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Python ARPA Package

Python library for reading ARPA n-gram models.


Python 3.4+

PyPI Python Versions PyPI Version

In order to install the Python 3 version:

$ pip install --user -U arpa

Python 2.7

PyPI Python Versions PyPI Version

In order to install the Python 2.7 version:

$ pip install --user -U arpa-backport


The package may be imported directly:

import arpa  # Python 3.4+
# OR
import arpa_backport as arpa  # Python 2.7

models = arpa.loadf("")
lm = models[0]  # ARPA files may contain several models.

# probability p(end|in, the)
lm.p("in the end")
lm.log_p("in the end")

# sentence score w/ sentence markers
lm.s("This is the end .")
lm.log_s("This is the end .")

# sentence score w/o sentence markers
lm.s("This is the end .", sos=False, eos=False)
lm.log_s("This is the end .", sos=False, eos=False)


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Contributions are welcome!
Write a bug report or send a pull request.
Other contributors have done so before.


Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Stefan Fischer
The source code is available under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for further details.