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Library and program to parse and forward HAProxy logs.

The HTTP logs is HTTP request that received by HAProxy frontend and forwarded to backend. In default format, it looks like these (split into multi lines, for readability):

<158>Sep  4 17:08:47 haproxy[109530]:
  [04/Sep/2022:17:08:47.264] www~ be_kilabit/kilabit-0.0/0/1/2/3 200 89 - -
  ---- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0 "GET / HTTP/1.1"

See HTTP log format documentation for more information.

Currently, there are two supported database where haminer can forward the parsed log: influxdb and questdb. Haminer support Influxdb v1 and v2.

 +---------+  UDP  +---------+      +-----------+
 | HAProxy |------>| haminer |----->| influxdb  |
 +---------+       +---------+      | / questdb |

In Influxdb, the log are stored as measurement called haproxy. In Questdb, the log are stored as table called haproxy.

The following fields are stored as tags (in Influxdb) or symbol (in Questdb): host, server, backend, frontend, http_method, http_url, http_query, http_proto, http_status, term_state, client_ip, client_port.

And the following fields are stored as fields (in Influxdb) or values (in Questdb): time_req, time_wait, time_connect, time_rsp, time_all, conn_active, conn_frontend, conn_backend, conn_server, conn_retries, queue_server, queue_backend, bytes_read.

Once the log has been accumulated, we can query the data. For example, with Questdb we can count each visited URL using the following query,

select backend, http_url, count(*) as visit from 'haproxy'
group by backend, http_url
order by visit desc;


  • Go for building from source code

  • git for downloading source code

Get the source code using git,

$ git clone
$ cd haminer
$ make

The binary name is haminer build in the current directory.

The Arch Linux package is available at Add the following repository to your pacman.conf,

Server =

To install it,

$ sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm haminer-git

haminer by default will load it’s config from /etc/haminer.conf, if not specified when running the program.

See haminer.conf for an example of possible configuration and their explanation.

Currently, there are two supported database where haminer can forward the parsed log: influxdb and questdb. Haminer support Influxdb v1 and v2.

For v1, you need to create the user and database first,

$ influx
> CREATE USER "haminer" WITH PASSWORD 'haminer'
> GRANT ALL ON haminer TO haminer

Example of forwarder configuration,

[forwarder "influxd"]
version = v1
url =
bucket = haminer
user = haminer
password  = haminer

For v2,

$ sudo influx bucket create \
	--name haminer \
	--retention 30d

For v2, the example configuration is

[forwarder "influxd"]
version = v1
url =
org = $org
bucket = haminer
token = $token

For questdb the configuration is quite simple,

[forwarder "questdb"]
url = udp://

We did not need to create the table, questdb will handled that automatically.

  1. Copy configuration from $SOURCE/cmd/haminer/haminer/conf to /etc/haminer.conf

  2. Update haminer configuration in /etc/haminer.conf

    For example,

    listen =

    Add one or more provider to the configuration as the example above.

  3. Update HAProxy config to forward log to UDP port other than rsyslog.

    For example,

    	log local3

    Then reload or restart HAProxy.

  4. Run the haminer program,

    $ haminer

    or use a systemd service.

    $ sudo systemctl enable haminer
    $ sudo systemctl start  haminer
haminer - Library and program to parse and forward HAProxy logs.
Copyright (C) 2018-2022 M. Shulhan <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.
If not, see <>.


[mirror] Library and program to parse and forward HAProxy HTTP logs








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