diff --git a/doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehmain.c b/doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehmain.c index 9ea9c8ab4e..efbc76ab7a 100644 --- a/doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehmain.c +++ b/doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehmain.c @@ -463,6 +463,18 @@ static const struct { { "C4TEXT", "THE HORRENDOUS VISAGE OF THE BIGGEST\nDEMON YOU'VE EVER SEEN CRUMBLES BEFORE\nYOU, AFTER YOU PUMP YOUR ROCKETS INTO\nHIS EXPOSED BRAIN. THE MONSTER SHRIVELS\nUP AND DIES, ITS THRASHING LIMBS\nDEVASTATING UNTOLD MILES OF HELL'S\nSURFACE.\n\nYOU'VE DONE IT. THE INVASION IS OVER.\nEARTH IS SAVED. HELL IS A WRECK. YOU\nWONDER WHERE BAD FOLKS WILL GO WHEN THEY\nDIE, NOW. WIPING THE SWEAT FROM YOUR\nFOREHEAD YOU BEGIN THE LONG TREK BACK\nHOME. REBUILDING EARTH OUGHT TO BE A\nLOT MORE FUN THAN RUINING IT WAS.\n" }, { "C5TEXT", "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE SECRET\nLEVEL! LOOKS LIKE IT'S BEEN BUILT BY\nHUMANS, RATHER THAN DEMONS. YOU WONDER\nWHO THE INMATES OF THIS CORNER OF HELL\nWILL BE." }, { "C6TEXT", "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE\nSUPER SECRET LEVEL! YOU'D BETTER\nBLAZE THROUGH THIS ONE!\n" }, + { "P1TEXT", "You gloat over the steaming carcass of the\nGuardian. With its death, you've wrested\nthe Accelerator from the stinking claws\nof Hell. You relax and glance around the\nroom. Damn! There was supposed to be at\nleast one working prototype, but you can't\nsee it. The demons must have taken it.\n\nYou must find the prototype, or all your\nstruggles will have been wasted. Keep\nmoving, keep fighting, keep killing.\nOh yes, keep living, too." }, + { "P2TEXT", "Even the deadly Arch-Vile labyrinth could\nnot stop you, and you've gotten to the\nprototype Accelerator which is soon\nefficiently and permanently deactivated.\n\nYou're good at that kind of thing." }, + { "P3TEXT", "You've bashed and battered your way into\nthe heart of the devil-hive. Time for a\nSearch-and-Destroy mission, aimed at the\nGatekeeper, whose foul offspring is\ncascading to Earth. Yeah, he's bad. But\nyou know who's worse!\n\nGrinning evilly, you check your gear, and\nget ready to give the bastard a little Hell\nof your own making!" }, + { "P4TEXT", "The Gatekeeper's evil face is splattered\nall over the place. As its tattered corpse\ncollapses, an inverted Gate forms and\nsucks down the shards of the last\nprototype Accelerator, not to mention the\nfew remaining demons. You're done. Hell\nhas gone back to pounding bad dead folks \ninstead of good live ones. Remember to\ntell your grandkids to put a rocket\nlauncher in your coffin. If you go to Hell\nwhen you die, you'll need it for some\nfinal cleaning-up ..." }, + { "P5TEXT", "You've found the second-hardest level we\ngot. Hope you have a saved game a level or\ntwo previous. If not, be prepared to die\naplenty. For master marines only." }, + { "P6TEXT", "Betcha wondered just what WAS the hardest\nlevel we had ready for ya? Now you know.\nNo one gets out alive." }, + { "T1TEXT", "You've fought your way out of the infested\nexperimental labs. It seems that UAC has\nonce again gulped it down. With their\nhigh turnover, it must be hard for poor\nold UAC to buy corporate health insurance\nnowadays..\n\nAhead lies the military complex, now\nswarming with diseased horrors hot to get\ntheir teeth into you. With luck, the\ncomplex still has some warlike ordnance\nlaying around." }, + { "T2TEXT", "You hear the grinding of heavy machinery\nahead. You sure hope they're not stamping\nout new hellspawn, but you're ready to\nream out a whole herd if you have to.\nThey might be planning a blood feast, but\nyou feel about as mean as two thousand\nmaniacs packed into one mad killer.\n\nYou don't plan to go down easy." }, + { "T3TEXT", "The vista opening ahead looks real damn\nfamiliar. Smells familiar, too -- like\nfried excrement. You didn't like this\nplace before, and you sure as hell ain't\nplanning to like it now. The more you\nbrood on it, the madder you get.\nHefting your gun, an evil grin trickles\nonto your face. Time to take some names." }, + { "T4TEXT", "Suddenly, all is silent, from one horizon\nto the other. The agonizing echo of Hell\nfades away, the nightmare sky turns to\nblue, the heaps of monster corpses start \nto evaporate along with the evil stench \nthat filled the air. Jeeze, maybe you've\ndone it. Have you really won?\n\nSomething rumbles in the distance.\nA blue light begins to glow inside the\nruined skull of the demon-spitter." }, + { "T5TEXT", "What now? Looks totally different. Kind\nof like King Tut's condo. Well,\nwhatever's here can't be any worse\nthan usual. Can it? Or maybe it's best\nto let sleeping gods lie.." }, + { "T6TEXT", "Time for a vacation. You've burst the\nbowels of hell and by golly you're ready\nfor a break. You mutter to yourself,\nMaybe someone else can kick Hell's ass\nnext time around. Ahead lies a quiet town,\nwith peaceful flowing water, quaint\nbuildings, and presumably no Hellspawn.\n\nAs you step off the transport, you hear\nthe stomp of a cyberdemon's iron shoe." }, { "CC_ZOMBIE", "ZOMBIEMAN" }, { "CC_SHOTGUN", "SHOTGUN GUY" }, { "CC_HEAVY", "HEAVY WEAPON DUDE" }, @@ -2055,12 +2067,12 @@ static void patchMusicLumpNames(const char* origName, const char* newName) static const char* textIDForOrigString(const char* str) { - size_t i; + size_t i; i = 0; do { - if(!strcmp(TextMap[i].str, str)) + if(!stricmp(TextMap[i].str, str)) return TextMap[i].id; } while(TextMap[++i].id != NULL);