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Become a sponsor to Giuseppe Sollazzo

I release occasional work in the data journalism space with all details open sourced.

A few examples:

If you wish to support any of these, please chip in.


Move to part-time working and give my open source work - producing tools for analysis especially in data journalisms, and writing - some proper time

Current sponsors 9

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Past sponsors 13

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Featured work

  1. puntofisso/SpikesMap

    Replicating in Python the electoral maps made by the Berliner Morgenpost

    Jupyter Notebook 15
  2. puntofisso/twitter-death-checker

    Automatically put people who don't tweet in a list (and unfollow); signal people from that list who resume tweeting (or refollow)

    Python 5
  3. puntofisso/RS-ParlyHack

    Rewired State - UK Parliament Week Hack 2012

    JavaScript 3
  4. puntofisso/AccHack14

    Accountability Hack 2014 [UK Parliament, National Audit Office, ONS]

    PHP 1

1% towards $1,500 per month goal

@NatHigginbottom @leeprovoost
@casperdcl @truetoe @amertner @Annemcx

NatHigginbottom and 8 others sponsor this goal

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