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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 29, 2019. It is now read-only.


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SimplePack (SPK)

The spk archiving format is a developer-friendly(read: easy to use, even without libspk) format for archiving files and directories.

File format

Magic Value: 'S' 'P' 'K' '\xFF' '\0'


Name Description Size
Path Contains the path, padded with 0x00 char[255]
Type Contains the type: 1 = file; 2 = directory; 3 = symlink uint8_t
Mode File access permissions uint16_t
UID User ID for file/directory: 0xffff = ignored uint16_t
GID Group ID for file/directory: 0xffff = ignored uint16_t
Length Size of archived file, always 0 if directory uint32_t
Content file contents, destination path if symlink $Length