moz_window_shadow = 300, - eCSSProperty_word_break = 301, - eCSSProperty_word_spacing = 302, - eCSSProperty_overflow_wrap = 303, - eCSSProperty_writing_mode = 304, - eCSSProperty_z_index = 305, - eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands = 306, - eCSSProperty_animation = 307, - eCSSProperty_background = 308, - eCSSProperty_background_position = 309, - eCSSProperty_border = 310, - eCSSProperty_border_block_end = 311, - eCSSProperty_border_block_start = 312, - eCSSProperty_border_bottom = 313, - eCSSProperty_border_color = 314, - eCSSProperty_border_image = 315, - eCSSProperty_border_inline_end = 316, - eCSSProperty_border_inline_start = 317, - eCSSProperty_border_left = 318, - eCSSProperty_border_radius = 319, - eCSSProperty_border_right = 320, - eCSSProperty_border_style = 321, - eCSSProperty_border_top = 322, - eCSSProperty_border_width = 323, - eCSSProperty__moz_column_rule = 324, - eCSSProperty__moz_columns = 325, - eCSSProperty_flex = 326, - eCSSProperty_flex_flow = 327, - eCSSProperty_font = 328, - eCSSProperty_font_variant = 329, - eCSSProperty_grid = 330, - eCSSProperty_grid_area = 331, - eCSSProperty_grid_column = 332, - eCSSProperty_grid_gap = 333, - eCSSProperty_grid_row = 334, - eCSSProperty_grid_template = 335, - eCSSProperty_list_style = 336, - eCSSProperty_margin = 337, - eCSSProperty_marker = 338, - eCSSProperty_outline = 339, - eCSSProperty__moz_outline_radius = 340, - eCSSProperty_overflow = 341, - eCSSProperty_padding = 342, - eCSSProperty_scroll_snap_type = 343, - eCSSProperty_text_decoration = 344, - eCSSProperty_text_emphasis = 345, - eCSSProperty__webkit_text_stroke = 346, - eCSSProperty__moz_transform = 347, - eCSSProperty_transition = 348, - eCSSProperty_COUNT = 349, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformOrigin = 350, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspectiveOrigin = 351, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPerspective = 352, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransformStyle = 353, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBackfaceVisibility = 354, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderImage = 355, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransition = 356, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDelay = 357, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDuration = 358, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionProperty = 359, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionTimingFunction = 360, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimation = 361, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDelay = 362, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDirection = 363, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDuration = 364, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationFillMode = 365, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationIterationCount = 366, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationName = 367, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationPlayState = 368, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationTimingFunction = 369, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBoxSizing = 370, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontFeatureSettings = 371, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontLanguageOverride = 372, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingEnd = 373, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingStart = 374, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginEnd = 375, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginStart = 376, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEnd = 377, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndColor = 378, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndStyle = 379, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndWidth = 380, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStart = 381, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartColor = 382, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartStyle = 383, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartWidth = 384, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozHyphens = 385, - eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTextAlignLast = 386, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimation = 387, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDelay = 388, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDirection = 389, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDuration = 390, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationFillMode = 391, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationIterationCount = 392, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationName = 393, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationPlayState = 394, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationTimingFunction = 395, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFilter = 396, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTextSizeAdjust = 397, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransform = 398, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformOrigin = 399, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformStyle = 400, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackfaceVisibility = 401, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspective = 402, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspectiveOrigin = 403, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransition = 404, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDelay = 405, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDuration = 406, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionProperty = 407, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionTimingFunction = 408, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderRadius = 409, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius = 410, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopRightRadius = 411, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = 412, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius = 413, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundClip = 414, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundOrigin = 415, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundSize = 416, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderImage = 417, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxShadow = 418, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxSizing = 419, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxFlex = 420, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup = 421, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrient = 422, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxDirection = 423, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxAlign = 424, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxPack = 425, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexDirection = 426, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexWrap = 427, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexFlow = 428, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitOrder = 429, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlex = 430, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexGrow = 431, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexShrink = 432, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexBasis = 433, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitJustifyContent = 434, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignItems = 435, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignSelf = 436, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignContent = 437, - eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitUserSelect = 438, - eCSSProperty_COUNT_with_aliases = 439, - eCSSPropertyExtra_all_properties = 440, - eCSSPropertyExtra_x_none_value = 441, - eCSSPropertyExtra_x_auto_value = 442, - eCSSPropertyExtra_variable = 443, + eCSSProperty_shape_outside = 240, + eCSSProperty_shape_rendering = 241, + eCSSProperty__x_span = 242, + eCSSProperty_stack_sizing = 243, + eCSSProperty_stop_color = 244, + eCSSProperty_stop_opacity = 245, + eCSSProperty_stroke = 246, + eCSSProperty_stroke_dasharray = 247, + eCSSProperty_stroke_dashoffset = 248, + 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+ eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransition = 357, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDelay = 358, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionDuration = 359, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionProperty = 360, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTransitionTimingFunction = 361, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimation = 362, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDelay = 363, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDirection = 364, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationDuration = 365, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationFillMode = 366, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationIterationCount = 367, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationName = 368, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationPlayState = 369, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozAnimationTimingFunction = 370, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBoxSizing = 371, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontFeatureSettings = 372, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozFontLanguageOverride = 373, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingEnd = 374, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozPaddingStart = 375, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginEnd = 376, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozMarginStart = 377, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEnd = 378, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndColor = 379, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndStyle = 380, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderEndWidth = 381, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStart = 382, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartColor = 383, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartStyle = 384, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozBorderStartWidth = 385, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozHyphens = 386, + eCSSPropertyAlias_MozTextAlignLast = 387, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimation = 388, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDelay = 389, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDirection = 390, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationDuration = 391, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationFillMode = 392, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationIterationCount = 393, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationName = 394, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationPlayState = 395, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAnimationTimingFunction = 396, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFilter = 397, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTextSizeAdjust = 398, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransform = 399, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformOrigin = 400, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransformStyle = 401, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackfaceVisibility = 402, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspective = 403, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitPerspectiveOrigin = 404, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransition = 405, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDelay = 406, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionDuration = 407, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionProperty = 408, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitTransitionTimingFunction = 409, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderRadius = 410, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius = 411, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderTopRightRadius = 412, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius = 413, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius = 414, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundClip = 415, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundOrigin = 416, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBackgroundSize = 417, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBorderImage = 418, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxShadow = 419, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxSizing = 420, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxFlex = 421, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup = 422, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxOrient = 423, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxDirection = 424, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxAlign = 425, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitBoxPack = 426, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexDirection = 427, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexWrap = 428, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexFlow = 429, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitOrder = 430, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlex = 431, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexGrow = 432, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexShrink = 433, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitFlexBasis = 434, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitJustifyContent = 435, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignItems = 436, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignSelf = 437, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitAlignContent = 438, + eCSSPropertyAlias_WebkitUserSelect = 439, + eCSSProperty_COUNT_with_aliases = 440, + eCSSPropertyExtra_all_properties = 441, + eCSSPropertyExtra_x_none_value = 442, + eCSSPropertyExtra_x_auto_value = 443, + eCSSPropertyExtra_variable = 444, } #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] @@ -5331,6 +5339,17 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_imgRequestProxyStatic() { pub enum nsStyleContext { } pub enum nsTextFrame { } #[repr(C)] +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct FragmentOrURL { + pub mURL: nsCOMPtr, + pub mIsLocalRef: bool, +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_FragmentOrURL() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleFont { pub mFont: nsFont, pub mSize: nscoord, @@ -5575,7 +5594,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers_Repeat() { #[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleImageLayers_Layer { pub mImage: nsStyleImage, - pub mSourceURI: nsCOMPtr, + pub mSourceURI: FragmentOrURL, pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, pub mSize: nsStyleImageLayers_Size, pub mClip: u8, @@ -5588,12 +5607,12 @@ pub struct nsStyleImageLayers_Layer { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers_Layer() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 104usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 112usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleImageLayers() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 160usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 168usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } extern "C" { @@ -5611,7 +5630,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleBackground { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleBackground() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 168usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 176usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] @@ -6064,6 +6083,42 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleAnimation() { assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] +#[derive(Debug)] +pub struct StyleBasicShape { + pub mRefCnt: nsAutoRefCnt, + pub _mOwningThread: nsAutoOwningThread, + pub mType: StyleBasicShapeType, + pub mFillRule: i32, + pub mCoordinates: nsTArray, + pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, + pub mRadius: nsStyleCorners, +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleBasicShape() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 128usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleShapeSource; +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleClipPath { + pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 2usize], +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleClipPath() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] +pub struct StyleShapeOutside { + pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 2usize], +} +#[test] +fn bindgen_test_layout_StyleShapeOutside() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); +} +#[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mBinding: RefPtr, pub mDisplay: u8, @@ -6071,8 +6126,8 @@ pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mContain: u8, pub mAppearance: u8, pub mPosition: u8, - pub mFloat: u8, - pub mOriginalFloat: u8, + pub mFloat: StyleFloat, + pub mOriginalFloat: StyleFloat, pub mBreakType: u8, pub mBreakInside: u8, pub mBreakBefore: bool, @@ -6116,10 +6171,11 @@ pub struct nsStyleDisplay { pub mAnimationFillModeCount: u32, pub mAnimationPlayStateCount: u32, pub mAnimationIterationCountCount: u32, + pub mShapeOutside: [u64; 2usize], } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleDisplay() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 408usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 424usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] @@ -6166,25 +6222,25 @@ pub enum nsStyleContentType { #[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleContentData { pub mType: nsStyleContentType, - pub mContent: nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26, + pub mContent: nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { +pub struct nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { pub mString: __BindgenUnionField<*mut ::std::os::raw::c_ushort>, pub mImage: __BindgenUnionField<*mut imgRequestProxy>, pub mCounters: __BindgenUnionField<*mut Array>, pub _bindgen_data_: u64, } -impl nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26 { +impl nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { } +impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_26() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() +fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleContentData_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] @@ -6299,17 +6355,6 @@ extern "C" { #[link_name = "_ZN13nsStyleColumn15kMaxColumnCountE"] pub static nsStyleColumn_consts_kMaxColumnCount: ::std::os::raw::c_uint; } -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] -pub struct FragmentOrURL { - pub mURL: nsCOMPtr, - pub mIsLocalRef: bool, -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_FragmentOrURL() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum nsStyleSVGPaintType { @@ -6329,26 +6374,26 @@ pub enum nsStyleSVGOpacitySource { #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint { - pub mPaint: nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27, + pub mPaint: nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28, pub mType: nsStyleSVGPaintType, pub mFallbackColor: nscolor, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { +pub struct nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { pub mColor: __BindgenUnionField, pub mPaintServer: __BindgenUnionField<*mut FragmentOrURL>, pub _bindgen_data_: u64, } -impl nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27 { +impl nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { } +impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_27() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() +fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGPaint_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28() { + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() + assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[test] @@ -6383,7 +6428,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleSVG { } #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum nsStyleSVG_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_28 { +pub enum nsStyleSVG_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { FILL_OPACITY_SOURCE_MASK = 3, STROKE_OPACITY_SOURCE_MASK = 12, STROKE_DASHARRAY_CONTEXT = 16, @@ -6399,60 +6444,6 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVG() { } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] -pub struct nsStyleBasicShape { - pub mRefCnt: nsAutoRefCnt, - pub _mOwningThread: nsAutoOwningThread, - pub mType: nsStyleBasicShape_Type, - pub mFillRule: i32, - pub mCoordinates: nsTArray, - pub mPosition: nsStyleImageLayers_Position, - pub mRadius: nsStyleCorners, -} -#[repr(u32)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] -pub enum nsStyleBasicShape_Type { - eInset = 0, - eCircle = 1, - eEllipse = 2, - ePolygon = 3, -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleBasicShape() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 128usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] -pub struct nsStyleClipPath { - pub nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29: nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29, - pub mType: StyleClipPathType, - pub mSizingBox: StyleClipShapeSizing, -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug, Copy)] -pub struct nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { - pub mBasicShape: __BindgenUnionField<*mut nsStyleBasicShape>, - pub mURL: __BindgenUnionField<*mut FragmentOrURL>, - pub _bindgen_data_: u64, -} -impl nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { } -impl ::std::clone::Clone for nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleClipPath_nsStyleStruct_h_unnamed_29() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() - , 8usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() - , 8usize); -} -#[test] -fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleClipPath() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 16usize); - assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); -} -#[repr(C)] -#[derive(Debug)] pub struct nsStyleFilter { pub mType: i32, pub mFilterParameter: nsStyleCoord, @@ -6484,7 +6475,7 @@ fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleFilter() { #[repr(C)] pub struct nsStyleSVGReset { pub mMask: nsStyleImageLayers, - pub mClipPath: nsStyleClipPath, + pub mClipPath: [u64; 2usize], pub mStopColor: nscolor, pub mFloodColor: nscolor, pub mLightingColor: nscolor, @@ -6496,7 +6487,7 @@ pub struct nsStyleSVGReset { } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_nsStyleSVGReset() { - assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 200usize); + assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 208usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } #[repr(C)] diff --git a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/tools/regen.py b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/tools/regen.py index 653213f848da..e2998f752233 100755 --- a/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/tools/regen.py +++ b/ports/geckolib/gecko_bindings/tools/regen.py @@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ "Maybe", # <- AlignedStorage, which means templated union, which # means impossible to represent in stable rust as of # right now. + # Union handling falls over for templated types. + "StyleShapeSource", "StyleClipPath", "StyleShapeOutside", ], }, # Generation of the ffi bindings.